Why didn't you like the look of it though, what was it on that you saw it, because I haven't seen it.
But I am not sure why you would expect him to have to
answer for every crazy ass thing Trump does in real time, there is nothing that the guy can do about it unless he is able to win big.
Sometimes that is just the way it is. Sometimes in order to win, you can't just hope to do enough to get by (exactly how Trump got into office with some
cheating by the Russians suppressing votes enough for him to pull off a squeaker against Clinton a woman who had been under constant right wing attacks for, what, 20 years), you have to absolutely dominate the field.
And for Biden that means not only winning the presidency, but also Democratic control over the senate (51 needed to nominate, 60 to pass anything) and the House (so that investigations can continue be conducted in what is needed to clean up Trump's mess, along with stopping obstruction of the Republicans who are clearly in trouble if they got wrapped up in the NRA/Russia illegalities (like
Nunes) and we cannot afford to let the Republican party gain the power to suppress the facts from the public with bullshit hearing rules and topics (like Benghazi).