American Wildfires


You're south at San Francisco Bay. I'm about 80 miles inland at the end of the Willamette Valley by the Columbia river. The smoke sinks to the valley floor and stays there. The air is nasty outside but I'm sure it is there as well. This just sucks all around for everyone but especially those in the fire zones. I have my fingers crossed that we get some weather to help put these fires out and my thoughts go out to those that have lost everything and those still worried about losing property and possessions.

Actually, I'm south of San Jose. I work in Hayward. I missed evacuations by 4 miles or so.
We have some friends in Tualatin. They were on evacuation notice as of yesterday. It's been crazy all up and down the coast.
The aiq has been crap for a few weeks now. It was 192 a little while ago.
I remember when Paradise went up, the smoke hit us from 300 miles away.
This is far worse.

I raked my floors this morning so I'm safe

Most of my outdoor finished early season. I still had 3 "late season" plants going - one Sundae Driver, and 2 Bubblegum Kush.

Here's the thing - I have to go out every morning and afternoon and look for caterpillar eggs. BT only does so much. I crush the eggs by hand twice a day. The ash sticking to the plants for the past week looks like eggs. It's fucked. I pulled everything a week or 3 early. Fuck it.

My house, cars, everything, covered in ash.
Actually, I'm south of San Jose. I work in Hayward. I missed evacuations by 4 miles or so.
We have some friends in Tualatin. They were on evacuation notice as of yesterday. It's been crazy all up and down the coast.
The aiq has been crap for a few weeks now. It was 192 a little while ago.
I remember when Paradise went up, the smoke hit us from 300 miles away.
This is far worse.

I raked my floors this morning so I'm safe


Stay safe.

I'm not in any danger zone but with as dry as it's been a small fire and some wind could turn any neighborhood into a disaster. Unfortunately I have some idiot neighbors a couple houses away that have had 2 small fires in the last few years. Methy looking people. Last ones on the block.. It's a rental. Everyone else owns their homes.
The climate change that the US is responsible for is nothing compared to the rest of the world.
Huh? There is no climate change. It has nothing to do with humans and is just a natural occurance ..... so rest easy, it’s not your fault at all. So glad the big oil companies are now reaping the benefits of a great president and a sunny Prime Minister, less windmills = less cancer. So much winning! ............ FML.
I understand the original protests. But now it's just people starting fires and vandalizing. There may be a few BLM supporters in these late night crowds but ALL BLM leaders in Portland have denounced the nightly violence and have distanced themselves from the anarchists that have hijacked their movement and made it about nothing but chaos. Minority businesses are even being vandalized by these people.

I support the BLM movement 100% and agree that the police are getting away with murder in many instances and the racism across the nation is systemic. But these vandals and that's what they are, have nothing to do with BLM and what has happened to young men at the hands of police across the country. The only reason any of these protesters are getting arrested is because they're breaking the law with acts of vandalism, looting, and arson. They're also throwing rocks and bottles at the police.

The entire defund the police is ridiculous. What are you going to do when there are no police and meth crazed lunatics run rampant across cities. The people involved in the nightly violence and that's what it is. It's not a protest it's violence. They might want to but 99% of the rest of us don't want to live in a world resembling Mad Max.

We might agree on some things but apparently not everything and there is nothing wrong with that. Civil discourse is good. Violence is bad. Ghandi, Martin Luther King both changed more with peace than any of this violence is going to change.

It's not that I disagree with the goals. It's the method I can't support. :peace:
Ya well your falling into the “they want to turn the country into a lawless waste land” narrative. Defunding is not about not having a law enforcement contingent but about diverting needed funds to other solutions like support and Compassion.
Ya well your falling into the “they want to turn the country into a lawless waste land” narrative. Defunding is not about not having a law enforcement contingent but about diverting needed funds to other solutions like support and Compassion.

Defunding the police without addressing the issues that drive the cycle of poverty/crime is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's like starting at the finish line. Without equal access to education, healthcare and opportunity for upward social mobility (the most important) all these fully funded social programs are just ladders to nowhere.

The whole idea that "defund the police" is something that is going to produce results in the short term, at least short enough term for these ridiculous protests to produce tangible enough results to claim some sort of "victory" and dissipate, is just retarded. In order to even start defunding anything, the whole purpose of the justice system has to be reformed to accommodate that type of change.

Two extremes clashing in the streets under the cover of darkness, after the real protests are long over is a problem, period, and it deserves to be addressed in a meaningful way. Dismissing, justifying or blaming the violence on others doesn't pass the sniff test, and if these after hours "protests" are acting as the vehicle for radicals on both sides of the equation to cause violent, criminal, civil unrest, that vehicle must be removed. It's how reality works.
Defunding the police without addressing the issues that drive the cycle of poverty/crime is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's like starting at the finish line. Without equal access to education, healthcare and opportunity for upward social mobility (the most important) all these fully funded social programs are just ladders to nowhere.

The whole idea that "defund the police" is something that is going to produce results in the short term, at least short enough term for these ridiculous protests to produce tangible enough results to claim some sort of "victory" and dissipate, is just retarded. In order to even start defunding anything, the whole purpose of the justice system has to be reformed to accommodate that type of change.

Two extremes clashing in the streets under the cover of darkness, after the real protests are long over is a problem, period, and it deserves to be addressed in a meaningful way. Dismissing, justifying or blaming the violence on others doesn't pass the sniff test, and if these after hours "protests" are acting as the vehicle for radicals on both sides of the equation to cause violent, criminal, civil unrest, that vehicle must be removed. It's how reality works.
sorry, cop.

find something new
Defunding the police without addressing the issues that drive the cycle of poverty/crime is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. It's like starting at the finish line. Without equal access to education, healthcare and opportunity for upward social mobility (the most important) all these fully funded social programs are just ladders to nowhere.

The whole idea that "defund the police" is something that is going to produce results in the short term, at least short enough term for these ridiculous protests to produce tangible enough results to claim some sort of "victory" and dissipate, is just retarded. In order to even start defunding anything, the whole purpose of the justice system has to be reformed to accommodate that type of change.

Two extremes clashing in the streets under the cover of darkness, after the real protests are long over is a problem, period, and it deserves to be addressed in a meaningful way. Dismissing, justifying or blaming the violence on others doesn't pass the sniff test, and if these after hours "protests" are acting as the vehicle for radicals on both sides of the equation to cause violent, criminal, civil unrest, that vehicle must be removed. It's how reality works.

we're just going to take city funded cops and turn it over to County Sheriff like Camden NJ did- crime disappeared.