What has Trump done to this country?

So if anyone is paying attention it's looking like tRUmp has designated the Proud Boys as his version of the Nazi SA. That means they will be out trying to disrupt Democrats from voting on election day and violence will be their tool. I'm considering going out to defend our voting rights on election day, wish I was younger and healthier.
Agreed. I commend you on choosing the correct organization. Many might have said SS, Hitler Youth or Gestapo. The Sturmabteilung is the correct analogy. The Proud Boys should keep in mind how that eventually ended for them.
Agreed. I commend you on choosing the correct organization. Many might have said SS, Hitler Youth or Gestapo. The Sturmabteilung is the correct analogy. The Proud Boys should keep in mind how that eventually ended for them.

Yeah, they will help try to steal the election through voter intimidation and violence and tRUmp can say they are just over enthusiastic private citizens, I can't control them.
Agreed. I commend you on choosing the correct organization. Many might have said SS, Hitler Youth or Gestapo. The Sturmabteilung is the correct analogy. The Proud Boys should keep in mind how that eventually ended for them.
The night of the long knives as I recall. Donald should have at least bought them some brown T shirts to go with the MAGA hats. I don't think these assholes are organized enough, some sugar daddy has obviously been funneling them cash lately, wonder who? After the new year the FBI will be taking an intense interest in these groups and any links they might have to law enforcement. The national security community now sees these groups and racism as a national security threat, a source of terrorism and a potential enemy 5th column. I believe the FBI will be enthusiastic about their new mission too, take lot's of cellphone videos, they will be looking for evidence next year if they fuck with this election.
Agreed. I commend you on choosing the correct organization. Many might have said SS, Hitler Youth or Gestapo. The Sturmabteilung is the correct analogy. The Proud Boys should keep in mind how that eventually ended for them.
Proud Boys wouldn't know what you are talking about. The Night of the Long Knives was not covered in Rush Limbaugh's history books.
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Trump's Healthcare Hypocrisy, Christie's Arrogant Superiority & the Virus' Indifference To It All

Ignoring all advice from the Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Trump gathers the rich, the powerful, the influential and the connected together at the White House for a special super-spreader event. The "masters-of-the-universe" crowd (h/t to Thomas Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities), decides to ignore all CDC guidance: no masks, packed shoulder-to-shoulder, lots of hugs and kisses. The political titans apparently believe that their wealth, status and influence serve as a magical shield, protecting them from the coronavirus. Now, one after another, they are testing positive.

On another front, Trump has no less than 10 doctors in crisp, white lab coats closely and carefully monitoring his every vital sign as he sends DOJ attorneys into court to fight like hell to take health care away from tens of millions of America.

Donald Trump's deadly hypocrisy is the height of callousness.
They've owned him since at least the 1990's

Donald has been laundering money for Russians ever since the USSR collapsed, he really got into it seriously when he started buying golf courses with Russian money channeled through Deutsche Bank around 2010 I believe, he had already blown the money from the apprentice by then. I also think they've got Donald in porn movies with underaged girls, every hotel room he ever stayed in in Russia was set up like a fucking movie studio and they have the tapes too.
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They've owned him since at least the 1990's

My uncle was cia for a long time. He went back to work for uncle even after retirement.

He died a couple of years ago and said much the same. Dump is the perfect pawn. Greedy and ignorant.

They couldn’t have found a better stooge. All that Republican preparing for nothing.

Imo they’ve been on him since baby bush at least.
Donald has been laundering money for Russians ever since the USSR collapsed, he really got into it seriously when he started buying golf courses with Russian money channeled through Deutsche Bank around 2010 I believe, he had already blown the money from the apprentice by then. I also think they've got Donald is porn movies with underaged girls, every hotel room he ever stayed in in Russia was set up like a fucking movie studio and they have the tapes too.
I say what I say because uncle laundered money.
Donald has been laundering money for Russians ever since the USSR collapsed, he really got into it seriously when he started buying golf courses with Russian money channeled through Deutsche Bank around 2010 I believe, he had already blown the money from the apprentice by then. I also think they've got Donald is porn movies with underaged girls, every hotel room he ever stayed in in Russia was set up like a fucking movie studio and they have the tapes too.
Are you my cousin by any chance?
Are you my cousin by any chance?
Saw an interview by a journalist who wrote a book detailing it. The narrative some of the press is giving it (ignorance of the facts) is he bought the golf courses with apprentice money, he blew that cash. I believe this is Agalarov money or was channeled through them using Deutsche Bank. Donald made a lot of cash on the Moscow miss universe pageant and Agalarov lost a lot of money, Agalarov is no dummy, Donald is though. Same kinda thing when Donald sold a house in Florida to a Russian oligarch for a huge profit and later the guy just plowed it into the ground.
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Donald has been laundering money for Russians ever since the USSR collapsed, he really got into it seriously when he started buying golf courses with Russian money channeled through Deutsche Bank around 2010 I believe, he had already blown the money from the apprentice by then. I also think they've got Donald in porn movies with underaged girls, every hotel room he ever stayed in in Russia was set up like a fucking movie studio and they have the tapes too.

Trumpy* mentioned this and that he'd be stupid to do anything as he already knew they do it.