Racist Biden.

Yes that is Obama. Did you hear about him all the way in Canada ?
You realize Canada is quite close to the States ..... literally touching it right? Your geographic prowess and hate for Canada leaves me to believe you are as dumb as stump and you found Canadian footprints leading away from your wife’s bedroom window and some maple syrup on the nightstand. As for hearing about Obama, yes we did, all the way up here and were quite proud that your country seemed to finally get its shit together. Same feeling you had when mom kick her meth habit for four years ....... then relapsed :(.
I am of a political persuasion/understanding that is foreign to the posters in this thread, insofar as I can tell. Alas, I have a golden rule that has served me well in navigating American politics: Conservatives are wrong about everything, then work backwards from there.

Consider this thread. Conservatives have an explicitly reactionary, defensive, and ultimately negative conception of life. As such they offer no real, forward-thinking, idealistic or even romantic alternatives to what many refer to as Cultural Marxism. This is encapsulated very poignantly in this thread.

Instead of having an honest, natural, forward-thinking response to what they perceive as anti-white sentiment (EG, "I'm white. America was intented for whites and their posterity. Whites deserve a homeland just like the Japanese, et al") they necessarily start from a defensive posture because they have no actual vision for the world (eg, "herp derp I'm scared to be called a racist so..umm....I don't even care that whites are literally going extinct...umm...democrats are the REAL RACISTZZZ! Did you guys know that Abe Lincoln was Republican? herp derp)."

Cultural Marxism is not intuitively popular in the West'. Indeed, it is perhaps the embodiment of unnatural thinking. The famed Long Walk Through the Institutions was successful only because of the impotence of its' interlocutor.

The intellectuals at the Heritage Foundation are quite literally on a philosophical/intellectual playing field with the Sean Hannity's of the world. There is no there there.
When you say cultural marxism what do you mean by that?

Same as this?

Cultural Marxism – the ultimate post-factual dog whistle

"In a nutshell, the theory posits that a tiny group of Jewish philosophers who fled Germany in the 1930s and set up shop at Columbia University in New York City devised an unorthodox form of 'Marxism' that took aim at American society's culture, rather than its economic system," the report states.


It's all part of the same status quo loving right wing bullshit.
When you say cultural marxism what do you mean by that?

Same as this?

Cultural Marxism – the ultimate post-factual dog whistle

"In a nutshell, the theory posits that a tiny group of Jewish philosophers who fled Germany in the 1930s and set up shop at Columbia University in New York City devised an unorthodox form of 'Marxism' that took aim at American society's culture, rather than its economic system," the report states.

View attachment 4646812

Yes. Did you actually read that linked article? That is the most poorly-sourced, embarrassing retort I have ever read. They literally appeal to emotion as a beginning and end point. Literal encapsulation "maybe so, but...muh racism!"
It's all part of the same status quo loving right wing bullshit.
Yes. Did you actually read that linked article? That is the most poorly-sourced, embarrassing retort I have ever read. They literally appeal to emotion as a beginning and end point. Literal encapsulation "maybe so, but...muh racism!"

the cultural marxism conspiracy theory has been around for a long time. hitler called it judeo-bolshevism

Screenshot 2020-08-07 at 12.58.48 PM.png

it's basically a boogeyman for little bitch nazis
Yes. Did you actually read that linked article? That is the most poorly-sourced, embarrassing retort I have ever read. They literally appeal to emotion as a beginning and end point. Literal encapsulation "maybe so, but...muh racism!"

It was written at your level. Any honest description of the term would embarrass somebody who professed belief in it. It's quite understandable why your little snowflake feelz were hurt. It's probably the first time you were confronted with the fact. Maybe you should just go back to Stormfront, a safe zone for Nazis.
It was written at your level. Any honest description of the term would embarrass somebody who professed belief in it. It's quite understandable why your little snowflake feelz were hurt. It's probably the first time you were confronted with the fact. Maybe you should just go back to Stormfront, a safe zone for Nazis.
To say your retorts are low brow would be missing the point. It's obvious to all serious thinkers that you have no philosophical understanding, nor an IQ above 90, nor even an interest in politics. I could go on and highlight my nuanced take followed by your Buzzfeed-tier, linked retort with a criscendo of a teenage girl insult.

Alas, you're not displaying a mere lack of intellectual rigor, philosophical understanding, or nuance.

You're displaying mental illness. This is the disposition that Dr. Edward Dutton refers to as " the spiteful mutant."

I'm assuming you're 15 or 16, so you have time. But this is rough stuff, Fogdog.

Politics aside. Ooof.
the cultural marxism conspiracy theory has been around for a long time. hitler called it judeo-bolshevism

View attachment 4646952

it's basically a boogeyman for little bitch nazis
No. I briefly considered educating you, but then reflected "who calls someone a "bitch" anonymously, online, whilst literally parroting the mainstream narrative?" For whom are these ironies completely lost?

A) 15 year olds
B) < 90 IQ's
C) Mentally ill folks

This sub is a shit show. Unfortunate.
To say your retorts are low brow would be missing the point. It's obvious to all serious thinkers that you have no philosophical understanding, nor an IQ above 90, nor even an interest in politics. I could go on and highlight my nuanced take followed by your Buzzfeed-tier, linked retort with a criscendo of a teenage girl insult.

Alas, you're not displaying a mere lack of intellectual rigor, philosophical understanding, or nuance.

You're displaying mental illness. This is the disposition that Dr. Edward Dutton refers to as " the spiteful mutant."

I'm assuming you're 15 or 16, so you have time. But this is rough stuff, Fogdog.

Politics aside. Ooof.
I'm sorry that facts hurt your feelings. I should be careful about what I say to your kind. Your kind get all angry and go shoot people when they disagree with your kind.

Anyway, whatever shithole you live in, I hope your day gets better.
Biden says african American are all the same!!!
What do you all think about that?
Please stay on topic.
More interested in who he picks for VP. I have been known Biden needs help understanding the black community, but was out voted.. So it is what it is.
Still he will surround himself with people much better than the Trump admin. and the SCOTUS is much too important to let Trump pick another.
To say your retorts are low brow would be missing the point. It's obvious to all serious thinkers that you have no philosophical understanding, nor an IQ above 90, nor even an interest in politics. I could go on and highlight my nuanced take followed by your Buzzfeed-tier, linked retort with a criscendo of a teenage girl insult.

Alas, you're not displaying a mere lack of intellectual rigor, philosophical understanding, or nuance.

You're displaying mental illness. This is the disposition that Dr. Edward Dutton refers to as " the spiteful mutant."

I'm assuming you're 15 or 16, so you have time. But this is rough stuff, Fogdog.

Politics aside. Ooof.
It's a weed forum. Dud
No. I briefly considered educating you, but then reflected "who calls someone a "bitch" anonymously, online, whilst literally parroting the mainstream narrative?" For whom are these ironies completely lost?

A) 15 year olds
B) < 90 IQ's
C) Mentally ill folks

This sub is a shit show. Unfortunate.
A I'm 76 and retired
B 137
C I handled nukes in the air force. Mucho mental testing. Even better than Trump's.