Conservatives programed to trigger at words "Black Lives Matter" by Russian trolls.

Yeah man he said BLM and ALM, he didn’t say black people.
He said BLM was a good idea.
I’m cool with what he said.
You know I’m black right?
Yes I know. He said it was a good “idea”. I read what he put. It was a sarcastic way of saying he likes the idea. Guess I read it different
I DO NOT SUPPORT ALM OR BLM. ALM is just plain stupid but BLM is a good idea (hence I said Idea) i don't support the movement at all simply because of they ways they 'protest'/riot and the BLM organization literally said that they were trained marxists-leninists plus the leader of the organization used $200k from the donations to spend on himself.BLM hasn't even done anything for Black Lives aswell all they have done is try to make a white saviour complex within society and try to force radical-liberalism on the USA. During some of the riots they literally said "Death to all white people." just think are you seriously ok with this?
You're sort of correct. One area leader over Atlanta was guilty of doing that. But 99.9% of the protestors are peaceful. However anger is a normal response when treated the way they are treated. BLM is getting some good results. The rioters arent supported nor condoned by the movement. Thats like saying all cops are racist and trigger happy just because of a few bad apples. The majority of the blm is peaceful. Racism is very real and if you're surprised by some people being angry enough to act out then you dont understand what blm is about. Not at all
Did you ever go to the caves down there?
Yeah. I was born 20 miles from Peebles. The old water works lake on the east side of town on what used to be route 32 was where lots of people swim. I fished and fish giged brush creek. I was a true redneck. Butchered our own meat and hunted and fished for the rest. It was a dry county then. Tough times. I get up there every few months at the festivals in adams county. Used to be nice. Not so much now.
Yeah. I was born 20 miles from Peebles. The old water works lake on the east side of town on what used to be route 32 was where lots of people swim. I fished and fish giged brush creek. I was a true redneck. Butchered our own meat and hunted and fished for the rest. It was a dry county then. Tough times. I get up there every few months at the festivals in adams county. Used to be nice. Not so much now.
I lived for a while in “The Eden of Ohio” just north of you.
I’m sure you bagged plenty of turkeys.
I lived for a while in “The Eden of Ohio” just north of you.
I’m sure you bagged plenty of turkeys.
Actually in the 50's and 60's deer and turkeys were scarce. Quail and woodcock were plentiful. We killed two hogs and a beef and 100 chickens every fall. Made our own lard too. But the hillbilly way died out when rte 32 brought civilization to the area. 4 lanes to Cincinnati to work. I know many that started out in factories. Priorities changed. They did repopulate turkeys and now it's not uncommon to see several dozen at a time. My dogs chase them now. Not many hunting. Deer are everywhere. Back in the fifties and sixties lots of really poor people ate deer. One game warden back then. It kept the population at bay. I knew a family that lived in a log cabin with dirt floors. Not like the cabins of today. The Amish own most of the land up on wheat ridge now.
Actually in the 50's and 60's deer and turkeys were scarce. Quail and woodcock were plentiful. We killed two hogs and a beef and 100 chickens every fall. Made our own lard too. But the hillbilly way died out when rte 32 brought civilization to the area. 4 lanes to Cincinnati to work. I know many that started out in factories. Priorities changed. They did repopulate turkeys and now it's not uncommon to see several dozen at a time. My dogs chase them now. Not many hunting. Deer are everywhere. Back in the fifties and sixties lots of really poor people ate deer. One game warden back then. It kept the population at bay. I knew a family that lived in a log cabin with dirt floors. Not like the cabins of today. The Amish own most of the land up on wheat ridge now.
Now those damn deer are everywhere. If you drive from Wilmington down you’ll usually see a ton especially at dusk.
I’ve got friends in Hillsborough county. Her family had land up by airborne and more or less had to sell out, so she finally moved down south. Beautiful area for sure.
I honestly can't believe some pussies get triggered period

Turns out when you apply a steady amount of stimulus continuously, humans become pretty programmable.

The data driven nonsense being spammed to these people across every forum, the steady drip of adrenaline rushes they get when trying to 'own a lib' for years, combined with the percent of people who are left adrift in our society that are not fully functional, and it seems to be about right IMO.

Someone has a really shit day, say changes relationship status from married to divorced on their social media, and gets a flood of support from 'friends' online who turn out in the long run to be the same troll radicalizing them into becoming a INCEL.

A little spy ware downloaded on that guys computer and they know every website story, chat room, personal info, anything all being collected on what 200 million Americans (for years)? The pinpoint accuracy of their attack and I think the number of crazies that Trump's militarized trolls (foreign and domestic) have likely pinpointed. It seems* about right.

*seems = bullshit