average yield for outdoor plants

Los Angeles County. So sorry about your loss! I am just sick over the forest mismanagement and the subsequent out of control wildfires we are seeing yearly now. I'd been dreaming of retiring up north in the Sierra foothills, but that dream is literally up in smoke...weed is legal here in Cali, but the state is no longer the great state I grew up in. It just sucks in all areas, except, of course, for weather. LA area is filthy, overcrowded, packed with homeless people, etc. Lots of dispensaries, though...
California has 30 million acres of forests. 57% are National Forests, BLM land and National Parks, they are managed by the Federal Government. 40% of California forests belong to private individuals, Indian tribes, and timber Companies.....so not much of California's forest land is managed by the State of California....
California has 30 million acres of forests. 57% are National Forests, BLM land and National Parks, they are managed by the Federal Government. 40% of California forests belong to private individuals, Indian tribes, and timber Companies.....so not much of California's forest land is managed by the State of California....
May be true, but issue is clear cutting around utilities, and letting brush build up around power lines is a main culprit. I’m not so quick to let Cali off the hook. We have the most over reaching, dumb environmental laws anywhere
Like what?
How about no gasoline cars for sale in 10 years? Or depriving farmers of water to save a smelt? Or how about rolling blackouts because of refusal to generate enough electricity to meet demand? The continued childish fantasy that we can meet electricity demand with wind and solar. The list is endless with the child like thinking of our legislators. This is what happens with one party rule...
We are going to have to get free from fossil fuels sooner or later. I'm all for turning the page on fossil fuels and moving on. Any future infrastructure funding should go to green energy. Electric cars/trucks are the future. The transition won't be difficult if we all pitch in. Pumping the rivers dry to grow cotton and wine grapes is not something I would support. I have a reservation on a new Cybertruck from Tesla.....can't wait
My farm is in the foothills of the Sierras near Grass Valley, it's beautiful up here. :wink:
Fire insurance??????

Electricity cost is highest in California, by far. Sorry, fossil fuels is where we have to be. Electricity, wind and solar will not get it done. If it was viable, we’d be there already and these alternate energy sectors would be booming. Instead, they all only survive with govt subsidy. Most go bankrupt. Solyndra ring a bell? Our economy depends on oil now, and into the future. I am a realist...
Fire insurance??????

Electricity cost is highest in California, by far. Sorry, fossil fuels is where we have to be. Electricity, wind and solar will not get it done. If it was viable, we’d be there already and these alternate energy sectors would be booming. Instead, they all only survive with govt subsidy. Most go bankrupt. Solyndra ring a bell? Our economy depends on oil now, and into the future. I am a realist...
if we quit subsidizing fossil fuels and I would agree....
The United States provides a number of tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as a means of encouraging domestic energy production. These include both direct subsidies to corporations, as well as other tax benefits to the fossil fuel industry. Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil. European Union subsidies are estimated to total 55 billion euros annually.
There is a long history of government intervention in energy markets. Numerous energy subsidies exist in the U.S. tax code to promote or subsidize the production of cheap and abundant fossil energy. Some of these subsidies have been around for a century, and while the United States has enjoyed unparalleled economic growth over the past 100 years—thanks in no small part to cheap energy—in many cases, the circumstances relevant at the time subsidies were implemented no longer exist. Today, the domestic fossil fuel industries (namely, coal, oil and natural gas) are mature and generally highly profitable. Additionally, numerous clean and renewable alternatives exist, which have become increasingly price-competitive with traditional fossil fuels.
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if we quit subsidizing fossil fuels and I would agree....
The United States provides a number of tax subsidies to the fossil fuel industry as a means of encouraging domestic energy production. These include both direct subsidies to corporations, as well as other tax benefits to the fossil fuel industry. Conservative estimates put U.S. direct subsidies to the fossil fuel industry at roughly $20 billion per year; with 20 percent currently allocated to coal and 80 percent to natural gas and crude oil. European Union subsidies are estimated to total 55 billion euros annually.
There is a long history of government intervention in energy markets. Numerous energy subsidies exist in the U.S. tax code to promote or subsidize the production of cheap and abundant fossil energy. Some of these subsidies have been around for a century, and while the United States has enjoyed unparalleled economic growth over the past 100 years—thanks in no small part to cheap energy—in many cases, the circumstances relevant at the time subsidies were implemented no longer exist. Today, the domestic fossil fuel industries (namely, coal, oil and natural gas) are mature and generally highly profitable. Additionally, numerous clean and renewable alternatives exist, which have become increasingly price-competitive with traditional fossil fuels.
You have more faith in alt fuels than us warranted. The power provided by electricity only makes sense if powered by fossil fuels and nuclear. Our modern economy can never be powered by wind and solar. I’ve been hearing this fantasy for decades. It is all wishes, but these alt fuels and industries have never shown to be viable. Electric airplanes? Semi tractor trailers? LOL...that is a joke. Let’s end this. You can think what you’d like; I’ll deal with what is and what is reasonably possible.
Grass Valley is beautiful. What is your fire insurance now???? That situation is all based on dumb environmental regs, not global warming. But do not expect Newsome or those ideologues in Sacto to implement anything reasonable that might actually work. One party rule does not work; Cali is a perfect example. I’m 59, and not one thing is better today in California than it was 20 years ago. In fact, it is much worse.
You have more faith in alt fuels than us warranted. The power provided by electricity only makes sense if powered by fossil fuels and nuclear. Our modern economy can never be powered by wind and solar. I’ve been hearing this fantasy for decades. It is all wishes, but these alt fuels and industries have never shown to be viable. Electric airplanes? Semi tractor trailers? LOL...that is a joke. Let’s end this. You can think what you’d like; I’ll deal with what is and what is reasonably possible.
Grass Valley is beautiful. What is your fire insurance now???? That situation is all based on dumb environmental regs, not global warming. But do not expect Newsome or those ideologues in Sacto to implement anything reasonable that might actually work. One party rule does not work; Cali is a perfect example. I’m 59, and not one thing is better today in California than it was 20 years ago. In fact, it is much worse.
I'm 70 and California born and raised. I wouldn't live anywhere else. I have watched climate change ravage our beautiful state. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. We need to stop burning fossil fuels and move to renewables. I will never buy an ICE car again. Tesla semi's are delivering new electric cars every day...
Have you lived and worked in Los Angeles? THIS is the best place in earth? Best climate and some beautiful places and scenery. That’s it. (Oh, and legal weed, of course). What is better here in Cali today than in past decades? I live and work in the real Cali with real people and issues, and if you deny that it is bad and getting worse in all areas, not better, you either are in denial, or have lots of money and are insulated. Whatever. Retire in a few, and am out. Cali used to be great; now it is not even good overall...
Yeah, cali isnt what it used to be, homeless people & meth users south to north.
fire season is getting longer and more horrific every year. hoping this hard lesson will lead to better forest management.
You might want to do more research, before assuming that Oregon is the promised land. Seriously. Go look on Reddit. Specifically, r/Oregon. People moving to Oregon, and then being pissed about how screwed things are here. Meth users and homeless problems down there??? Yeah, be prepared. It's gotten insane here. Go dig deep in that subreddit. I am very sorry that you lost your home to the fire. Now look at how many people lost theirs in Southern Oregon. Centeral Oregon. It's no different.

From where it appears that you live; the weather shouldn't be an issue. I just SMH at people that move here from out of the region; and then complain about our 9 months of overcast, drizzly weather. It's kinda funny, since they didn't do the research like you're doing.....
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Have you lived and worked in Los Angeles? THIS is the best place in earth? Best climate and some beautiful places and scenery. That’s it. (Oh, and legal weed, of course). What is better here in Cali today than in past decades? I live and work in the real Cali with real people and issues, and if you deny that it is bad and getting worse in all areas, not better, you either are in denial, or have lots of money and are insulated. Whatever. Retire in a few, and am out. Cali used to be great; now it is not even good overall...
I was born in LA... The Air is much better today, (when not on fire) than when i was a kid, you couldn't see across the valley.

Yes, in 90’s and early 200’s, the air was indeed better. Not today! Worse than ever.

I wish I felt the love for our state I used to. But I have seen overcrowding explode; homelessness is orders of magnitude worse; racial polarization worse than ever; much of LA city area is full of trash like it never was; traffic is terrible and filled with unlicensed and uninsured drivers; most schools suck by objective measures; taxes are highest in country; the biggest rich-poor disparity; lousy 1 bedroom apartments in bad areas are $1500+, etc. I’m not bashing the state I was born and raised in; just stating facts as I have experienced them. And the one party, big government programs have only made things worse in last 15-20 years.
No hard feelings...just hate to see what our once great state has become, and the proposed solutions just sound like pipe dreams to me...
But we probably have the best bud, and it is a fantastic growing climate, so there’s that...
Yes, in 90’s and early 200’s, the air was indeed better. Not today! Worse than ever.

I wish I felt the love for our state I used to. But I have seen overcrowding explode; homelessness is orders of magnitude worse; racial polarization worse than ever; much of LA city area is full of trash like it never was; traffic is terrible and filled with unlicensed and uninsured drivers; most schools suck by objective measures; taxes are highest in country; the biggest rich-poor disparity; lousy 1 bedroom apartments in bad areas are $1500+, etc. I’m not bashing the state I was born and raised in; just stating facts as I have experienced them. And the one party, big government programs have only made things worse in last 15-20 years.
No hard feelings...just hate to see what our once great state has become, and the proposed solutions just sound like pipe dreams to me...
But we probably have the best bud, and it is a fantastic growing climate, so there’s that...
I cannot hate on the homeless for coming to California. If you lost your job and had to reason to live in another state, why would you live anywhere else? If you are gonna be poor, California is the place you want to be cause they have programs to offer them help.
I cannot hate on the homeless for coming to California. If you lost your job and had to reason to live in another state, why would you live anywhere else? If you are gonna be poor, California is the place you want to be cause they have programs to offer them help.
I’ve worked more than 30 years with children and families in need and in poverty. That is my point: the programs are not sufficient, and family problems are often much more complex than can be helped much by programs, counselors, etc. no matter how caring and competent the program. I’ve witnessed the state of the family and adult competency in general getting worse, JJ. And the trend line looks on a downward trajectory in so many areas. Hurts my heart...