Copycat genetics

Search this site....buyer beware. Plenty of great breeders that are reasonable. Search some seedbanks and find some breeders in your range and check out reviews here. Might want to start with bodhi and useful....but there are a ton.
Bodhi???Really.....I popped his beans years ago....and frozen vault genetics was just as bad because she was dick riding him as well.....You fucks are still popping strains from years ago....lmfao! That shit ain't fire period! Get with the program and get some genetics in the last 6 months What we have here is a bunch of cheap fucks that want to pay 2 bucks a bean....get fucked!
I have never seen 1 good result from anyone who is an actual known grower and not a fake account. Please post pics during the process. I’m sure there are a ton of interested people. You are a braver person than me. So many great established breeders and you go with them. Fuck the seed price...the time and the electric is what I would be afraid of losing. Worst case I guess you get some nice indoor grown hemp.
Coalcat......listen to how stupid you sound man! You're talking out your ass about a guy's genetics that you never ran.....How about you run a pack of his gear then talk shit.....Cause then you'll be a believer that it's better then the mids you seem to be growing.....
Coalcat......listen to how stupid you sound man! You're talking out your ass about a guy's genetics that you never ran.....How about you run a pack of his gear then talk shit.....Cause then you'll be a believer that it's better then the mids you seem to be growing..... poor fragile ego. Yep you got me and my mids pegged. I would like to apologize to this thread for being skeptical of a breeder who is known to screw over many people over many years. Who disappears and then pops back up every couple years. I apologize for spending my money on well known genetics from reputable breeders who work and test their lines. I apologize for supporting the community I want and not cheap knockoff artists who are in for a quick buck and contribute nothing of substance. I apologize for not listening to the people who just pop on a 21 pg thread with hype and listening to the 554 pg thread of full grows, discussions and reports on useful or the 2758 pages of bodhi. Yea got me. You win.
Btw a couple people on this thread actually DID grow his stuff and they did a good job. They walked us through a couple grows. Which props to them especially on a more hostile thread. I WILL listen to them and their opinions. I didn’t see people doing backflips over the stuff. I personally still wouldn’t grow because of copy’s business practices and past history.
Coalcat......listen to how stupid you sound man! You're talking out your ass about a guy's genetics that you never ran.....How about you run a pack of his gear then talk shit.....Cause then you'll be a believer that it's better then the mids you seem to be growing.....
Lol you think strains that are older than 6 months are shit. Who's the real dumbass?
Bodhi???Really.....I popped his beans years ago....and frozen vault genetics was just as bad because she was dick riding him as well.....You fucks are still popping strains from years ago....lmfao! That shit ain't fire period! Get with the program and get some genetics in the last 6 months What we have here is a bunch of cheap fucks that want to pay 2 bucks a bean....get fucked!
Btw I would be willing to pay way more for bodhi or useful. Seed cost no matter what is negligible when you consider the electric and the work/time. It’s almost not even worth thinking about seed cost, it’s probably one of the cheaper costs In a grow. Which is why I don’t waste my time on shady genetics even if they were free. Those two just don’t happen to gouge people which is why I like to steer newbies in that general direction. I’ve paid well over 150 for a pack and I don’t even blink, but I do admit the higher the price the closer I look. I’ve actually had better luck on cheaper stuff than the expensive. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Isn't his genetics supposed to sell themselves. Did someone hate fuck you before you entered this forum? You definitely make a case for how great his genetics are.

His genetics do sell themselves lol. I had no attitude till I realize how deep y'all dig your heads in the sand.
His genetics do sell themselves lol. I had no attitude till I realize how deep y'all dig your heads in the sand.
Not true snowflake. You've had your panties in a twist before we even posted. You called all the hate BS and anyone saying anything negative just a hater who grows mids.

Show me how many folks buying 150 or 250$ single packs. He has to offer crazy discounts for you newbs to even buy his genetics.
Btw a couple people on this thread actually DID grow his stuff and they did a good job. They walked us through a couple grows. Which props to them especially on a more hostile thread. I WILL listen to them and their opinions. I didn’t see people doing backflips over the stuff. I personally still wouldn’t grow because of copy’s business practices and past history.

The accepted pattern that I'd seen on this thread that you CAN grow copycat you just have to shit on him a couple times first, this is what you want to listen to, not their opinions.
Not true snowflake. You've had your panties in a twist before we even posted. You called all the hate BS and anyone saying anything negative just a hater who grows mids.

Show me how many folks buying 150 or 250$ single packs. He has to offer crazy discounts for you newbs to even buy his genetics.

20 pages and beside me and the other guy there's like 2 people who grew it. The rest of you are talking out of your ass. Yeah you can have your opinions about copy as a person but unless you grew his genetics you don't know wtf you talking about.

Show me how many folks are buying his gear?? You want my guesstimate or you want me to magically find his sales figure? Goddamn you're dumb.
Dude grows like two plants from copy and is already bending over defending him lol
Two plants? Who told you I grew two plants? I grew 2 of his, five diff plants, and two other strains are finishing up in a couple of weeks. You don't know wtf you're talking about