Sulfur Deficiency

Hello everyone! New DWC grower... new cannabis grower. I’m loving everything big I have to learn about with the plants and how each molecule reacts with one another!
Recently went on a trip left my girls for 4 Days, they were fed the day before I left (I didn’t add bloom, at the time I didn’t realize this was the only sulfur intake they’d get.)
Before I left she was already showing signs of sulfur deficiency, but early stages just looks like a nitrogen deficiency. Lack of sulfur, even though it’s a little amount causes your plant to be able to use the nitrogen you have available!
I have already fixed this with a chart I have and just wanted to share something straight forward people can look up when they aren’t sure if they have a sulfur deficiency!
notice the yellowing between veins on the leaves, also the red stems and veins. Again I just thought it was hungry. So when I got back in 4 Days this is what she looked like
As you can imagine I was freaking out. I didn’t know what was happening. But I did a bunch of research and found a chart which helped me realize it was a sulfur issue!
I changed the water added bloom which has sulfur and the color got better on newer leaves.

The color change back to a darker green only took 12 hours. She immediately felt better growing faster!


My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
First time I've seen sulfur deficiency mentioned.

I think your plant just needed some nitrogen or water in general. Not sure how low your water level got in 4 days but mine would've been bone dry in a 5 gallon.

My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
Glad you got your plant right. Best to not let your plant get low on your macros again.. specifically sulfur. Good thing you had your handy dandy chart. :clap:
you guys are assholes. I know sulfur isn’t a micro, I know the plant needed more than sulfur, but the sulfur was a main reason it wasn’t up taking other nutes.
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Well-Known Member
you guys are assholes. I know sulfur isn’t a macro, I know the plant needed more than sulfur, but the sulfur was a main reason it wasn’t up taking other nutes.
Lol no it wasn’t. Unless you’re literally using RO and deionized water and adding every element from scratch you’re wrong about sulfer.

Period. I’m not even going to elaborate as to why. What I said above is enough.

My Name is Mike

Well-Known Member
you guys are assholes. I know sulfur isn’t a macro, I know the plant needed more than sulfur, but the sulfur was a main reason it wasn’t up taking other nutes.
Stop posting bad information or making shit up.

Here are some facts for you..

Sulfur is a macro
No, you actually don't know sulfur was the main reason
Yes, 3 week old plants can drink 4 gallons in 4 days
No, you've never grown before
Yes, this is your first DWC grow
Yes, your clear air lines can encourage algae
No, you don't speak from experience

Happy Growing.