What did you accomplish today?

Right now I am doing an elimination diet, and all the things I would be stoked to fin I can't have lol. Also, though PCT was closed? Jerky, M&M's, prerolls and a cold beer.
I'd recommend this food but its sold out.
It tastes liker something I could make and I can make every one of these dishes
Not cheap but amazing actual food in a bag with actual spice.

I'd recommend this food but its sold out.
It tastes liker something I could make and I can make every one of these dishes
Not cheap but amazing actual food in a bag with actual spice.

Those are good I need to cut the bibimbap with plain rice though its too spicy for me. Many of the manufacturers like mtn house and backpackers pantry were real limited when I looked back in march.
It's closed too I think.
The support network is closed, all the cheap motels and diners, quarantine restrictions, the huts across the granite ridges and bored local cops looking for out of state folks at the road crossings in the rural Appalachians.

Day hikers and droves of new campers are out, and we have hordes of NY and CT that never go here but got no choice this year.
They ate all the food I was going to recommend.
Those are good I need to cut the bibimbap with plain rice though its too spicy for me. Many of the manufacturers like mtn house and backpackers pantry were real limited when I looked back in march.
LOL. Just had it last night first time on top of a mt...wife got the hottest side and said the same thing, but I probably didn't chew it after a long day.
That was surprisingly spicy.
I discovered fire ants when working under a car in Texas, not a fan.
I’m currently really enjoying the Southern Fire Ant welts from my getting a bit chewed two weeks ago. This is not the imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), but native Solenopsis xyloni. Its bite and sting don’t feel like much, but they raise a long-lasting welt (“up to a week” guess I’m just special) that itches like twice as bad as a mosquito bite, right up there with local poison oak dermatitis.

Now I feel phantom bites and check to make sure another ant hasn’t just given the gift that keeps on giving. Benadryl cream doesn’t reduce the itch. Lidocaine cream helps some.
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I’m currently really enjoying the Southern Fire Ant welts from my getting a bit chewed a coupla weeks ago. This is not the imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta), but native Solenopsis xyloni. Its bite and sting don’t feel like much, but they raise a long-lasting welt (“up to a week” guess I’m just special) that itches like twice as bad as a mosquito bite, right up there with local poison oak dermatitis.

Now I feel phantom bites and check to make sure another ant hasn’t just given the gift that keeps on giving. Benadryl cream doesn’t reduce the itch. Lidocaine cream helps some.

I use an antibiotic cream, it reduces the the itch big time