“One of the few”? I would question your assumption that most English speaking Canadians are bigoted. Not all of us have the obvious bias against Quebec and the French that you do.
As I’ve said before, I’ve spent a lot of time in Quebec and Montreal and have not had the same experiences you say you’ve had.
Canada is a better country with Quebec and Quebec is a better place within Canada. Nobody’s talking about separation in Quebec now but they are talking about it in Western Canada. Would you be happy if Alberta separates too, or is it just a French thing with you?
The francophone community in Canada is larger than Quebec, it includes Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick and even here in Nova Scotia. The French in Quebec are reacting to the massive influence of the global Anglo culture on their own, they are not alone in this either, many smaller ethno/nations have taken measures to protect their langue and cultures from the influence of English. Many people mistake this for old fashioned bigotry, but it's more about cultural preservation and a different social attitude too.
When people complain the civil government suppresses Muslims (clothing), they forget the civil government at times persecuted the Catholic church too! In many Catholic countries priests are forbidden to wear robes in public, sometimes Americans view things through the lens of absolute religious freedom and many places in Europe still have state religions supported by the government.
I have a good friend who is Acadian French and there are cultural as well as linguistic differences, I lived in both solitudes for a spell.