Promix HP soil - 6.5 or 6.8 pH ?


Well-Known Member
Sup y'all,

What do you pH your water & nuted water for soil ? 6.5 or 6.8 or ? I use promix HP soil. And have been pH'ing @ 6.5 ... My good buddy who grows phenomenal says I should be at 6.8 what do you think? I know what the online says but I want your opinion.
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If your buddy is using the same water and hes doing well,id suggest doing what he does.Why change it or even ask?
Depends on how much carbonates are in your water. My ph sits at about 8 but only has a ppm of 120, after adding nutrients it sits at around 6.5. My plants grow great. If you consistently add water with high carbonate it will raise the ph of the medium over time. It will probably take awhile though and if you aren't reusing it it shouldn't be a problem. Nothing wrong with adding a little acid to neutralize the carbonates.
depending on how you're growing, if you had pH buffers in your medium I can't see how 6.5 vs 6.8 would make much of a difference at all. I just get my city water down from 8.5, which is outright insanity, to between 6 and 7 like Sohum calls for and call it a day. If it's a little bit low or high in that range I don't really care, I figure the buffer in the medium will correct it somewhat and that watering in a range of pH may help with nutrient uptake.

Mostly I'm just too lazy to fuck with it after I get it "around where I want," so that's what my girls drink.
Ph does not have to be exact.

People worry about too much. The plants will drink and take nutes from whatever it can get. Its just that the ph level will give optimum uptake for nutes at certain points. Look at a chart...