First grow! Looking for feedback!


Well-Known Member
Like you were saying about VPD I think the distance is also somewhat situational. Get the light closer while watching the plants react, until they pray to the sun-god if they do that under LED. I ran my light too close on my first grow and worst thing was slight rust spots and showing potassium def.
Still, if I lower them the intensity still doesn't really spread evenly. Maybe I lower the two lights on the sides and keep the middle up a little higher in an attempt to get an even lux reading across the whole canopy? I do see how a fourth light would also work, as it'd just fit in the tent better. I'll have to continue doing some experimenting! Thanks for tuning in @PissingNutes


Well-Known Member
I am so way behind you guys but I love reading stuff like this, 80% dimmer etc one day I will use all this info one day ha
Hey man I'm only a month in haha. You learn quick and everyone will learn different when they have different gear and variables. Its interesting to say the least. I spent a lot of time in other peoples gardens before this tho, but no technical stuff, just helping water, harvest and trim really. It's been exciting and I'm looking forward to continuing to learn. I think all in all its gonna be a great experience not only because I'll be growing fire cannabis, but because now I can do a real vegetable garden as well. Lol. I'm trying to be dr greenthumb now.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm only a month in haha. You learn quick and everyone will learn different when they have different gear and variables. Its interesting to say the least. I spent a lot of time in other peoples gardens before this tho, but no technical stuff, just helping water, harvest and trim really. It's been exciting and I'm looking forward to continuing to learn. I think all in all its gonna be a great experience not only because I'll be growing fire cannabis, but because now I can do a real vegetable garden as well. Lol. I'm trying to be dr greenthumb now.
Gardening and growing plants of all types is a passion of mine as well
First year making a half serious attempt at a giant pumpkin in my less than ideal climate :peace: IMG_7245.jpgIMG_7246.jpg

P.S. all of that is growing on just Grean Bicycles Ocean Bounty that was dug in at the beginning of the season with no additional fertilization :hump:


Well-Known Member
Gardening and growing plants of all types is a passion of mine as well
First year making a half serious attempt at a giant pumpkin in my less than ideal climate :peace: View attachment 4671509View attachment 4671510

P.S. all of that is growing on just Grean Bicycles Ocean Bounty that was dug in at the beginning of the season with no additional fertilization :hump:
Sick dude! We actually have tons of pumpkins and squash growing in the yard this year. My girl always fires old pumpkins etc into the corner of the yard, she's done it for years, but behold, this year they actually sprouted something! lol. Mostly looking like decorative stuff tho haha. Nothing major.

Side note, I have a close friend who grows giant pumpkins and enters them into the state fair at the Big E every year or something like that. Not sure what his weigh-ins were but these things were ginormous haha. He always saved the seeds and then would use those the following year or whatever... leveling up I guess. Im not quite sure how it works haha.


Well-Known Member
So back to the question I had earlier. How many of yall actually measure your lux? and what do you keep it at for flower? what is the max intensity I want before I will stunt growth? I've read pretty much anything over 70k without CO2 is too much? I'm assuming you increase intensity during flower because they are getting 6 hours less light a day, so you have to make up for that somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Quick visual update...

PunchBowl by Envy Genetics, cut from my boy Frostyboygardens on IG. Day 4 flower.

OrangeBlow by Envy Genetics, cut from my boy Frostyboygardens on IG. Day 4 flower.

BluePops by Envy Genetics, cut from my boy Frostyboygardens on IG. Day 4 flower.

In the seedling zone, I am noticing a few issues with some of the leaves. Generally looking good though!
that dirt on the name tag isn't a bug. I know it looks like a bug, but it's dirt. I confirmed. lol.

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Well-Known Member
So I wanted to add a bit more beneficial bacteria etc to my soil in the 5x5. Had this bright idea to top with a little more worm castings, some grokashi and I added in some Ocean Bounty. Mixed it all up and put about 1 cup on top of each pot. Now I am second-guessing it. I have my nutrients in the 5gal getting aerated right now. Would it be way to much to water that in with a nutrient solution? Don't want to burn my ladies. Most of what is in Ocean Bounty is slow-release, I believe. I guess the logic I was using was that I could add some ocean bounty to create a better environment for the microbes and bacteria, I know it would be beneficial with the FOOP I am using as it will help with nutrient uptake etc. But I don't want to hurt my plants. Gonna let the tea brew for another hour or so before I was going to feed, but I could let it go for 2 days and just do a light watering with the top dressing to space it out? Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Ocean bounty has ingredients that release instantly as well as those that break down slowly.
I still think you would be fine to put a feed on top of it with the amount you top dressed :peace:


Well-Known Member
Welp I hit em with the ole cocktail. Hope they like it lol. They better, I cut my damn finger during the water process! lol.


Well-Known Member
I know I've asked this a few times now but never really got a definitive answer from any experts...

What is more important? Lux reading over canopy or total watts per sq ft?

I am hitting 60-70k across the whole canopy, but only have 630 watts in the 5x5, dimmed at 80%, so approximately 500w. That is 30% lower than the supposed 750w I need for a 5x5. Does anyone have any input on what guidelines I should be following? Lux or watts per sq ft?


Well-Known Member
I know I've asked this a few times now but never really got a definitive answer from any experts...

What is more important? Lux reading over canopy or total watts per sq ft?

I am hitting 60-70k across the whole canopy, but only have 630 watts in the 5x5, dimmed at 80%, so approximately 500w. That is 30% lower than the supposed 750w I need for a 5x5. Does anyone have any input on what guidelines I should be following? Lux or watts per sq ft?
What lights do you have in the 5x5 mate.

I have a few seedlings and you have a jungle, I'd call you Tarzan but it's not politically correct.


Well-Known Member
After a little more research I learned a bit more about converting lux to ppfd. It seems I am in good shape. I'm getting at least 1000 ppfd in all areas of the canopy. Side note, when I have my lights dimmers linked, this isn't the case, the ppfd is always most intense under the center light. By disconnecting the dimmers and running independently, I can dial in the proper intensity to hit a median across the top of the canopy of 70k in the center, the lowest it gets on the sides of the canopy is 50k at the same height. If I drop the lux meter a little lower to the area where my lowest tops are, I am hitting no less than 42k. After converting all this stuff it seems that anything over 40k is sufficient for flower. If I will get the yields I want at 1000ppfd then why put another light in? I am going to put it into the 4x3 with my other spare SF2000, def enough light for that and I can then light it evenly instead of a 2000 and 1000. I'll stick a 1000 in the 3x3 for vegging for 5x5 and a 1000 in 2x2 vegging for 4x3. Then I got a 90w T5 in the bottom of the propagation area/early veg, and 4 20w led strips up above for the seedlings etc. I think this works out nicely... sorry for all the contradiction and bouncing back and forth. Just don't want to fuck myself in the long haul! I may pick up some supplemental lighting for the 5x5 at some point but at the moment I feel like chucking the other SF2000 in there is a waste. Correct me if I am wrong.


Well-Known Member
Thinking it's time to start transplanting these seedlings. It's been 15 days. A few are still kinda small so I might wait on them. They're going into 1 gal pots, I'll veg for 2 weeks then flower. It's just a phenohunt. I'll take 3 clones off each plant and dispose of the poop, keeping the gooduns.
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Give them another week or two. You can let them get a decent size in solos. The more root mass the better they will handle the transplant and quicker they will grow.