"Gateway Drug" Cannabis or is it Nicotine?


Active Member
I got medicated today on some ATF alcohol extract, Two 30mg caps (approx) divided over an hour. This is some serious medicine! Anyhoot, this thought came to me, it was cigarettes that I smoked long b4 I could ever get my hands on weed, and then, my first drug experience was Orange Sunshine LSD in 1971, not weed. So, I am wondering, since nicotine is mood-altering, how many people started smoking or chewing tobacco b4 cannabis... Just so no one thinks I am suggesting either or, I AM NOT... Im curious what other peoples experiences are so SOUND OFF if you want... PEACE AND CANNABIS TO ALL. JUST IMAGINE WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE WHEN CANNABIS GOES FEDERAL... OH I HOPE I AM STILL SUCKING AIR WHEN IT HAPPENS...
I got medicated today on some ATF alcohol extract, Two 30mg caps (approx) divided over an hour. This is some serious medicine! Anyhoot, this thought came to me, it was cigarettes that I smoked long b4 I could ever get my hands on weed, and then, my first drug experience was Orange Sunshine LSD in 1971, not weed. So, I am wondering, since nicotine is mood-altering, how many people started smoking or chewing tobacco b4 cannabis... Just so no one thinks I am suggesting either or, I AM NOT... Im curious what other peoples experiences are so SOUND OFF if you want... PEACE AND CANNABIS TO ALL. JUST IMAGINE WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE WHEN CANNABIS GOES FEDERAL... OH I HOPE I AM STILL SUCKING AIR WHEN IT HAPPENS...
What illness are you treating?
I have chronic hep c, and b, multiple ulcers duodenal / stomach, degenerative disk disease or spine WHATEVER It fuckin hurts al the time, two lower lumbar surgeries so chronic pain syndrome for, hmmm, let's see... 27 years to be damn precise. As well as, depression, anxiety, ADD/Impulsivity, but I think I am normal and would be fine if I wasn't labeled an ADDICT because I like to alter my mood with substances that enhance the mind, body, and spirit... We use to call people like that "Shamans". Nonetheless, I am aging quick and have finally come back to cannabis just seven years ago after walking away from it thirty-five years prior. I wish I would've never stopped using weed back then, but the ole woulda coulda shoulda bares no fruit... I try to live in the moment. Peace and thanks for asking.
Now that's what I would call jumping right in.

Reminds me of what a friend once said in college when his dad asked him, 'are you experimenting with drugs?'

And he answered, 'no, I'm into actual full fledged research.'
INDEED... and I have been "Jumping right in" ever since... funny that you brought up "Research". this is the word I use when I post a review on a dispensary site. I tell them that I am conduction ongoing research in search of the perfect strain, oil, extracts, etc. The owners truly enjoy the pun...Peace
Oh damn. Cannabis for sure. I smoke it when I need to relax in evenings. After that I feel myself very good. But not nicotine - it's too bad for me. I have problems with my health because of nicotine. I hardly try to stop smoking it since last month. Chantix helps me to quit smoking nowadays
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Nicotine was most definitely my gateway drug. I had just turned 19 and was in the US invasion of Panama. Scared as shit when a guy in my squad offered me a Kool. Said it would calm my nerves. Been a smoker ever since and it’s the only habit I can’t quit. I drank heavily daily for 20 years and put it down with no problems. Docs had me taking pain killers for over a decade and I decided to give them up, again, no problem. Cigs? Can’t live without them even after a quintuple bypass surgery.
The real gateway drug for nearly all of us is fucking PROCESSED SUGAR! It stimulates more areas in the brain then cocaine, and we have all been fed it in nearly everything we have been eating since we were very very young.
Indeed, especially in the form of alcohol.
They failed at prohibition of booze before and now it's the elephant in the room of gateway drugs.
I bet you will find far more people who tried blow for the first time because they were drunk, rather than stoned. As for nicotine? Nicotine is another abused drug that used to be considered a sacred plant, something to be enjoyed properly and as part of a spiritual ritual.
Today, it's a billion dollar industry, just like alcohol is.
If pot ever becomes big commercially as these two, you will see they will stop calling it the "gateway drug".
Indeed, especially in the form of alcohol.
They failed at prohibition of booze before and now it's the elephant in the room of gateway drugs.
I bet you will find far more people who tried blow for the first time because they were drunk, rather than stoned. As for nicotine? Nicotine is another abused drug that used to be considered a sacred plant, something to be enjoyed properly and as part of a spiritual ritual.
Today, it's a billion dollar industry, just like alcohol is.
If pot ever becomes big commercially as these two, you will see they will stop calling it the "gateway drug".
I didn't know sugar was considered a "DRUG" but I certainly know it has fucked many people up, me included. But, I still haven't many answer my question,,,, What did you use first, Cannabis or Tobacco? When I say used, I mean on your own will, not being fed sips of beer from dad, etc. though, that may very well be my first mood-altering experience, but I am sure Ill get into that sooner or later...LOL! Peace
I didn't know sugar was considered a "DRUG" but I certainly know it has fucked many people up, me included. But, I still haven't many answer my question,,,, What did you use first, Cannabis or Tobacco? When I say used, I mean on your own will, not being fed sips of beer from dad, etc. though, that may very well be my first mood-altering experience, but I am sure Ill get into that sooner or later...LOL! Peace
Cigarettes for me, via peer pressure. A few years later I went to the same person that gave me smokes to try cannibas the first time. From then on it was like half baked for me hahahaha
Dont know why...but as a child, I was drawn to them as if I was under hypnosis.
here they sold chewing gum in the form of cigarettes :confused: maybe this is was trap for me...
I have chronic hep c, and b, multiple ulcers duodenal / stomach, degenerative disk disease or spine WHATEVER It fuckin hurts al the time, two lower lumbar surgeries so chronic pain syndrome for, hmmm, let's see... 27 years to be damn precise. As well as, depression, anxiety, ADD/Impulsivity, but I think I am normal and would be fine if I wasn't labeled an ADDICT because I like to alter my mood with substances that enhance the mind, body, and spirit... We use to call people like that "Shamans". Nonetheless, I am aging quick and have finally come back to cannabis just seven years ago after walking away from it thirty-five years prior. I wish I would've never stopped using weed back then, but the ole woulda coulda shoulda bares no fruit... I try to live in the moment. Peace and thanks for asking.

Haha. Nice way to evict that smart ass xD

Anyways i think the thing with cigarettes or any substance is about wanting to get wasted or feel some funny buzz. Nicotine does give a small buzz that can be pleasant for many. If you learn this habit to smoke or use something to tickle your funny bone, let it be nicotine, weed, alcohol, lsd or heroine, its not that relevant for if that sort of drives develop or not. Also if you learn the habit of soothing your addictions by smoking a cigarette for example as a young kid, this behavioral pattern is more deep rooted in your psyche, because it is there before much of other stuff is that comes from growing up and you grow up by giving in on the addiction daily. Quitting things can also be learned, but so can relapsing.

Naturally the harder and more addictive substances you use as a kid, it will teach you differently. I mean if you are hooked on crack when you are 13 years old, you learn different behavioral patterns than if you are addicted to tobacco, not to mention how it shapes the brain development differently if you smoke crack all day long vs smoke tobacco, or weed.

Sometimes it can be a single experience that is so great that you want to do it again, and again and again and again.., but thats most likely due to psychological issues you want escape from, or maybe the substance is so strong that it makes a strong impact.

I know people whose first drug is something a lot stronger than weed, like amphetamines, opiates etc are much much more likely to turn complete addicts than those who first smoke weed and then try something stronger. This seems to be more true with women, but maybe its because women who take this route are more fucked up to begin with than men and all the abuse they will likely face being in such a crowd all drugged up, most likely in quite young age, while the guys are likely grown up junkies. And then the drugs ease that stuff..