What did you accomplish today?

Ok last one. I forgot to show off the “vapor barrier” in the crawlspace i did.
View attachment 4653836
Felt and 12 mil reinforced.
The inspector saw it and said holy shit. Never seen a crawlspace done up like that before. I told him word!
I made the plumbers wear socks. Lmao

I went in there to do some shit already and rolled my way out. How fucking killer is that, for those of you who have crawlspace and have had to crawl in there?

Btw it was fucking pristine before the plumbers had there way :-( but at least its still clean :-)
What are the piers supporting?
New laptop or pc?
Inversion might work for scatica? I’ve been wanting one for my other back problems.
Daughter is about to pop, only had around 20 rattlers this year. Not bad. I feel like i’m culling back the population finally. Hopefully only 15 next year.
iMac ;) Yup inversion can help sciatica. Also water, sad thing about alcohol is it's a diuretic. Actually more water, less beer. I'd go inversion and keep drinking my beer LOL But see how the new gadget works.

Congrats on the 'popping' I hope you get to see yours a lot. You'll make a wonderful grandpa ;D
iMac ;) Yup inversion can help sciatica. Also water, sad thing about alcohol is it's a diuretic. Actually more water, less beer. I'd go inversion and keep drinking my beer LOL But see how the new gadget works.

Congrats on the 'popping' I hope you get to see yours a lot. You'll make a wonderful grandpa ;D
You’re so bad ass!
I will be seeing my granddaughter allot. They are here. But have plans to only move to grass valley/nevada city. I’m gonna spoil that kid like i did my daughter ;-)
You guys see that skilsaw in the back ground?
It survived the fire. Won it graduation ceremony when turned out gay, i mean journeyman in ‘96. Had to replace all the plastic but it survived. Was out on my brand new cement paver padio i JUST did with a diamond blade on it.

Those of you who don’t know. I just finished sweeping in the sand on my brand new 500sqft paver patio the night before the fire.
If i wasn’t doing that patio I would have definitely lost both boats. Both boats were out in my lot because bringing materials in through the side and my boats carport.No boat insurance cause i’s stupid. Both boats took about 30k in damage. Home owners only covers 1500.
I’ve already spent about 9k on the jet sled. The FV trollitup took allot more damage. You really can never fix ember burns everyfuckingwhere :-(
The FV trollitup us now fishable and I wouldn’t even give a fuck if a smoker dropped an ash on shit lmao.
Good night
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My crawl space. You really think so?

It looks haunted and about like my crawlspace back home. Only difference is mine has a little less 'headroom' (if you can call it that). It starts at like 3 feet and tapers down to about 20" in the back. Super fun to get back there.

My least favorite crawlspace experience was when 2 skunks got in a fight down there in the middle of the night. The next 10 or so days weren't very enjoyable. Another time a racoon had a litter (or whatever groups of baby racoons are called) down there. I hadn't realized she got in, and then there was no getting them out until they were a bit grown and could venture out on their own and I finally sealed it back up.