Only The Best People! Trump's New Judge Appointment.


Well-Known Member
I'll give you a better example of dumb ass! RBG wanted to step down under Obutfucker as to assure a liberal replacement but Hillary said let the first bitch president refill your seat and I will even let you name your replacement. RBG said great idea, now let's go scissor for awhile babe. Well she lost and RBG died. All this shit about baby eating, satan whorship etc. tells me you people must not be flushing your shit before you harvest.
Who filled your head with what a 'liberal' judge is? Also what do you think that it means?

Ted Cruz and other Republican senators also took it upon themselves to change the number of judges on the SCOTUS for a year, as well as threatened to keep it changed for 4 more years. Obama actually sent up someone really conservative for the nominations that the Republicans stopped too. Pretty nuts IMO. The only activist judges I have seen are the ones Trump has appointed.

And welcome to the forum, you have a ignore button because you are going to get trolled a lot if you just go full troll and don't try to have a conversation, and anyone trying to talk to you won't get through. If you are an American and not just another in the endless line of sock-puppet trolls, I suggest you learn about the attack on our democracy that the Russian military is conducting.


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WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett served as a “handmaid,” the term then used for high-ranking female leaders in the People of Praise religious community, an old directory for the group’s members shows.

Barrett has thus far refused to discuss her membership in the Christian organization, which opposes abortion and, according to former members, holds that men are divinely ordained as the “head” of both the family and faith, while it is the duty of wives to obey them.

Portions of two People of Praise directory pages for the South Bend, Indiana, branch were shared with The Associated Press by a former member of the community on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue and because this person still has family members in People of Praise. A second former member, Gene Stowe, who left the South Bend branch on good terms several years ago, confirmed the authenticity of the directory pages. He said he could not say precisely what year the directory was from, but that it had to be 2013 or earlier because one of the people listed had by then moved to another state.

All the top leaders within People of Praise are male, but in each of the group’s 22 regional branches a select group of women is entrusted with mentoring and offering spiritual guidance to other female members. Until recently, these female leaders were called “handmaids,” a reference to Jesus’ mother Mary, who according to the Bible called herself “the handmaid of the Lord.” The organization recently changed the terminology to “woman leader” because it had newly negative connotations after Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” was turned into a popular television show.

The leaders run weekly mens’ or womens’ groups of about half a dozen people where they pray and talk together, and where the leaders offer advice and guidance. They will also organize to help others in the community, such as providing meals when someone gets sick. Under the organization’s rules, no female leader can provide pastoral supervision to a man, former members said.

People of Praise’s belief system is rooted in the Catholic Pentecostal movement, which emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus and can include baptism in the Holy Spirit. As practiced by People of Praise, that can include praying in tongues to receive divine prophecies, heal the sick and cast out evil spirits, according to documents and former members.

Founded in 1971, the nonprofit organization has 22 branches across North America. It is not a church, but a faith community that includes people from several Christian denominations, though most of its roughly 1,800 adult members are Roman Catholic.

The existence of the directory listing Barrett’s name as a handmaid was first reported by The Washington Post late Tuesday. The AP reported last week that a 2006 issue of the group’s internal magazine, Vine & Branches, included a photograph showing that Barrett had attend a national conference reserved for top female leaders in People of Praise.

The group had deleted copies of that magazine and other back issues mentioning Barrett and her family from its website in 2017, when her name first emerged on President Donald Trump’s short list for potential nomination to the Supreme Court.

Back issues of the magazine, tax returns and other documents showed Barrett’s father served as the principal leader of People of Praise’s New Orleans branch and was on the group’s all-male Board of Governors as recently as 2017. Her mother also served in the branch as a handmaid.

Other records uncovered this week also showed that both Barrett and her husband, lawyer Jesse M. Barrett, had lived in the home of two of the group’s co-founders while they were young law students at Notre Dame in the 1990s.

Barrett did not disclose her decades-long affiliation with People of Praise on her voluminous Senate judiciary Committee questionnaires filed last month and three years ago, when the Notre Dame law professor was appointed by Trump to a seat on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago.

Barrett, 48, did not respond to a telephone message seeking comment. The White House press office did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment about why the mother of seven elected not to disclose her membership in People of Praise to the Senate.

Barrett also did not disclose that she had signed a 2006 newspaper adsponsored by an anti-abortion group indicating she opposed “abortion on demand” and defended “the right to life from fertilization to the end of natural life.”

On Tuesday, all 10 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a letter asking the Justice Department to explain the omissions and confirm whether any other materials have been left out from Barrett’s Senate questionnaires. If so, the department should immediately provide the materials for committee review, the senators said.

Barrett’s confirmation hearings are set to begin Monday as Republicans rush to approve her ascension to the Supreme Court before the Nov. 3 election.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4707151
WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett served as a “handmaid,” the term then used for high-ranking female leaders in the People of Praise religious community, an old directory for the group’s members shows.

Barrett has thus far refused to discuss her membership in the Christian organization, which opposes abortion and, according to former members, holds that men are divinely ordained as the “head” of both the family and faith, while it is the duty of wives to obey them.

Portions of two People of Praise directory pages for the South Bend, Indiana, branch were shared with The Associated Press by a former member of the community on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue and because this person still has family members in People of Praise. A second former member, Gene Stowe, who left the South Bend branch on good terms several years ago, confirmed the authenticity of the directory pages. He said he could not say precisely what year the directory was from, but that it had to be 2013 or earlier because one of the people listed had by then moved to another state.

All the top leaders within People of Praise are male, but in each of the group’s 22 regional branches a select group of women is entrusted with mentoring and offering spiritual guidance to other female members. Until recently, these female leaders were called “handmaids,” a reference to Jesus’ mother Mary, who according to the Bible called herself “the handmaid of the Lord.” The organization recently changed the terminology to “woman leader” because it had newly negative connotations after Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” was turned into a popular television show.

The leaders run weekly mens’ or womens’ groups of about half a dozen people where they pray and talk together, and where the leaders offer advice and guidance. They will also organize to help others in the community, such as providing meals when someone gets sick. Under the organization’s rules, no female leader can provide pastoral supervision to a man, former members said.

People of Praise’s belief system is rooted in the Catholic Pentecostal movement, which emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus and can include baptism in the Holy Spirit. As practiced by People of Praise, that can include praying in tongues to receive divine prophecies, heal the sick and cast out evil spirits, according to documents and former members.

Founded in 1971, the nonprofit organization has 22 branches across North America. It is not a church, but a faith community that includes people from several Christian denominations, though most of its roughly 1,800 adult members are Roman Catholic.

The existence of the directory listing Barrett’s name as a handmaid was first reported by The Washington Post late Tuesday. The AP reported last week that a 2006 issue of the group’s internal magazine, Vine & Branches, included a photograph showing that Barrett had attend a national conference reserved for top female leaders in People of Praise.

The group had deleted copies of that magazine and other back issues mentioning Barrett and her family from its website in 2017, when her name first emerged on President Donald Trump’s short list for potential nomination to the Supreme Court.

Back issues of the magazine, tax returns and other documents showed Barrett’s father served as the principal leader of People of Praise’s New Orleans branch and was on the group’s all-male Board of Governors as recently as 2017. Her mother also served in the branch as a handmaid.

Other records uncovered this week also showed that both Barrett and her husband, lawyer Jesse M. Barrett, had lived in the home of two of the group’s co-founders while they were young law students at Notre Dame in the 1990s.

Barrett did not disclose her decades-long affiliation with People of Praise on her voluminous Senate judiciary Committee questionnaires filed last month and three years ago, when the Notre Dame law professor was appointed by Trump to a seat on the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago.

Barrett, 48, did not respond to a telephone message seeking comment. The White House press office did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment about why the mother of seven elected not to disclose her membership in People of Praise to the Senate.

Barrett also did not disclose that she had signed a 2006 newspaper adsponsored by an anti-abortion group indicating she opposed “abortion on demand” and defended “the right to life from fertilization to the end of natural life.”

On Tuesday, all 10 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a letter asking the Justice Department to explain the omissions and confirm whether any other materials have been left out from Barrett’s Senate questionnaires. If so, the department should immediately provide the materials for committee review, the senators said.

Barrett’s confirmation hearings are set to begin Monday as Republicans rush to approve her ascension to the Supreme Court before the Nov. 3 election.
I would grill her over this group and her membership.
I love al franken.


Well-Known Member
I would grill her over this group and her membership.
I love al franken.
I would do a bored smile, and ask how she was doing. Say how I would love for this to actually matter what I asked her, but the Republicans are going to push you through no matter what. And infant they didn't even care if it was you, they were just going to push through whoever it was that Trump nominated.

Maybe point out how the Republicans hope Democrats attack her faith, so that they can use it to rile up the evangelical community. When intact it is very scary for the millions of married couples that she has said she would end their rights to act as anyother married couple because of her beleifs.

Then how she is being nominated while voting is actually taking place showing how much of hypocrites the Republicans are after stopping the first Black POTUS' nominee for almost a year.

And then ask her the only real question that matters. If she will recuse herself from anything dealing with Trump since he is a shown criminal that has allowed a foreign nation to attack our citizens, and that they should never allow a criminal to appoint his judges.


Well-Known Member
'Covid19 is real- it's here and it's queer!' -Lindsay Graham Senate opening statement Amy Culty Barrett

no covid tests were required for the honor system.


Well-Known Member
Yep, you can all starve, we are busy trying to dishonorably pack the court, breaking our promises to the congress and public. No time for the people's business and no desire to help their constituents, boy some of these GOP senators must figure they have it in the bag. Racism, the Trump base and religious lunacy will carry them over the line to victory back home, while the folks there line up at food banks, face unemployment, covid, loss of healthcare and eviction. Judges are more important to jamb through than the welfare of the country and economy, they know they're fucked and have lost the majority, this is a suicide bomb.


Well-Known Member
Trump is fucking finished.
He knows it, the GOP knows it, I know it, my Republican neighbor who has a Biden sign on his front lawn knows it & anyone with a semblance of fucking intelligence also knows it.
Problem now is curtailing/stopping the carnage that is the result of Trump's actions, such as his selection of Justice Amy ( the Handmaiden :) ) Barrett to replace RBG on the Supreme Court.
That's all that really counts now, is damage control
It sucks, the Republicans won. She will be appointed and it will force the Democrats into another corner of fixing a problem that the Republicans can use to further snowball their base while not having shit Democrats can do about the federal judges Trump and Mitch stuffed for the last 4 years, after stopping Obama's ability to appoint for eight years, that will impact their ability to be held accountable for anything however long these judges live, and Trump went young.

They set this up with the census in 2010 after running their "Tea Party" scam and winning state and house seats across the country using essentially the same troll Trump is using today.


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Only the best


Well-Known Member
Only the best
lol I can't stand her, she is full of bs. I just change the channel when she tries to defend the bs that is trump.