Well-Known Member
You can’t stand in one spot too long if you’re barefoot here in Georgia, they will find you. They are EVERYWHERE.I discovered fire ants when working under a car in Texas, not a fan.
You can’t stand in one spot too long if you’re barefoot here in Georgia, they will find you. They are EVERYWHERE.I discovered fire ants when working under a car in Texas, not a fan.
I guess that ice is not supposed to be in there.It's working now, hopefully it will last to the end of summer.
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When I was little my dad was stationed in Arizona and I didn't know any better than to stand next to a red ant hill. They decided I was a threat and went up my jeans legs and bit the hell out of me. Dad had to pull them off my legs and use tweezers because their heads would still be attached if he pulled on the bodies.You can’t stand in one spot too long if you’re barefoot here in Georgia, they will find you. They are EVERYWHERE.
That typically happens when cooling units are low on freon.I guess that ice is not supposed to be in there.It's working now, hopefully it will last to the end of summer.
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That typically happens when cooling units are low on freon.
It wasn't blowing any cold air this morning. I called a tech and he ran the fan without the a/c on and it thawed after an hour and it started working again. told me it's time to replace the furnace and a/c, they're both 25 years old.
25yrs old, dang, got good use of that one didn't you...lol
Seven years. The home inspector told my partner's parents they should be replaced when they bought it.
still got a few years out of it.....which isn't bad at all.....
me and the wife had to replace a window unit we had in the living room this year....we went up from a 5k btu unit to a 10k unit.......now I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with an extra 5k unit hmmm.....pretty sure i'll keep it around and re-use it somewhere else....least I have a spare unit
Their probably going to tell you that you need a new one every time you see them. Weather you do or not. But check a couple of things first, look to see if the coils are clean if not that can cause it to freeze up, keep a clean filter in it ..... a dirty filter causes the unit to over work itself and can freeze up .They did a recharge and full service in 2019 and told us then that it needs to be replaced. Hopefully it lasts another month or so and we'll replace it and the furnace in the spring.
Low mileage, cold air......
Cortisone creamI’m currently really enjoying the Southern Fire Ant welts from my getting a bit chewed two weeks ago. This is not the imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), but native Solenopsis xyloni. Its bite and sting don’t feel like much, but they raise a long-lasting welt (“up to a week” guess I’m just special) that itches like twice as bad as a mosquito bite, right up there with local poison oak dermatitis.
Now I feel phantom bites and check to make sure another ant hasn’t just given the gift that keeps on giving. Benadryl cream doesn’t reduce the itch. Lidocaine cream helps some.
You didn't happen to make another expensive purchase recently? You have to be extremely discreet about those type of purchases otherwise everything in the home gets jealous and commits suicide or begins to phone their work in.They did a recharge and full service in 2019 and told us then that it needs to be replaced. Hopefully it lasts another month or so and we'll replace it and the furnace in the spring.
Their probably going to tell you that you need a new one every time you see them. Weather you do or not. But check a couple of things first, look to see if the coils are clean if not that can cause it to freeze up, keep a clean filter in it ..... a dirty filter causes the unit to over work itself and can freeze up .
However new units are more efficient.... but are not made to last as long. But old units having R-22 are being phased out and can only be serviced for a few more years, I don’t remember the exact date nor do I know what the Canadian plan is. I did take a class about three years ago that gave us the information but.... that was a lot of bong hits ago.
I’m just saying don’t take a salesperson’s word for it . You owe it to yourself to investigate just a little. There’s huge profit in the ac business.
You didn't happen to make another expensive purchase recently? You have to be extremely discreet about those type of purchases otherwise everything in the home gets jealous and commits suicide or begins to phone their work in.
Good, you know how to get to it. Get under there, blow dry the ice off it, clean it up and give it some love and attention.The unit is underneath the patio, you have to unbolt the skirt off and climb under in the dirt to get to it. I watched him go under but couldn't really see much, he brought back a chunk of ice and took a pic. I would really like to upgrade to high efficiency, my parents place is has over a thousand more square feet and they pay a third less for gas in the winter.
Right there! So not only did you spend but you spent outside, what they consider, the familial necessities, damn, sorry.lol No I've been very good with my spending recently. other than the lights and grow room upgrades![]()