I have changed my mind on being open to changing the number of SCOTII though.
Fuck em. They've already stacked the court.
I actually heard someone talking about how Mitch and the republicans (especially Ted Cruz) took it upon themselves to change the number of judges on the SCOTUS to 8 for almost a year, and Cruz went as far as to say he would make sure that if Clinton won, she would not be able to appoint any judges for her 4 years. Meaning without any constitutional power to do so, a handful of Republicans decided to change the number of judges seated. So yeah I agree Fuck it, the Republicans cheated the system, I can see upping the number to 11 being a good thing as a response to their clear theft of Obama's pick.
I can see it might not be something in the next 2 years since there is so many messes to clean up after Trump there might not be time (even if the Democrats win the POTUS and Senate). I don't know enough about how long it would take to pass everything needed along with all Biden's appointments, covid and economic relief packages, shoring up Obamacare, dealing with immigration reform, etc.
i'm disappointed with Romney's position; i was holding out for him to do the right thing like he did with impeach which made no difference but this vote could actually make a difference in joining Collins and Murkowski.
It is a bummer. Anything that the Democrats decide to do if they win and take power in DC in 2021 is on the Republican's double standards.