What has Trump done to this country?

Dont waste ur time or finger strength...these cats have an agenda...n if the headlines tmmrw morning said that Biden is confirmed n has admitted to being the antichrist himself they'd still rather have him than Don J...fact...ha...smh...its not really Biden they want in office you know that rightbongsmilie

Trump supporters are doomed to hell for forsaking their Christian God and following the antichrist.

Proof and the story of the cover-up of the breaking of the seal:


“STAY on Trump, stay on Trump” barked the director in the TV control room, trying his best to maintain a sense of calm order following the sudden appearance of a ghostly pale horse onstage with the newly sworn-in POTUS in Washington DC.

“Camera 2, stay on Trump. Camera 3, 4, wide crowd shots only, okay? Keep an eye on the horse, and keep him out of shot”.

A hush fell across the assembled crowd at the inauguration ceremony when the animal appeared moments ago, cloaked in mist and curling its lips back to reveal some very sharp un-horselike fangs, to the left of Donald Trump just as he was sworn into office as the 45th president of the United States.

The arrival of the horse, whose mane on close inspection seems to be made up of the shrieking, miniaturised souls of the trapped dead, was accompanied by what many described as a ‘terrifying peal of thunder’, or perhaps the bellowing roar of some dreadful horn or similar wind instrument, blown with gusto by some unseen heralder of doom.

Despite the clear ramifications of the appearance of such a beast, Americans are currently doing their best to assure each other that everything is fine, and that sometimes pale horses show up and it doesn’t really mean anything about Trump, America, the world, or indeed the end of days.

“The pale horse? Yeah, that’s probably… that’s probably just a stray horse that wandered onto the stage,” said one inauguration attendee, from under a sweat-soaked ‘Make America Great Again’ cap.

“Nothing to worry about, certainly not a harbinger of anything. Just a horse, showing up, saying ‘hello’ in his own horsey way. Now, let’s just all go home and hug our loved ones, everything is going to be just super”.

UPDATE: A skull-faced rider has now appeared on the back of the pale horse, which onlookers are assuring each other is ‘just part of the show’.

That and more can be found in this top secret youtube video:

But you’re convinced it’s trump’s time?

Yeah, Biden isn’t ready yet. He should wait and run in 2032.
No not really...they'll never let him just be president anyways...if he wins again it'll just be another 4yrs of this...which I dont think anybody cares to see again...Trump should prolly go bk to just being Donald Trump n enjoy the time he has left on this earth n say fuck the bullshit...that's what I would do...kinda makes me feel like he genuinely cares abt what happens to this country...I mean he's not doing it for the money n power...he already had money n power...this election is the same as most I've seen in my life, a lack of good options...
No not really...they'll never let him just be president anyways...if he wins again it'll just be another 4yrs of this...which I dont think anybody cares to see again...Trump should prolly go bk to just being Donald Trump n enjoy the time he has left on this earth n say fuck the bullshit...that's what I would do...kinda makes me feel like he genuinely cares abt what happens to this country...I mean he's not doing it for the money n power...he already had money n power...this election is the same as most I've seen in my life, a lack of good options...
He has the illusion of money
You have no proof he actually has any other than the odd rubles we all have lying around
Dont waste ur time or finger strength...these cats have an agenda...n if the headlines tmmrw morning said that Biden is confirmed n has admitted to being the antichrist himself they'd still rather have him than Don J...fact...ha...smh...its not really Biden they want in office you know that rightbongsmilie

who do they want in office?
No not really...they'll never let him just be president anyways...if he wins again it'll just be another 4yrs of this...which I dont think anybody cares to see again...Trump should prolly go bk to just being Donald Trump n enjoy the time he has left on this earth n say fuck the bullshit...that's what I would do...kinda makes me feel like he genuinely cares abt what happens to this country...I mean he's not doing it for the money n power...he already had money n power...this election is the same as most I've seen in my life, a lack of good options...
you are fucking stupid.
No not really...they'll never let him just be president anyways...if he wins again it'll just be another 4yrs of this...which I dont think anybody cares to see again...Trump should prolly go bk to just being Donald Trump n enjoy the time he has left on this earth n say fuck the bullshit...that's what I would do...kinda makes me feel like he genuinely cares abt what happens to this country...I mean he's not doing it for the money n power...he already had money n power...this election is the same as most I've seen in my life, a lack of good options...

perhaps you don't follow the news as much but are you aware of how much money he's stolen so far? also, the moment he steps off WH property he's fair game for SDNY..actually he's fair game now- they're just biding their time.

'i do wish him well.'
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perhaps you don't follow the news as much but are you aware of how much money he's stolen so far? also, the moment he steps of WH property he's fair game for SDNY..actually he's fair game now- they're just biding their time.

'i do wish him well.'
They all steal money
No not really...they'll never let him just be president anyways...if he wins again it'll just be another 4yrs of this...which I dont think anybody cares to see again...Trump should prolly go bk to just being Donald Trump n enjoy the time he has left on this earth n say fuck the bullshit...that's what I would do...kinda makes me feel like he genuinely cares abt what happens to this country...I mean he's not doing it for the money n power...he already had money n power...this election is the same as most I've seen in my life, a lack of good options...
Thanks man, I needed a good laugh!

Individual 1 is trying really hard to prove the old saying 'the coverup is worse than the crime'. Im pretty sure Trump is scared of how his 'time' left is going to be spent.
The gang of sharks that lurk behind him n around him that will run the show once he gets in there...no particular single individual
just a lazy, stupid, shitty conspiracy theory that won’t stop even one person from voting for Biden

You suck and are fucking stupid.
no they don’t

Just give up, you suck at this
I like conspiracy theories...and no I'm not as good at this as you guys are...nor am I as informed as y'all are ...
And I was just talkin man I'm not tryna convince anyone of anything...Biden just seems slow to me...not in his prime to say the least...I guess I just expected n hoped for more from a man that's running to be the leader of this country...