Protecting plants from thieves

growing up 30ish years ago, some people new a guy.

that guy had a secret garden in a not so secret place.

that guy also used fake voodoo looking stuff (dolls, bones, stick/rope dangler things) to keep people the fuck out.

it worked for him.

nice guy. not one bit into dark shit.
growing up 30ish years ago, some people new a guy.

that guy had a secret garden in a not so secret place.

that guy also used fake voodoo looking stuff (dolls, bones, stick/rope dangler things) to keep people the fuck out.

it worked for him.

nice guy. not one bit into dark shit.
I was just thinking about getting a "skeleton" scare crow lol. I am into that stuff and if something goes missing ima curse that shit real fast, perhaps some tokens of warning are in order lol. Great idea!
I trimmed my trees with bells today, it's like Xmas up in here.
If your talking about what I thnk you are I plan on doing the same to the cages at least, just as a backup noisemaker if they start cutting anything...

TBH they would have to destory everything to cut it all down real quick... It takes multiple people days to harvest sometimes, even with not being super careful about saving cages or trellis or anything.
Motion sensors at harbor freight 20 bucks. Just make sure its not set up where tall grass will trip it

Havent had that great of luck with the motion sensors, everything from raccoon to moths have set mine off even on the lowest sensitivity.

They have those sensors for commercial bathroom lights and stuff that are like motion sensors but I think they have an infrared or something else to confirm that its a person and not just a false positive or something.
If your talking about what I thnk you are I plan on doing the same to the cages at least, just as a backup noisemaker if they start cutting anything...

TBH they would have to destory everything to cut it all down real quick... It takes multiple people days to harvest sometimes, even with not being super careful about saving cages or trellis or anything.
Yes, the bells are on the cannabis plants. And I moved the camper into the field right in front of them. If my husband and I have to go anywhere at the point where these are anywhere near ready, I'm hiring a babysitter and paying them in bud. I ran out of my oil a week ago and have a month or more to go with these plants so I'm not taking any chances lol.
listen, is installed spot light with pir sebsors it might keep them away otherwise I'll just move my plant in my yard and they won't come in i know plenty of places that have upwards of 100 plants thieves xan just go there
Yeah, I love those things. My kids and I buy firework supplies from a company that sells there products. Glad I could help scare the stains into the underwear of any would be thieves.:bigjoint:
I 10000% agree with these too. Perfect. Non lethal and EXTRA effective. Idk if any of you have had the pleasure of experiencing a flash bang. 5am on the couch After just stumbling in the door drunk. Immediately threw up on the couch and was Completely disoriented and disabled. Vicious stuff to get hit with. If you can get it boyyyyy use that shit lol it will without a doubt deter anyone even if it’s gotta go off one time they will NEVER be back. Of course again if it’s an illegal grow you still gotta worry about bringing attention and should be ready to ditch em if you gotta.
Lol !!! As I recall this was about a place in the country anyway. But even before it was legal here, a noise like that (in thetown I live in) might, and I mean might, bring the cops. But by the time they get to the area there wouldn't be any smoke left near where it went off. Also, it can be place away from the tripwire protected area And boy oh boy will they scare the daylights out of a thief!
Lol !!! As I recall this was about a place in the country anyway. But even before it was legal here, a noise like that (in thetown I live in) might, and I mean might, bring the cops. But by the time they get to the area there wouldn't be any smoke left near where it went off. Also, it can be place away from the tripwire protected area And boy oh boy will they scare the daylights out of a thief!
Oh fuck yes it will. I bet it scares them enough one time is all it’ll take so it might fuck that season up but they wouldn’t even peek next lol
Hi guys i am growing outdoor this summer but i worry my plant might get stolen it's not fenced in and people have access to it via the forest/field nearby. I am currently debating two options
1- installing a wifi security camera
2-installing a motion detection spotlight nearby (worried it might mess up the light cycle but i wouldn't put it directly over it)

I don't and can't have a dog, can't put my plant in the yard at the moment but i might be able to move it in it around 2 weeks from harvest
I actually consult for security with several growers and install security systems for many grows. If you have a Wi-Fi signal, I highly suggest the Ring, which has motion detector, recording, audio visual, and several alarms. This goes directly to your phone, and I suggest using motion detector lights with solar panels for power. Anyone that comes into the zone will be lit up and instantly on camera. You can be at the mall shopping, and if someone approaches you will be able to tell at them, tell them reinforcements are on the way, record them and/or trigger an variety of alarms. Thieves will undoubtably flee. And you will have pics and recordings of the violation. The Ring system also has a signal enhancer to boost the wifi signal to get closer to your grow. If you.have other questions, I would be glad to provide you with further consultation, free of charge, if you feel it is necessary. Good luck.
How would people know to go into your backyard?
Is your plant visible from the front of your house?
Is there a fence and gate?
Have you had plants stolen in the past?
oh and most important what’s your address lol?

Man there’s some desperate people out there if they need to steal a pot plant. Lazy bastards!
It's true, thieves troll for others hard work, there are even teams here in MA that use spotters to locate grows, and then target the grow, where they will cure and then sell out of state for big profits.
I've been robbed, was actually at home when two armed men began ripping off screens and prying open windows while I was on the phone with 911. Evidently, they knew I had a harvest curing, when the police came , they had a large capacity firearm, a half ounce of cocaine, a large amount of heroin and knives. The first thing they did on entering my yard was to take down two surveillance cameras, they had no idea I was here as I had my car parked in the garage.
It was scary, and opened my eyes.. I decided not to be a victim, and that's why I help others with security. See my post today on thieves and security.
Oh fuck yes it will. I bet it scares them enough one time is all it’ll take so it might fuck that season up but they wouldn’t even peek next lol
They've got these "Shot Spotter" systems where I live, well the cities near me... Which triangulates any gun shot instantly, they're microphones all over the city and can pinpoint where the shots come from pretty damn accurately almost instantly, and the police have a map at their station with any incidents popping up... Thats the only reason Id steer away from these types of trip alarms (I just use the 2 dollar magnetic window alarms for trip wires and wifi cams) Im sure this wouldnt be an issue in a small rural town, but someone growing in the city should be aware of the tech thats out there. You could have swat teams swarming your plot for a shots fired call about 5 minutes after that thief shits his pants running away.
Castle doctrine and stand your ground are different...
Not to mention they vary widely by state...


In North Carolina, which has a broad version of the castle doctrine, it's relatively easy to establish self-defense because a person who "unlawfully and forcibly" enters your home is presumed to intend violence, and you are presumed to have a reasonable fear of harm. These presumptions may keep you out of jail if, for instance, you shoot your unarmed neighbor searching for his tools. Defense of your occupied car or workplace is treated the same way.

In contrast, under Illinois' more limited version of the castle doctrine, you're allowed to use deadly force only if an intruder is engaged in the commission of a felony or enters your home in a "violent, riotous or tumultuous manner" (in the statute's words) making you reasonably fear harm. Also, your vehicle and workplace are not part of your castle in Illinois.

Thats not even considering the more freedom loving states like texas, or florida, which I believe has an even broader definition of their castle doctrine.
So here in MA, when these scumbags attempted a home invasion with a loaded high capacity firearm in their vehicle, took my cameras down and started ripping the screens off and attempting to.breakmin through my bedroom window, while I was in the bedroom, think I shoulda loaded up the birdshot and popped off a round? If 911 hadn't been on the line telling .me the cops were almost here, I think I would have. What if my wife was here alone? They got cuffed and stuffed, and while I don't wish jail on many people, Eff them. If I'd have known they were armed, birdshot would have been exchanged for a slug. End rant.
I grew autos and a photo plant outside last year and this year. This year I am cutting down my photo plants, I planted so free Strains that aren't even budding this year and cold weather is coming, they will never finish.

The autos take only two to three months. If planted inside by first of June and then moved outside for the Summer they will finish before most thieves are out trying to steal weed. All my autos are currently done except one that I started late. It should be done in a few days and it is small enough to easily move inside if I need to.

I built a six foot board fence in my yard. The photos grow too tall very fast, I have to prune and bend to keep out of sight to comply with law and keep thieves from seeing them. Autos on the other hand are easy to keep below the fence. Out of sight makes them harder for thieves to spot.

At the local Wal-Mart I picked up halogen spotlights with motion detectors that just plug in. Easily mounted. These deter thieves. Moultrie game camera and a metal bear box to mount it in. Gets pictures or video to let me know if someone is checking out the area if they approach.

I obtained one of those motion sensor alarms off Amazon with two sensors. During daylight hours any little thing sets it off.