What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
I love watching the faces of the people to see how much the delay is and how they facially tic at strong points.

Rick Santorum in that video blink-flinches are a obvious tell on the time delay with every key point Jones made in that video.
you know it's coming, you heard the question first- it's almost like being able to see the future..one of my favorites is rudy..how quickly (or not) they can spin.


Well-Known Member
lol cry all you want..greatest prsident ever and will be again 4 more years.crying towels are cheap now so get yours while supplys last ,,GLAD that he got us out of fake climate change..and the rest of the worlds stupid commies shit...BUMS BEWARE get off the government dole losers
We don’t use the word “dole” in this country.
If you’re using ellipses, the proper way is “...”
The word is “president” as in President Joseph Biden.
What’s with the “,,”?
Use a space after a period.
Geez I feel like a third grade remedial English teacher.
Say hello to the rest of your idiot friends and go back over there.
Otherwise we’re going to rip you a new one.


Well-Known Member
Watch, Donald and the republicans will object to mail in ballots until they find they are losing on election day, then Donald will do a 180 and insist all ballots be counted!
Fareed Zakaria: This is how Republicans keep their power

CNN's Fareed Zakaria's discusses President Trump's failure to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election in November and how he could use other branches of the government to retain his position.


Well-Known Member
Watch, Donald and the republicans will object to mail in ballots until they find they are losing on election day, then Donald will do a 180 and insist all ballots be counted!
Fareed Zakaria: This is how Republicans keep their power

CNN's Fareed Zakaria's discusses President Trump's failure to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election in November and how he could use other branches of the government to retain his position.
the shell game works only so many ways and how andrew gillum went from +.5% to desantis +.5%- one whole point in a recount.


Well-Known Member
Watch, Donald and the republicans will object to mail in ballots until they find they are losing on election day, then Donald will do a 180 and insist all ballots be counted!
Fareed Zakaria: This is how Republicans keep their power

CNN's Fareed Zakaria's discusses President Trump's failure to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses the election in November and how he could use other branches of the government to retain his position.
You know what? The Russians (aka Soviets) have spent so much time and money on hacking the election, as it was, that they are freaking the fuck out over mail in ballots.
There’s only one way to screw with mail in ballots and that’s trying to persuade us that it’s a horrible method.
Drugs, money, etc. are sent every day all over the country. But no one worries about that.
Fucking idiots


Well-Known Member
lol cry all you want..greatest prsident ever and will be again 4 more years.crying towels are cheap now so get yours while supplys last ,,GLAD that he got us out of fake climate change..and the rest of the worlds stupid commies shit...BUMS BEWARE get off the government dole losers
Great another fucking sock ...


Well-Known Member
Great another fucking sock ...
So I visited another marijuana site. They are so far right it’s unbelievable.
The first post I tried to make in politics was about qanon. Holy shit, some member from here attacked me immediately because I used a different name. I’m Billy Milligan there. I thought it was funny (multiple personalities and all).
Anyway, OMFG, here they come.
They bitch about RIU continually. They’ve even got a thread dedicated to RIU.
A bunch of idiots.
They come here and watch but don’t have the balls to logon and join in. Kinda like Falwell.
Who’s the guy who supposedly lost his legs, brisco or some shit like that? And then there’s @TreeFarmerCharlie and several other pot forum whores who can’t hold their own in any forum. This is the guy that jumped me straight away because of my name. I use the same avatar. I ain’t hiding.
Anyway, welcome whom ever you are.

edit: I forgot the meme
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