First grow! Looking for feedback!


Well-Known Member
You can read up on how coco is actual going to hold a lot of microbial life and that soilless inert mediums don't mean inorganic growing. Should before going ahead with Rollitup recommendations.
Word. They seem to be doing well so the medium must be holding onto something lol. I added the worm castings and grokashi regardless, hopefully it helps even more. Next run is going to be straight amended soil with Grean Bicycles.


Well-Known Member
So today I noticed some green ish growing on the soil in my solo cups... something to worry about? Just for the sake of it, I'll mention again what the medium is... 70% ProMix, 15% Coco, 15% Perlite (roughly). Amended with Grean Bicycles Ocean Bounty + Happy Endings tea.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Just to be safe I scraped the entire top layer of soil off each cup and then filled it in with some dry soil from my tote. Everything is looking good. I went in with my shop vac to remove any water that was in there to get the humidity down. Accidentally caught one of the girls, just barely, and damaged a leaf blade lol. Hopefully she will be fine. I'll definitely be more careful with the shop vac moving forward, could have been way worse! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Back off on the watering ;)
Def gonna haha. I wasn't putting much but apparently there was very little air exchange happening even with two fans running on them. I looked in the bottom of the propagation area (I have the seedlings on the top shelf, it has 2 levels) and there was condensation everywhere... lol. I opened the vent down low so that it isn't giving off too much light since the 5x5 is in the same room and in flower. I also opened the top vent a little more. I'm not running any type of exhaust cause its a 1x3 area and its for propagation anyway... We'll see how it shapes up.


Well-Known Member
Definitely want to keep humidity in check unless your geared up to go head to head with Powdery Mildew :peace:
No doubt. It's fine in the 5x5 82/68/80 .96 LVPD. I just didn't think it was going to be a major issue with the seedlings since all I've read is that they like it hot and humid haha. It sits at about 80/80/80 .7 LVPD, which is good, right? I think I was just worrying too much that they were drying so I introduced too much unneeded water. I am going to continue to work on the moisture issue in the propagation area, just trying to stay in range of ideal VPD. I am using this site as reference...



Well-Known Member
No doubt. It's fine in the 5x5 82/68/80 .96 LVPD. I just didn't think it was going to be a major issue with the seedlings since all I've read is that they like it hot and humid haha. It sits at about 80/80/80 .7 LVPD, which is good, right? I think I was just worrying too much that they were drying so I introduced too much unneeded water. I am going to continue to work on the moisture issue in the propagation area, just trying to stay in range of ideal VPD. I am using this site as reference...

Growing by textbook vpd #'s is outside my wheelhouse. With my location those humidity levels scare me :shock:


Well-Known Member
Growing by textbook vpd #'s is outside my wheelhouse. With my location those humidity levels scare me :shock:
I am still just only 2 days into flower, I'm going to bump the humidity down 5% every week until I get to 55-50%, so by week 4 flower I will have it down 20%, then run it around 50% until I chop them.


Well-Known Member
Growing by textbook vpd #'s is outside my wheelhouse. With my location those humidity levels scare me :shock:
Also, from what I understand, as long as you dial in the VPD your good... When you get both temp and RH in an ideal range you can optimize plant transpiration rates. If you run a high humidity like 70%, your temps would have to be like 90F+ to keep up, and at that point, you could also be burning your tops... If you can only achieve 75F in your tent, then you'd want a lower humidity, 45-50%. I really don't understand the science of it all, from the reading I've done I've been able to grasp the basics and it makes sense to a degree. lol. Higher temp means you need higher humidity and vice versa, as the temp/humidity lowers it kind of has to happen in unison or you throw the environment off. You can achieve the same VPD with different temps/RH, its actually pretty interesting.


Well-Known Member
Also, from what I understand, as long as you dial in the VPD your good... When you get both temp and RH in an ideal range you can optimize plant transpiration rates. If you run a high humidity like 70%, your temps would have to be like 90F+ to keep up, and at that point, you could also be burning your tops... If you can only achieve 75F in your tent, then you'd want a lower humidity, 45-50%. I really don't understand the science of it all, from the reading I've done I've been able to grasp the basics and it makes sense to a degree. lol. Higher temp means you need higher humidity and vice versa, as the temp/humidity lowers it kind of has to happen in unison or you throw the environment off. You can achieve the same VPD with different temps/RH, its actually pretty interesting.
Ideally, telling someone what their RH should be without knowing the room and leaf temp, can be problematic. Everything should be determined based on all factors in the environment. Saying that a certain RH is good is subjective to the temperature.


Well-Known Member
Ideally, telling someone what their RH should be without knowing the room and leaf temp, can be problematic. Everything should be determined based on all factors in the environment. Saying that a certain RH is good is subjective to the temperature.
Lighting spectrum plays a massive roll in the discussion as well.
Note that for years people have been growing bomb healthy happy plants under HID / fluorescent lighting. LED comes along and Bam - all of a sudden this VPD unicorn pops up as attempt to correct all of the shortcomings of the lighting spectrum being delivered to the plants.
It is the most unnatural way to grow a plant that I can imagine.
Purple Stems, mag deficiencies, overly compact internode spacings, odd leaf textures - I just can't dig it :peace:


Well-Known Member
Lighting spectrum plays a massive roll in the discussion as well.
Note that for years people have been growing bomb healthy happy plants under HID / fluorescent lighting. LED comes along and Bam - all of a sudden this VPD unicorn pops up as attempt to correct all of the shortcomings of the lighting spectrum being delivered to the plants.
It is the most unnatural way to grow a plant that I can imagine.
Purple Stems, mag deficiencies, overly compact internode spacings, odd leaf textures - I just can't dig it :peace:
I hear you. I've never ran any HID, so I have nothing to compare to. With all the LED I have it'll be a while before I am able to try HID, but when I finally buy a place I call my own I plan to have plenty of space for experimenting. Honestly that's one of the things that has held me back from growing for so long. I just decided to say fuck it, gave up my big office and crammed myself into a corner of the house I rent, for the time being. LED just seemed the most cost effective way to do what I wanted, and I have several homies who have had good results with current gen LEDs. I do have a friend that runs HPS/CMH and grows some fire as well. I only have 40 amps I can run off of in the other room and with the LEDs I can do a 5x5, 4x3, 3x3, 2x2 and 2 1x3 areas without going over 40 amps. I don't think I could achieve that with HID.


Well-Known Member
Visual update! All is going well over here. Crazy the explosive growth in just 3 days. Canopy is looking even enough for my liking, for a first attempt anyway. I'll get better. Added a trellis so that they can get a little support if some of the stems don't fatten up. This is starting to get exciting!



Active Member
Very nice grow! No doubt you have the proper LED setup and it just makes you that much better of a grower. I had the option to run HID and only did so for simplicity after a couple hundred hours going back and forth reading to figure it all out.


New Member
Visual update! All is going well over here. Crazy the explosive growth in just 3 days. Canopy is looking even enough for my liking, for a first attempt anyway. I'll get better. Added a trellis so that they can get a little support if some of the stems don't fatten up. This is starting to get exciting!
I have been reading the thread and what a crazy change it has made!
Good luck in your grow :o


Well-Known Member
So I did have a quick question that has been eating at me.

I only have 620w of LED in the 5x5 when I should have closer to 750-800w, according to the 30-40w/sq ft idea. On top of that, they're running at about 80% on the dimmer, so it's actually only about 500w actual. They are dimmed to 80% based on the idea that I don't want to give the plants too much light intensity. At the center of the canopy I am hitting ~60k lux, while at the edges I am around ~50k lux. My lights are about 18 inches above the canopy. If I raise the lights a bit I can get better/more even coverage and raise the dimmer to about 100%, I'm just afraid it'll cause more of a stretch. Regardless, the plants are going to max out and eventually the light is going to be 16-18 inches from the top, so I will have to run the lights at 80% anyway. From what I understand I don't want to go over 70k lux anywhere in the canopy. I know lux isn't accurate when using LED, if anything it is higher than the reading I am getting, so I don't want to go over 60k.

Anyone have any input/advice on this? I am still considering adding a fourth light in, which would give me better overall coverage, but I'd have to run them on a dimmer, when I could just run that sf2000 in another tent. Is that extra light really worth all that much considering I am already getting pretty good light coverage in the 5x5? What is the max lux I want to give the ladies during flower? I have been increasing it daily as I get further into flower, but I think I'm already at my max... if the meter is off by 10% that would mean the parts getting 60k are actually getting 66k.

Anyone running sf2000's in a 5x5? How many? What is the dimmer set at? What's your lux like?

I just want to keep my operation as efficient as possible. I feel like I will get more out of the other sf2000 if it is in one of the other tents, but maybe I am wrong. Any advice is much appreciated. I feel like this is one of the last things I have to figure out, at least for this first run.


Active Member
Like you were saying about VPD I think the distance is also somewhat situational. Get the light closer while watching the plants react, until they pray to the sun-god if they do that under LED. I ran my light too close on my first grow and worst thing was slight rust spots and showing potassium def.