Why vote in the US for president?

it literally came down to 77k votes out of 136M:

The only reason Trump won is because the Demacrat party cheated Bernie out of the nomination. Sanders would have won in a landslide.
The local ballot initiatives affect my life more than the National races where living in a solid Red state my vote never counts.

that's because it's bottom up and typically is the case..most people don't get that. we get out of the down ballot local candidate, candidates who eventually go to washington.
The only reason Trump won is because the Demacrat party cheated Bernie out of the nomination. Sanders would have won in a landslide.

i know (one reason why we don't need kings, queens or 'it's her turn' candidates because you can't force it and the DNC tried), but that ship has sailed and we must move on like it or not.

we have Trump as a direct result of the part the DNC played between Sanders and Clinton.

Medicare for all and $15/hourly are not supported by big corporate..and yet they are embraced by Kamala Harris who as a black, asian woman and way more progressive than anyone can know..she's not your typical AG.

the Sanders/Biden Coalition will keep Sanders close. 'It takes a village' mindset will be the key here..Warren et al...will all be utilized in some way to take our country back..Biden needs and welcomes the assist.
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They pretty much did the same thing this time. When Tulsi Gabbard stated to gain they labeled her a Russian spy. Bernie heart attack didn't help. So now they give us an awful choice. It's between a guy who made his family filthy rich using our tax dollars to bribe foreign leaders or Trump.
In my state the ballot can't be left blank on any contest or the machine rejects it. So hopefully one of the third party guys gets on or I'll just sit this one out.
They pretty much did the same thing this time. When Tulsi Gabbard stated to gain they labeled her a Russian spy. Bernie heart attack didn't help. So now they give us an awful choice. It's between a guy who made his family filthy rich using our tax dollars to bribe foreign leaders or Trump.
In my state the ballot can't be left blank on any contest or the machine rejects it. So hopefully one of the third party guys gets on or I'll just sit this one out.

Yep, you should just stay home! You don't sound like you're well.

Yep, you should just stay home! You don't sound like you're well.
Tulsi Gabbard was a rising star in the Demacrat party. In 2016 she resigned as vice chair of the party and endorsed Bernie Sanders when she learned they were rigging the debates for Hillary. Now they say she's a Russinn spy.

They pretty much did the same thing this time. When Tulsi Gabbard stated to gain they labeled her a Russian spy. Bernie heart attack didn't help. So now they give us an awful choice. It's between a guy who made his family filthy rich using our tax dollars to bribe foreign leaders or Trump.
In my state the ballot can't be left blank on any contest or the machine rejects it. So hopefully one of the third party guys gets on or I'll just sit this one out.
Tulsi hung herself on George Snukleupicus when she went full Putin apologist and cried fake news. Her gay conversion stuff was just icing on her cake. This is not an election to take a chance at a Russian stooge.

And I call bullshit on your cult lies that Guiliani was getting fed to him from Russians. Its all been bullshit that I have seen get pushed here, you have something new to share?
Tulsi hung herself on George Snukleupicus when she went full Putin apologist and cried fake news. Her gay conversion stuff was just icing on her cake. This is not an election to take a chance at a Russian stooge.

And I call bullshit on your cult lies that Guiliani was getting fed to him from Russians. Its all been bullshit that I have seen get pushed here, you have something new to share?
Wanting to stop our illegal wars in Libya and Syria makes the war veteran congresswoman who crossed Hillary a Russian asset? I call bullshit on that.
4 states will determine the election according to this article.

Here’s one part I find interesting

In 2012, 100% of the general-election campaign events (and virtually all campaign expenditures) were concentrated in the 12 closely divided "battleground" states where Romney's support was 45%-51%. Because of state winner-take-all laws, neither Romney nor Obama had any realistic chance of winning electoral votes outside those 12 states. Thus, 38 states were totally ignored, including almost all small states, medium-sized states, rural states, western states, southern states, and northeastern states. Two-thirds of the general-election campaign events (176 of 253) were concentrated in just 4 states (OH, FL, VA, IA).

Similarly, in 2016, almost all (94%) general-election campaign events were in the 12 battleground states where Trump's support was in the narrow range of 43%-51%. Two-thirds of the campaign events (273 of 399) were in just 6 states (OH, FL, VA, NC, PA, MI).

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Wanting to stop our illegal wars in Libya and Syria makes the war veteran congresswoman who crossed Hillary a Russian asset? I call bullshit on that.

You want to see BS,
The Syrian Air Force launched airstrikes against the rebels from the base only hours after the American attack. The ability to continue to use the base for these attacks has been attributed[by whom?] to the advance warning the US gave to Syria's ally, Russia, prior to the missile strike.[13]

According to the satellite images the runways[33] and the taxiways have been reportedly undamaged and combat flights from the attacked airbase resumed on 7 April a few hours after the attack
Vote for whomever you like, i doesn't matter at all. The new guy gets to meet his unseen overlords on his first day. Its the same shit from a different horse.
4 states will determine the election according to this article.

I dunno. If you cut the data differently, it looks like 9 states might decide it. But, yeah, this all just means 4 or 9 states will get all the attention from campaigns. The rest just wait around while their future is decided for them. Not a fan of the Electoral College.

In the snake shaped figure below, light red and light blue states are toss-ups because voter preference a the time of the poll fell within the statistical margin of error.

They pretty much did the same thing this time. When Tulsi Gabbard stated to gain they labeled her a Russian spy. Bernie heart attack didn't help. So now they give us an awful choice. It's between a guy who made his family filthy rich using our tax dollars to bribe foreign leaders or Trump.
In my state the ballot can't be left blank on any contest or the machine rejects it. So hopefully one of the third party guys gets on or I'll just sit this one out.
what a stupid, shitty post full of lies
I dunno. If you cut the data differently, it looks like 9 states might decide it. But, yeah, this all just means 4 or 9 states will get all the attention from campaigns. The rest just wait around while their future is decided for them. Not a fan of the Electoral College.

In the snake shaped figure below, light red and light blue states are toss-ups because voter preference a the time of the poll fell within the statistical margin of error.

View attachment 4659740
Ok 4 or 9. I want to hear again how my vote matters in this equation. I’m not in the 4 or the 9.....so?
I saw a sign on the way home “Keep America Great”. I was like wtf? This is great? Record unemployment, record business bailouts, record stimulus money. And I’m not even including covid.