I don't know what to title this..


Well-Known Member
Ok.. so, this is a problem i'm having.. any responses woul be appreciated

I have these friends, who are together.. might as well say married... and their relationship isn't so awesome.. I don't wanna get into all that.. because there's always more than one part to ever story.. anyway.. i'll just say she isn't as confident in herself as she should be.. she's 22 and he's like, 32.. so there's a big age difference.. I do everything I can to make her feel better about herself.. ever time I get the chance, I compliment her, tell her she's beautiful.. tell her she's smart, ask how things are going in her relationship and give her the best advice I can, they have a child, and that's why she wont leave, because she always ask's me "what am I gonna do?"
But I really care about her.. like, more than I should... not in a crazy psycho stalker kinda way.. but like.. when I trim my plants, I bring the leaves to her, 12 at a time when I trim my buds and cure it.. I let her get the first green hit off teh first bowl smoked.. and the last... call her just to hear her talk to me.. she cook's diner or cookies she always fixes me a plate to take home when I come out.. call's when he's laying down.. when I go hang out, I find myself talking to her and kinda just tuning him out.. and catch myself admiring her more than I should if you was her old man.. we don't fuck or anything.. we're just friends.. just kinda.. more than friends..

I know I should just walk away from the idea and say fuck it. and I've tried.. I've tried to tell myself she's probably really dirty, or she's lazy.. ya know.. something to turn me off.. but it doesn't help.. what do I do?

She means alot to me.. like... I don't have much in this world that I enjoy.. but if I couldn't enjoy them with her ever again... they would never be the same... I know I shouldn't put so much into one person or thing.. but like Thurgood Jenkins said... she's all the mary-jane I need...

I'm on my way to going back to school, I'm really hoping to go to law school, but have a few other things in mind if not.. but, should I let her know that ya know.. I really care about her? Not just, hey if you need a place to stay or anything... I mean like.. hey... once I finish getting my shit together.. I want you to make it complete??

I don't know.. i'm just sittin here, thinking about the weekend I spent with her and her old man.. and wtaching their daily routine's and just, you know.. that shit...

I should shut-up now.. if anybody has anything to say.. I would really appreciate it.. I know i'm probably a shitty person in a lot of people's eye's.. my friends would think I am.. which is why im blabbing about this shit on the internet.. but I just feel like.. like.. I want to provide her with a great life..
omfg dude, i don't mean to make lanything less of your situation, but holy fuck this had me laughing so hard. we are some serious stoners. "i care about you immensely baby..take the first green hit"

edit: holy fuck, i read it and i'm in the same situation you are. one of my best friends who is absolutely beautiful is in a fucked up relationship. what's really bad though is that her boyfriend is also another one of my best friends. i don't like her in that crazy sort of way, but i definitely have some sort of more-than-friends feelings towards her, but i never act on it and never will. shit happens brah, its life. either live with it or get out of it! easier said than done definitely, but in your situation(kids), it's definitely the only feasible thing. either have an affair(do something about it), or say fuck it. sounds like shitty advice but its real advice..(no i dont condone cheating btw)

edit 2: holy fuck, i fucking say holy fuck a whole holy fucking lot, dontcha fuckin know? sarah fuckin palin motherfucker, DONTCHA FUCKIN KNO?>1!


Well-Known Member
Things like this always look more inviting from the outside. If you decide you want to explore a possible relationship, stop going around this couple and, if things are as bad as she claims, they will implode . . . and if she feels anything like you do, where do you reckon she'll run to?


Well-Known Member
if shes giving you the green go for it dude...just do it on the low key..... besides your too young .... your getting all go go gah ga over her.... focus on your life... and goals first .... just tell her how you feel....and then shag her rootten......yeah....
but make sure she know s the conditions first..... for example just tell her you want to wax that ass .....(in a serious in mromanticly eloquent way)..... and tell her that thats as far as it goes..... cause you could destoy a family if it gets too emotional..... beside once you tap that ass and have a kid with her youlll turn into the guy shes with (the 32 year old)....
you have to focus on your studies and enjoy some tail on the side..... maybe shes in love with your stash more than you.... ahhh helll ! nothings better than undercover milf cheating sex with a ganj bleeze..... just get the ass and get out....
and i already know your gonna say " but i love her"... get over her shes married and she wants to bang u.????... you dont want that kind of chick in your household....jus tap it and go....peace....


Well-Known Member
if shes giving you the green go for it dude...just do it on the low key..... besides your too young .... your getting all go go gah ga over her.... focus on your life... and goals first .... just tell her how you feel....and then shag her rootten......yeah....
but make sure she know s the conditions first..... for example just tell her you want to wax that ass .....(in a serious in mromanticly eloquent way)..... and tell her that thats as far as it goes..... cause you could destoy a family if it gets too emotional..... beside once you tap that ass and have a kid with her youlll turn into the guy shes with (the 32 year old)....
you have to focus on your studies and enjoy some tail on the side..... maybe shes in love with your stash more than you.... ahhh helll ! nothings better than undercover milf cheating sex with a ganj bleeze..... just get the ass and get out....
and i already know your gonna say " but i love her"... get over her shes married and she wants to bang u.????... you dont want that kind of chick in your household....jus tap it and go....peace....
cheezy i fuckin love u brah(no homo) ROFL


Well-Known Member
Everyone here has a point, but I been down that road. If you really want to be with her you need to decide whether or not it's worth you and her husband's relationship. If you want to kill that friendship then by all means hook up with his wife, but don't do it on the low key to your friend. That's called bein a bitch. However, since she's in a relationship where she is going to cheat on her husband with his friend, don't expect to live happily ever after with her.


Well-Known Member
I do everything I can to make her feel better about herself.. ever time I get the chance, I compliment her, tell her she's beautiful.. tell her she's smart, ask how things are going in her relationship

never compliment a chick dude its like throwing gasoline on your dick and lighting it with a zippo..... she probly not getting enuff attention from her man so your there too compensate..... now your like her gay guy friend .... or substitute chick friend.....

But I really care about her.. like, more than I should... not in a crazy psycho stalker kinda way..

man your whipped.....

but like.. when I trim my plants, I bring the leaves to her, 12 at a time when I trim my buds and cure it.. I let her get the first green hit off teh first bowl smoked..

shes a spoiled ass now.... no wonder she loves you....

and the last... call her just to hear her talk to me.. she cook's diner or cookies she always fixes me a plate to take home when I come out

she cooks you diner too get your weed mannnn !!!

.. call's when he's laying down.. when I go hang out, I find myself talking to her and kinda just tuning him out.. and catch myself admiring her more
than I should if you was her old man..

cant he tell whats goin on....????

we don't fuck or anything.. we're just friends.. just kinda.. more than friends..

how are u sure she wants to bang???

I know I should just walk away from the idea and say fuck it. and I've tried.. I've tried to tell myself she's probably really dirty, or she's lazy..

i thought she cooked you dinner ??? how is that lazy???? shes not dirty she just wants some new dick....

ya know.. something to turn me off.. but it doesn't help.. what do I do?

bang her immediately!

She means alot to me.. like... I don't have much in this world that I enjoy.. but if I couldn't enjoy them with her ever again... they would never be the same...

u probly enjoy bangin milfs ....thats why?????

I don't know.. i'm just sittin here, thinking about the weekend I spent with her and her old man.. and wtaching their daily routine's and just, you know.. that shit...


I should shut-up now.. if anybody has anything to say.. I would really appreciate it.. I know i'm probably a shitty person in a lot of people's eye's.. my friends would think I am.. which is why im blabbing about this shit on the internet.. but I just feel like.. like.. I want to provide her with a great life..
Man its like that pussy has magical powers....lol:-P


Well-Known Member
lmfo.. no.. it's not like that.. with all the other women.. it's more like.. they call. and we talk for a few minutes aboutw hatever's goin on.. I says oem shit to make 'em feel better.. we meet at a parkin lot.. talk for awhile.. go somewhere.. do our thing and she goes home or we stay at the hotel..

Wit this girl.. it's more than just fucking.. and if I got caught ruining her relationship or anything bad happening to her.. I'd feel bad.. and i'm not giving her weed.. I just ride out, smoek a few owls when it's first cured and ready.. and then go back when smoking the last few bowls of it... and she isn;t cooking me dinner.. but if she has cooked and I come out, she puts some in a bowl or somethin for me to take home and eat... don;t know, sorry i made the post


Well-Known Member
Everyone here has a point, but I been down that road. If you really want to be with her you need to decide whether or not it's worth you and her husband's relationship. If you want to kill that friendship then by all means hook up with his wife, but don't do it on the low key to your friend. That's called bein a bitch. However, since she's in a relationship where she is going to cheat on her husband with his friend, don't expect to live happily ever after with her.
Thats what i'm talking about.. I don;t wanna do it behind aybodies back.. I think the relationship would be worth it.. but right now i'm not in the position to persue the relationship..

I 'm not even syaing that for sure she would sleep with me while she was with him.. and again,, thats not what I want... I want to help her out of her relationship with him, and see that through before we go any further.. I just want to let her know, for sure.. that I care.. and maybe know that she cares aswell


Well-Known Member
Are you prepared to take care of her kid as well?

If this guy is right about this girl that shouldn't matter, given, most girls who are dating and have kids are lookin for a new baby daddy, but there are a few decent ones out there that won't put you on that spot.


Well-Known Member
Are you prepared to take care of her kid as well?

Dude, i fuckin love this kid. like, i get mad if he's in bed when i come over cause i didnt get to say goodnight... the only thing that would make me happier, would be takin care of his mother aswell.. I don't think anybody really understands.. I've fucked alot of girls, and i've thought i was in love before.. but.. she's different.. She really means everything to me.. and she's not even mine.. it's fucked up... I don;t even know how to feel about her, othe rthan i just care..

like i said though.. at the moment i cant.. which is why i havent told her just exsatcly how i feel about her..


Well-Known Member
Well, if you ever get in the position, ya might wanna pick another word than FUCK.
"Hey X, I've loved you from afar . . . so much more than Z, now, ya wanna fuck?"
What a romantic.


Well-Known Member
Why did you delete your original post, Original Poster? Somethin' go down, or did someone here bag on you?


sounds like you are in a real tough spot my friend.... none of us can give you the correct answers here... its a real gray area... it could be the right thing for you two to be together; or it could be the worst possible.... life is crazy sometimes... maybe you are meant for each other; maybe she has made mistakes by being with this guy, and just isnt out of it because of the child; or maybe you just have an infatuation with her that is unjustified... you have to tread extremely lightly though because there is a child thrown in the mix... my best honest advice is that you need to first talk to her openly and honestly about this and go from there.... and DO NOT fuck here while she is still with this guy... there are ways to be honorable about this... if they really arent working out, he knows it too; but doesnt give you the right to screw his woman/wife or whatever she is to him.... i say sit down and talk; if she feels the same way, go from there... but like stated before, the child comes with her, and if you and this woman do end up getting together, he comes with and you have to step up and be a FATHER, not just moms boyfriend.... i am sorry to hear what kind of inner turmoil you are in, i understand it, have been there too... in my case, the girl felt the same way and wanted nothing more than to be with me; still does, but she has a child with the man and out of respect for her own child, she is staying with him.... good thing she made that decision, as i went on to find the true love of my life.. leading me to believe it would have not worked out anyway.... do it the right way, dont break up a family because of misunderstood emotions... if nothing else, you can be a really good friend and still keep your feelings for her, just may not be able to act upon them... i wish you the best in your situation... holla at me if you need someone to talk to.


Well-Known Member
Even if nothing else you just posted were untrue, gogrow, "life is crazy" is the fucking TRUTH!

Didja get yourself some beignets and coffee at the Cafe yet? Now that my ankle is healing up I'm feeling more up to standing and cooking something. Shit! Better check the powdered sugar.


Even if nothing else you just posted were untrue, gogrow, "life is crazy" is the fucking TRUTH!

Didja get yourself some beignets and coffee at the Cafe yet? Now that my ankle is healing up I'm feeling more up to standing and cooking something. Shit! Better check the powdered sugar.

so you disagree with my opinions there??? still not advocating cheating in any way:mrgreen:... but no, we stayed in covington, and spent every bit of the $1200 we had on the car.. so no beignets:cry:...soon though, cause you/i got my wife craving them now...