What did you accomplish today?

We "had" a wood fireplace & it was horribly inefficent. Then we tore off all the siding on the house, sealed all openings, new tyvek, doors, windows & siding plus an additional 18" of blown in insulation in the attic. The damn fireplace wouldn't draft worth a hoot even with the internal draft wide open so we dry walled the thing up & called it good. :finger:
Mine has a insert with a blower I put in back 18 years ago, with a 6" stainless steel liner up the chimney. It works a lot better than an open fireplace but they still are not very efficient. It is nice sitting in front of a fire, but propane is dirt cheap around here now. I could always put the wood burner back in when the world ends!! if things change. The wood is soooo dusty/dirty!!
Awesome - Thanks!
Are you running a single inverter or micro inverters on each panel?
I'm using Suoer GTIs, I have a 600w one with 2 panels already up for a year, and I've bought a 1000w for these 3 panels ($100).
They can take 2/3/4 panels connected in parallel, as long as you don't exceed the maximum power it doesn't seem to matter.
$400 get me 3 units a day of electricity (worth 50c), so after 800 days I'll be getting free electricity.
We "had" a wood fireplace & it was horribly inefficent. Then we tore off all the siding on the house, sealed all openings, new tyvek, doors, windows & siding plus an additional 18" of blown in insulation in the attic. The damn fireplace wouldn't draft worth a hoot even with the internal draft wide open so we dry walled the thing up & called it good. :finger:
I’m using a Hearthstone soapstone stove it heats 2400sf with ease. I replaced a shitty majestic insert, best 10k I ever spent.
For me the wood was a lot of work, consumed a inordanate amount of my time & I always left a trail of spruce bark & "shit" through the house.

Momma was the driving factor in deleting it.
My wife won't have a fireplace because of growing up with 90% wood heating with a wood stove all her life. Her family rarely used the propane central heat, due to the price. Always fun being the first one up and having to start a fire to warm up.