What question would you ask Amy Coney Barrett?

Why you?
Why are you lying?
I don’t give a shit that she’s catholic. I think saying she’s catholic is a cover for the group she really belongs to.
I mean I’ve never heard of women being called a handmaiden in a catholic church. I’ve never heard of the men deciding who may date in the catholic church either. wtf
She lived with her boyfriend (now husband) before they were married at another person’s home. If she had gotten pregnant, then what?
I want to like the idea of a younger woman justice, catholic or muslim or atheist, doesn’t matter to me. What matters to me is her extremist lifestyle. What matters to me is the way her demeanor ABSOLUTELY became defensive and impolite and really just combative when it was Harris’ turn. Damn she was like the tiny cat in a cat fight with the boss.

Norment99 said:
As I sit hear reading some of your reply’s and to be honest I’m kind of disgusted. I thought this was a place we’re growers and smokers talked about herb and herb related topics. After I went threw a few threads I’m gunna sign out and probably not come back. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselfs. Some of theses comments are just disgusting and I really would rather not be associated with some of the liberal scum that troll these sights. Good luck to all of you and hopefully someday u won’t be so trashy and disgusting
@Norment99 just go away until you’re grown up and can read the POLITICS sign on the door.
Q: Do you think a hypocrite should serve on the highest court in the land?

Whatever crap answer she gives.

Q2: I ask because you yourself stated 4 years ago that a supreme court justice should never be appointed during an election year. But here you sit. Can you explain that for us please?

Whatever crap answer she gives.

Q3: my point is this: if you're going to abandon your own ruling/statement when it benefits you now, how can anyone be sure you won't do the same in the future?
I just want to know why she can't seem to keep her fucking legs together. 7 goddamn kids?! And here I toAs Borat would say, her twat probably looks like 'sleeve of wizard' at this point from all of that traffic wrecking it.
Why do you think you deserve a spot on the SCOTUS after only 3 years of being a Judge and 15 teaching at Notre Dame ?

Do you have any Morals or Ethics at all ? If you do what are they because we certainly are not seeing any here.

What would you do if you youngest daughter got pregnant being raped by a psychopath ?

What would you do if one of your children wanted to marry the same sex ?

What would you do if Donald Trump didn't grab you by the Pussy ?

Would you consider giving your seat to Merrick Garland just to solve the hypocrisy issue we have in the Republican Senate ?

Finally I know it is not your fault you are here at the time. But please give me some explanation why you are qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice for the rest of your life after no Practical experience ?

I dunno about all of us out here but this shits gotta stop, Trump needs to go at any cost now. They called us Sheep, Who are the real Sheep every single person doing what Donald Says too, because if just one took the time to read the science behind what is happening right now and real facts they might change their minds...... ROFLMAO Because NOT Trump could take a huge Shit on a plate and tell them it's pancakes and those would eat it and not even ask for syrup to cover the shit taste in their mouths.