Well-Known Member
fixed. Holy shit.
Hooraa! I've been watching this go down with anticipation. Well done!
fixed. Holy shit.
Before I retired from the trade...ok I quit...lolShit man hard lesson learned. Anytime a breaker flips or fries safely, just count your stars . That shit saved your ass...
thst being said def research basic electrical...
good growers will put a whole new pannel in orna seperate circuit... especially in the US , where running 4 legs / 240v has clear efficiency benifits...
learn and be safe man.. good luck..
this is why i do my own damn wirring.. it may be daunting at first butonce you get the basics you can make it safer foryou and everyone...
always ground your equipment ina grow! If its two prongs adapt it to three and ground to somethinf that wont zap your ass...
also ground faultoutlets are a god send... i think they are becoming code in many places ... but if u dont use gfc . Switch to them now...
Another thing is neber upgrade your circuit breaker to a larger one without for sure knowing the wirring amd outlets are code or better...
just dropping general tips for anyone.
peace be safe.
From what an instructor at the community college told me, theyre doing gfci and i think its called arc fault breakersBefore I retired from the trade...ok I
I noticed a lot of newer installs we did had GFI breakers and the bathrooms and water areas would get regular breakers, but have GFI outlets...or GFCI I think is the term used now.
Talk about pissing me off... Fucking hate those damn things, nuisance trips...arc fault breakers
sorry if I'm making things worse throwing in my 2 cents when you have electricians on the call and i am no enectrician but I'm just a college boy and am rooting for you to fix this and I cannot help myself so here I go again. This seems like a problem you have to divide and conquer to find out what part is bad. it really could be any part, the wire, the outlet, the timer, the power strip, any of the lights,...etc. If current exceeds the limit of 15A on your fuse then the fuse blows. Amps is the unit of measure of current strength in electricity. It is much like the current in a river as in how fast is the water flowing downstream. If current goes over what parts were made for components would heat up too much and eventually burn or melt which is like the damn on the river breaking and flooding the town. The breaker turns off the flow of river water so even though the damn is broken the town is saved. Yay!You guys are on this page honestly talking stuff way over my head amps and circuits etc. i can tel you, bedroom 3 is on a “15a”, and the lights my power etc was working fine at 4:45am that morning when I woke up to piss because bathroom lights worked. My ole lady woke me up about 8 said shit was wonky. My timer is set to come on at 6am. Timer flicking on had to do it.
this time last month I was running a hlg100, 4 HLG qb 132, at 70 watts each, twoHLG qb 96 at 150 watts about each, and then myexhaust fan, and multiple fans in the tent.
electrician said breaker was fine, and direction of power loss (idk how he gauges this) was towards direction of my grow room. I have no reason to believe it’s any room but my grow room because I use minimal appliances or electronics otherwise. My oven, washer, dryer, hot water heater, fridge, etc all work fine.
my overhead lights do not nor does half my plugs about. On the direction of home as grow room. Half of living room and everything to the left is A ok.
edit the breaker that won’t click back to correct position is the grow room breaker
Pretty sure all of Canada uses the same 120/240 volt spilt phase power for residential that we use in the USA.I have to ask if you are in Canada because you run on different voltage and I'm not sure if you have to check you are not buying US only electronics?
To no avail, he has tried resetting the breaker with his grow equipment unplugged. This eliminates the grow equipment as the cause.Dont you have to put together hlg ur self? Could be a bad driver drawing too much ...
Fuckin junk. Those are not "more safe" , i think they are more prone to fire. Thats just my opinion. The guys making the codes are not installing them. They are junk, maybe a company will make a better one but ive not ran across a good one yet.Talk about pissing me off... Fucking hate those damn things, nuisance trips...
oops. okay. sorry Ca.Pretty sure all of Canada uses the same 120/240 volt spilt phase power for residential that we use in the USA.
2) Using a multimeter test the wire that was connected to the breaker for continuity to ground. If there is no reading (open circuit) this is a good thing, if there is continuity then we have a short to ground either in the homes wiring OR more likely something faulty that is plugged in on that circuit.
You don't sound like an electrician to me. You can't use a 20 amp fuse unless you have the proper wiring. Or am I misunderstanding something?I 'am an electrician and I 'am confused by this thread lol. You guys sound like my customers when I get there and they already know the answer and use lot's of words to explain it. Go get a electrician to figure it out, I'm sure you can find someone to turn a blind eye or just shut it down for now. Get a 20 amp plug installed in the room for a iron or whatever else you can think of and run with that. Electricity can be a bitch sometimes, trust me I know.
Yeah you have to run a new wire. Try installing electrical equipment specifically for your grow, it's way safer and you know your limits.You don't sound like an electrician to me. You can't use a 20 amp fuse unless you have the proper wiring. Or am I misunderstanding something?