Tonight is the Night

Trump admires the Proud Boy's?
"Stand back & stand by?"
They're already selling shirts with Trumps quote this morning
A bunch of home schooled assholes who probably/are insecure about they're sexuality/manhood so they all get together & rub oil on they're asses/chests/genitals & play with each other dicks while assaulting weaker individuals.
Antifa is an ideology, not a cult.
The Proud Boys are a cult full of fucking racist/misogynist miscreants admired by Trump & that is that.
I'd love too go to battle with one, that would be fun :)

don't they already have 'blood and soil'?
Hi Grimmy!
Some folks think Donald loves himself, Donald knows what Donald is and projects it onto others, Donald actually hates Donald and goes through mental gymnastics in his damaged brain to deal with it the best way he can, project, lie, cheat and steal.

If you had an IQ of 78 would you be proud of the fact? Do you claim to be a "stable genius"? The chosen one?

Who orchestrated what?
You have a 78 IQ and won't admit your faults, why would he? You obsess over donald more than his fans do, you sound like Gollum did over the ring.

Like I said, you have the situational awareness of a rock. This event was made especially for fools like you. trump is a super predator, he will learn from this, biden doesn't want another debate. It was as obvious as watching professional wrestling that this was orchestrated to be a shit show.

Biden looked like he was having ptsd flashbacks the last 5-10 minutes he walked off the stage mortified. He should do great running the country, LMAO. They know hes not qualified so they are trying to make trump look as senial as him.

Hey Biden, whats 2+2?
Biden: Kids need education! Its important!
We know biden, but give us a single fact instead of virtue signaling, anything that proves what 2+2 is!
Biden: College should be free, too!

Might want to stock up on some Baby Ray's, its the only thing that gets the human taste out of the meat. Knowing that most of this country is hairbrained sheep like you makes me lose what little faith I had in it.
trumpy broke prearranged agreed rules- he can't even keep his word to debate properly..trumpy* is a loser because all those kushy obama years his supporters made money but not trumpy* he's broke and in debt 1.1 billlion.
The host never interrupts a speaker in a proper debate, no matter if the speaker is staying on topic or not. You give him his time, uninterrupted, to look like a fool or prove his point.

The host had to man up and say the stuff joe couldn't, they carried him. Sad.
The full version is worth a watch.

You have a 78 IQ and won't admit your faults, why would he? You obsess over donald more than his fans do, you sound like Gollum did over the ring.

Like I said, you have the situational awareness of a rock. This event was made especially for fools like you. trump is a super predator, he will learn from this, biden doesn't want another debate. It was as obvious as watching professional wrestling that this was orchestrated to be a shit show.

Biden looked like he was having ptsd flashbacks the last 5-10 minutes he walked off the stage mortified. He should do great running the country, LMAO. They know hes not qualified so they are trying to make trump look as senial as him.

Hey Biden, whats 2+2?
Biden: Kids need education! Its important!
We know biden, but give us a single fact instead of virtue signaling, anything that proves what 2+2 is!
Biden: College should be free, too!

Might want to stock up on some Baby Ray's, its the only thing that gets the human taste out of the meat. Knowing that most of this country is hairbrained sheep like you makes me lose what little faith I had in it.
I disagree strongly.

It is impossible to come to that conclusion unless you are being brainwashed in real time watching Trump be a troll and not allowing Biden to complete anything he was saying without his trolling. Ive talked to people like that in the real world, they are so keyed up to troll everything that they won't shut up and there is nothing you can do but yell at them to shut up eventually.

Trump demonstrated in real time how to 'trigger' people into a shouting match, but Biden did not rise to his bait.
I don't see another debate happening.

After that shit show, I just don't see it happening.
It will happen & it's only going to get worse.
The fucking World is watching this shit show, scratching they're heads right now, wondering how the fuck did we get here?
Fucking Trump, that's the reason why.

trump is a super predator, he will learn from this, biden doesn't want another debate.
Trump is a desperate moron who cannot learn from his mistakes, neither can you apparently. Support Trump and you are a traitor and a fool, support Biden and you are a patriot, real simple stuff Grimmy, life or death.
I disagree strongly.

It is impossible to come to that conclusion unless you are being brainwashed in real time watching Trump be a troll and not allowing Biden to complete anything he was saying without his trolling. Ive talked to people like that in the real world, they are so keyed up to troll everything that they won't shut up and there is nothing you can do but yell at them to shut up eventually.

Trump demonstrated in real time how to 'trigger' people into a shouting match, but Biden did not rise to his bait.
I watched it on ABC, who are obviously pro democrat claiming to be center, and all the hosts afterward admitted biden lowered himself to trumps level many times. Orchestrated shit show to make trump look as lame as biden, and he fell for it. He should have learned after hillary. Like I said, stock up on the baby rays.

"Both candidates are unqualified, but trump is even less qualified than biden" was the show we watched last night.
Trump is a desperate moron who cannot learn from his mistakes, neither can you apparently. Support Trump and you are a traitor and a fool, support Biden and you are a patriot, real simple stuff Grimmy, life or death.
Without trump, you would be Gollum without the ring.

How about you let the Americans figure out whos a traitor or not? I understand all you lame fuck countries that ride off the back of America are worried that your welfare is going to be cut off, but don't act like you love America more than your homeland.
You have a 78 IQ and won't admit your faults, why would he? You obsess over donald more than his fans do, you sound like Gollum did over the ring.

Like I said, you have the situational awareness of a rock. This event was made especially for fools like you. trump is a super predator, he will learn from this, biden doesn't want another debate. It was as obvious as watching professional wrestling that this was orchestrated to be a shit show.

Biden looked like he was having ptsd flashbacks the last 5-10 minutes he walked off the stage mortified. He should do great running the country, LMAO. They know hes not qualified so they are trying to make trump look as senial as him.

Hey Biden, whats 2+2?
Biden: Kids need education! Its important!
We know biden, but give us a single fact instead of virtue signaling, anything that proves what 2+2 is!
Biden: College should be free, too!

Might want to stock up on some Baby Ray's, its the only thing that gets the human taste out of the meat. Knowing that most of this country is hairbrained sheep like you makes me lose what little faith I had in it.

trump learns nothing; biden will be do not possess the knowledge of the future to make the above statement.