Schools open & I'm going too die


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow, my wife who is a teacher is going back to work in the largest school in the State of Connecticut in Bridgeport with over 1200 students
They are going to hand her a face mask & a bottle of hand sanitizer and say have at it & good luck, that's it.
No separation or mandatory spacing, like none.
We live in an area with one of the highest concentrations of infections/deaths in the fucking World, one where over 80 residents in my own town have died as a result of Trump's Virus, so I hope you can understand me being distraught at this situation.
She's a strong, healthy New Jersey Girl & I'm pretty sure she will survive when she contracts COVID-19, and the odds are high/inevitable that she will, but as far as I'm concerned with my lack of moral character seeing as I drink too excess, smoke too excess & have a general affinity for debauchery & am over 60, I'm a fucking dead man typing the way I see it, because she will infect me.
So, just wait for the shit to really hit the fan once the schools open up with no vaccine on hand or a rational way of dealing with the Virus.
They are all spitting into the wind hoping it doesn't it doesn't come flying back, but you can bet it will.
We ain't seen nothing yet as far death/destruction due too Trump's Virus
I think it's only just begun.
Did you really think you were going to live forever?

Or that everything would be closed forever for that matter?

Edit: Who's excess btw, they sound like a pretty cool person.
Edit2: getting sick and dying or not seems a pretty rational way of dealing with viruses. Worked for 4 billion years and counting.

not one but two false dichotomies in just twenty words. The logic fails but the efficiency deserves note.
Not a dichotomy. You need two things. Read the questions again, each has only one subject.

Edit: the live forever thing was a joke btw.
Did you really think you were going to live forever?

Or that everything would be closed forever for that matter?

Edit: Who's excess btw, they sound like a pretty cool person.
Edit2: getting sick and dying or not seems a pretty rational way of dealing with viruses. Worked for 4 billion years and counting.
was just a single dipshit, edit 1 turned it into double dipshit, edit 2 brought it to a solid tripledipshit
Man I feel for you. My mother was a teacher, my uncle a school principal and my cousin is just starting her own teaching career. Teachers have a tough enough time simply doing their jobs as it is these days, let alone having to worry about keeping their students and themselves safe during a global pandemic on top of everything else! I can only imagine the stress your family is going through! Try and stay safe.
Tomorrow, my wife who is a teacher is going back to work in the largest school in the State of Connecticut in Bridgeport with over 1200 students
They are going to hand her a face mask & a bottle of hand sanitizer and say have at it & good luck, that's it.
No separation or mandatory spacing, like none.
We live in an area with one of the highest concentrations of infections/deaths in the fucking World, one where over 80 residents in my own town have died as a result of Trump's Virus, so I hope you can understand me being distraught at this situation.
She's a strong, healthy New Jersey Girl & I'm pretty sure she will survive when she contracts COVID-19, and the odds are high/inevitable that she will, but as far as I'm concerned with my lack of moral character seeing as I drink too excess, smoke too excess & have a general affinity for debauchery & am over 60, I'm a fucking dead man typing the way I see it, because she will infect me.
So, just wait for the shit to really hit the fan once the schools open up with no vaccine on hand or a rational way of dealing with the Virus.
They are all spitting into the wind hoping it doesn't it doesn't come flying back, but you can bet it will.
We ain't seen nothing yet as far death/destruction due too Trump's Virus
I think it's only just begun.

Here here!

I feel your anxiety and anger despite being in a different country.

We have the prospect of the kids going to school with a few weeks and I can't help but think it's a case of lambs to the slaughter.

This virus is still here bigger than ever and do not let anyone fool you/us otherwise.

My kids will not be returning anywhere near school until I see fit and that is not in the foreseeable future.

What I do see in the foreseeable future is millions more infected and many hundreds of thousands, if not millions, dead going into 2021.

Those who eat at the top table not longer meet at the top table due to Covid so they can go to fuckery if they think I am sending my kids to the lowly tables spreading Covid willy nilly with all the other pupils to take it all home with them and pass it on more.

I really do not see this issue ending and if it does it will leave a hoffic result. I'm certain.

This is only the start.

Also, just to note, the OP @Jimdamick, posted this in all seriousness I believe and I fucking feel for the guy. This post was met initially with jest, fun and ridicule looking at the replies.

Shame on those posters of those replies. It is partly because if you lot that we are in this situation because no fucker really wants to take it serious! Fucking out of order and grow up!

Think of this, would you still jest and poke fun if it was your direct family as in Mam, Dad, Sis or even wife like the OP has serious concerns about.


BTW, Yes, I do know somebody who has died and it is not nice so in advance if anyone is thinking of spouting shit.

Just don't because I know and you lot should know too. It's no fucking joke.
Not a dichotomy. You need two things. Read the questions again, each has only one subject.

Edit: the live forever thing was a joke btw.
You were making a point with that joke. Why do your kind always try to gaslight us? It doesn't work any more. Trump wore that false debate tactic out.

The false dichotomy in your second fail is we either open up and let the virus feast in order to have a strong economy and open schools OR we stay home forever to avoid getting sick. We can't have a strong economy and education system without managing the virus. Other countries have but because we have trumbshits like you, we look more like a third world country and rapidly going that direction too.
Tomorrow, my wife who is a teacher is going back to work in the largest school in the State of Connecticut in Bridgeport with over 1200 students
They are going to hand her a face mask & a bottle of hand sanitizer and say have at it & good luck, that's it.
No separation or mandatory spacing, like none.
We live in an area with one of the highest concentrations of infections/deaths in the fucking World, one where over 80 residents in my own town have died as a result of Trump's Virus, so I hope you can understand me being distraught at this situation.
She's a strong, healthy New Jersey Girl & I'm pretty sure she will survive when she contracts COVID-19, and the odds are high/inevitable that she will, but as far as I'm concerned with my lack of moral character seeing as I drink too excess, smoke too excess & have a general affinity for debauchery & am over 60, I'm a fucking dead man typing the way I see it, because she will infect me.
So, just wait for the shit to really hit the fan once the schools open up with no vaccine on hand or a rational way of dealing with the Virus.
They are all spitting into the wind hoping it doesn't it doesn't come flying back, but you can bet it will.
We ain't seen nothing yet as far death/destruction due too Trump's Virus
I think it's only just begun.

Why is you wife going into school if it will kill you? Can't she quit?
Did you really think you were going to live forever?

Or that everything would be closed forever for that matter?

Edit: Who's excess btw, they sound like a pretty cool person.
Edit2: getting sick and dying or not seems a pretty rational way of dealing with viruses. Worked for 4 billion years and counting.
You're a hoot! Like, the life of the party. Hey, know any jokes? Like, 2 Corinthians walk into a bar... How old is humanity, again?
Nope, but I sure as shit didn't want to die as a result of Trump's ineptitude

Apologies if my post was seen as ridicule. It started as a light attempt at humour, but should have stopped at the first line which is probably why that's all you responded to. So thx.

I understand your wife's situation probably more than yours, but I don't understand the fear at all. From her perspective what is she supposed to do? not teach? She's a teacher and there are kids that need teaching.

At the plant where I work I am part of one team that varies between 40-80 people to produce about 100-250 thousand servings of food a day. We had an outbreak for about two months during which about 10% of the workforce got sick. Very, very few people left to sit and collect benefits even though they could.

People were getting sick every week, there were announcements, rumours, sitting together and sharing food was banned, people were appointed to enforce that along with mask policy, there was contact tracing and mandatory testing for anyone that came into contact. The same will happen with the schools and everyone will get through it. They will probably close the classroom for two weeks if a single student tests positive.

People just do the best they can, there's no use worrying is all I meant by the last line.
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Apologies if my post was seen as ridicule. It started as a light attempt at humour, but should have stopped at the first line which is probably why that's all you responded to. So thx.

I understand your wife's situation probably more than yours, but I don't understand the fear at all. From her perspective what is she supposed to do? not teach? She's a teacher and there are kids that need teaching. I respect you home schooling your kids for the time being though if you think it's what's best for them.

At the plant where I work I am part of one team that varies between 40-80 people to produce about 100-250 thousand servings of food a day. We had an outbreak for about two months during which about 10% of the workforce got sick. Very, very few people left to sit and collect benefits even though they could.

People were getting sick every week, there were announcements, rumours, sitting together and sharing food was banned, people were appointed to enforce that along with mask policy, there was contact tracing and mandatory testing for anyone that came into contact. The same will happen with the schools and everyone will get through it. They will probably close the classroom for two weeks if a single student tests positive.

People just do the best they can, there's no use worrying is all I meant by the last line.

Hope you get a fatal case of covid.