Well, the lack of your ability to see beyond the false narrative and lies fed to you is fairly obvious. But don't feel bad, you're in the same boat as a lot of other idiots.
But hey, good for you! You're not on the fence, you jumped the fence and ran to the kool-aid stand!
Either way - agree, disagree - you seem like a person geared towards violence.
Can't have a discussion with anyone where the only point of view they will accept is their own, and will do anything/everything they can to either beat it out of you, or crush you until you submit. Respect earned is not the same as respect demanded.
I think that the "left" (folks that believe like you
@Fogdog ) are going to be in for a rude awakening if they really want to push for a war - America - (except people like you - you should go back to where YOU came from, you obviously don't believe in the American lifestyle) - Go live in Cuba.
Ya'll think you're so bada$#.
Good luck