2020 MASSACHUSETTS outdoor grow Thread!

Pretty much everything I have now is fem seeds. The only regular seeds I have are from a friends outdoor grow last year that got pollinated. I've got a quart mason jar filled with seeds from a Northern Lights female that was pollinated by a Sour Diesel male but most of them don't look that viable. I figured I'd plant some someday and maybe use a bunch of the rough looking ones to grind up and add to some compost tea.
Nooooooo, don't grind them up! Always looking for local seeds. They sound amazing.
I think your pvc will work, I am considering doing something similar for a different set of plants that are up against a fence, Its limited on light so I do want something I can remove easily and quickly.. But at the same time I know we're getting hit with another 1-2 windy storms before this is harvested so I definitely dont want the thing to become a kite either.

and Yeah lol they're getting up there, I think they've maxed out height wise though....
Thats probably about 10.5-11+ feet from the top of the soil line by now maybe? not sure, I dont really keep track..My little brother measured them about a month and half ago and the middle one (not tallest, not shortest of the 3 untopped plants) was 10 ft. 2 I am maxing out a 12 foot A frame ladder But its good, Im liking it a lot better than bushing out the plants Im not as worried about mold because I can see right through those plants but at the same time, each branch has a solid amount on it.

Surprisingly, they're really not as bad to work with, they arent wide, so you can reach everything if you circle around the plant, whereas having a wide circle bush would be hard to reach the tip/center/"north pole"

This is all an experiment for topped vs untopped planting outdoors So we'll see how she turns out. Thanks for the input. I still havent ordered the fischer price leaf blower yet, I should probably get on that. Keep it up bud, Cheers :joint: :peace:

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Hope you didn’t mistake my comments for criticism. They were meant to be compliments.They’re vigorous healthy plants and will def produce for you. I’m interested to see the results of your study. I want to do my best to perfect growing in our region. Strain, methods, treatments; I want to get it all down pat
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Hope you didn’t mistake my comments for criticism. They were meant to be compliments.They’re vigorous healthy plants and will def produce for you. I’m interested to see the results of your study. I want to do my best to perfect growing in our region. Strain, methods, treatments; I want to get it all down pat

Haha of course not, all love over here.
I was just using that picture from another thread lol I didnt write up some big rebuttal or anything from anything you said dont worry lol. I mentioned it because we were on the topic of mold and wanted to just say how much this has been working out in that aspect at least (not worrying as much about it)

Happy Harvest DM :peace: :joint:
This is a new one I just discovered. It just amazes me how once we are able to produce our own legal medicine, Big Corp steps in and begins the thorough process of locking out what should be simple rights, while designing the laws to squeeze out as many nickels as possible. My friend did a six acre CBD grow last year, but very swiftly the laws were changed to shut down any future growth.
When I talk about having simple rights, I mean things like, why aren't we able to trade our medicine to our brothers and sisters that grow also?
For example, at a farmers market I am able to sell my corn, cabbage, tomatoes, without 'inspections' .... And this is food people eat! IPA's are the same way, bought, sold local. But marijuana? Gosh no..I can grow it - smoke it- maybe gift it in small amounts, but trade or barter and your a dealer.
On the flip side of that, I am EXTREMELY GRATEFUL for the rights we do have, and don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. I don't want to sound like a whiner, my house and I am blessed to be able to produce our own staples. It's just too bad we couldn't make a few clamshells on the up and up. We grow our own food, not a lot, yet we do some canning, I hunt to put meat in the freezer, and these things go a long way in this economy. In fact, I am having some of the last venison in the freezer, and hunting season starts in 6 weeks. And I am also smoking some of the last of my medicine from last year before I go to sleep at night, it has kept me off the.morphine for a lot of medical reasons I don't want to get into.
I'll end this rant with, I am blessed, I wish I could help others more, and it's wonderful not to have to worry about going to jail for a few plants.
May your harvest be amazing, your curing trouble free, and your medicine all it can be.
Thank you bro, I completely agree and same to you as well. :blsmoke: :joint::peace:
I like the fan a lot... I went and got another. I don’t understand why is was only 45$, there was a less powerful one, same brand for less money. I wanted a pedestal Oscillating fan but settled for this one for the price and just put a cheap oscillating to help move the air around. When I shut it offlast night, my plants were dry as a bone.

good luck battling those pillars. They pretty much destroyed my autoflower garden this year going to try bus washing but I’m not optimistic

Fortunately they only got my SFV and from what I have seen the moths seem to be petering out for now. Also fortunately this SFV is primarily for seed as I pollinated it with a gassy-lemony ‘SFV’ male going to try to eventually isolate this specific early flowering type if possible (probably began true flower about July 10-12, and I just finally noticed July 16). Im guessing she’ll be finished 2nd week of Sept latest. I’ll wash the buds and trim out what I can. Can’t wait to smoke her!

And holy cow the smell of my plants lol it sure is picking up: so glad that I have a little distance from my neighbors and in semi-rural area! September is going to be something

Finally, I just want to echo what others have said in thread; that it’s so nice to have a community here, particularly local, with such a positive and helpful atmosphere, it reminds me of way back when during my days on Overgrow, and it’s so very refreshing.
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Real nice. What type of plant is it. Is that in the ground?

My sister came across an elbow of ‘SFV OG’ that came from Cali and saved the seeds for me, as she said it was the best high she has had in a long time, and she knew I was planning on growing. So, I popped 4 of them and this is one of the two females. The other female is a ginormous sativa-leaning girl. I pollinated parts of both girls with what I perceived to be the better of the two males. Yea they are all in-ground.
Yes, it finally happened! My ex stopped over and I'd been trying to give her a plant or two because I thought I might be over my 12, and she saw the garden a few times....
But this morning when I showed her the patch,. She goes 'holeeeeeey shit! How'd they get so big so fast?' and my grin was ginormous. It does happen when they go into that growth stretch, and I firmly believe that holding off on the nutes, until that time, makes them 'thirstier' for the juice, and when they get it it's like super steroids, they suck it up with possibly more urgency, than a plant that gets fed every day. This is just a theory, but one I've used many times. There is another stage, the next stage I'm looking for us when the buds become super desperate to pollinate, and swell with pistols and calyxs - that's another signal for me to zap them.
Now even for all the years I have been growing, I still consider myself a low-tier grower, and the main reason for that is simple= $$$$$, cash. If I could afford 100 gallon fiber pots, and 1200 gallons of soil, and $1000 of nutes, then I would be a completely different animal.
Having said that, I have/do work for other growers that go to about 1/2 that extreme, 30 gal fiber pots, 360 gallons of soil, probably 7-800 bucks in nutes. Some of these clients watered with a chemical formula every single day. And while the harvest seemed to turn out well, compared to what I spent, I think and have been told that my bud is not only comparable, but sometimes better.
I juice once a week, on weekends, or if I detect one of the growth periods coming , try to hit that time.
Anyways,. It's great to see the plants hitting this wonderful phase oof stretching and flowering. Besides a random leaf of powdery mildew, I seem to have no bugs or critter issues.

One last thing, and the purist may stomp me for this, but I use Ortho Home Defense, an ant and bug killer that one uses to spray around the foundation of ones home, that keeps or kills bugs preventing than from getting in the house. I spray this in a complete circle around my gardens edges, nowhere near the plants, but around the small bunny fence that surrounds my patch. Seems to make a difference, in conjunction with the yellow sticky boards, I have (knock on wood ) way less bugs than last year.
End report.
Initially they were greener. The lighter color started on the new growth and took over. It is growing and flowering.
I've seen this before in outdoor grows, it is possible that it is simply the strain and or seed. If the plant does not look sick or weak, personally, I'd just let it be. One of my friends had a plant like this that ended up kickin' out buds that looked like Aculpoco Gold, and was a very intense high. Perhaps there is nothing wrong at all.
Just a thought.
Now even for all the years I have been growing, I still consider myself a low-tier grower, and the main reason for that is simple= $$$$$, cash. If I could afford 100 gallon fiber pots, and 1200 gallons of soil, and $1000 of nutes, then I would be a completely different animal.

Hey brother, I just wanted to point out to you there is no need to spend a ton of money to grow some of the best tasting, smelling bud, with a fraction of the amount of work...
Start learning how to provide everything MJ needs with organic nutrients, and you can get those for free just composting your trash... If you dont have time for that, you can buy 3-4 yards of compost for probably $100-$150 bucks from any landscape supply. That compost alone would be enough to fill your 12x 100gal fabric pots (I bought a 6 pack of them for $65 or something on amazon but talk to @ganga gurl420 shell help you build any size pot with landscape fabric for basically no cost...

The best parts about growing organically... the smell and taste are far better, you only have to feed water (barely have to feed water if growing 100+ gal because they retain moisture so well Ive only watered a handful of times this year the rest has been rain) -- You can top dress with compost/EWC or feed teas if you wanted to... Organic nutrients wont burn your plants... The soil microbes do all the work... No measuring or paying for nasty bottled nutrients... ever.... and one of my favorites.... you dont have to flush.. But the all time best thing about it is its literally free if you want to put a little bit of easy work and time in... and if not... its still dirt cheap...( :wink::roll:)...

You can also re amend and reuse your soil mix for years, let worms live in there and they will shit gold all throughout it, eat everything and break it down ready to be taken up by the plants.

I feel like this is one of the biggest misconceptions in growing weed... Its such a marketing ploy that you need all that garbage shit they charge crazy amounts for.... If you need any help building a soil mix, dont hesitate to ask, Ill walk you through it, or Im sure others here will... But Im telling you, you could easily get 12 or more 100 gal fabric pots planted and harvested for a total cost of Id say... $100 - 350... and really you could go cheaper than that if you wanted... If you had the time and started a compost pile right now you could do it next year for free...

Sorry for the ramble, I hate seeing people getting taken advantage of by these companies, and all this unnecessary work... This medicine would be so much more accessible for people with too much pain to put the time "required" into all that bullshit... or are on too tight a budget and believe the one medicine that works is out of reach for them... makes me sick tbh.

Initially they were greener. The lighter color started on the new growth and took over. It is growing and flowering.
Yeah I would say iron deficiency. There is usually plenty of iron in the soil so what might be locking it out is a high soil ph. I would do a soil slurry test and work from there.
Yeah I would say iron deficiency. There is usually plenty of iron in the soil so what might be locking it out is a high soil ph. I would do a soil slurry test and work from there.

I have several same or similar genetics in the same soil. I'm working on soil amendments for this one using teas.