Bruce Banner Auto 2 Week Difference


Well-Known Member
Bruce Banner freebie. Weeks 8 and 10
300 watt LED
3 gal fabric pot
Fox Farms Ocean Forrest with light Fox Farm Bloom nutrients
Just messing around with new ways to do photos and thought I'd share.
That’s pretty cool. Amazing how much of a difference 2 weeks can make. I’m planting my Bruce photo here in a couple weeks. I’m gonna do a side by side like you did and see how much of a difference the photo looks compared to an auto.


Well-Known Member
That’s pretty cool. Amazing how much of a difference 2 weeks can make. I’m planting my Bruce photo here in a couple weeks. I’m gonna do a side by side like you did and see how much of a difference the photo looks compared to an auto.
That'll be cool too. I really just like taking pictures of buds lol. Next time I'll angle the plant the same way and crop the back ground and stuff to make it even better.