weight lifting who here does

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I've lost zero flexibility.. I can nearly do the splits, back bends, hand stand pushups, tumbling all that shit... all in my quiver of moves

runnning a mile doing 100 pull ups, 200 push, ups 300 air squats, and then running another mile is par for the course.

doing a 100 pull ups full extension is a cake walk..

If you really want to test your fitness.. load the bar up with 275lbs do a set of 5 and then do 10 burpees.. do that for 5 rounds... and keep it under 4 minutes.. the entire routine.. That is brutal and complete functional fitness..



Well-Known Member
aight i thought u were fucking with the white devil for the second i used 2 live in soiundview and that shit was just a killer to see, especially when u're homeboi ended up on the stuff

never tried shrooms or acid, i've taken some painkillers but meh, not 4 me lol

and lol beating the shit outta u're froends i just like it when my froens act they are gonna hit me and i just stare at them like: i wish u would,
and they just back off lol
nah my boys are the way if u disrespect them or piss them off and im the same way but boy or not where throwing the hands but after words where cool again sometimes we just fight for the fuck of it and yeah the white devil wont get me use to fuck with that shit but got away thank god acid and shrooms are fucking great specialy when u peak :hump:


Well-Known Member
menace, u loose weight symetrically from head to toe. there is no one thing u can do that will target ur stomach. u have abs under there some where. keep up the good work it will all come together at once. unfortunetly the mid section is the last to go.
im a certifide p.t. 6 2 225 w 12% body fat and party like a rock star. it can be done. u have to dedicate 4 or 5 days in the gym. well worth it i was 265 with no muscle mass at one time
i hear that ex finace got me all depressed amd shit i got fat now shes gone im sexy again :hump:


Well-Known Member
I've lost zero flexibility.. I can nearly do the splits, back bends, hand stand pushups, tumbling all that shit... all in my quiver of moves

runnning a mile doing 100 pull ups, 200 push, ups 300 air squats, and then running another mile is par for the course.

doing a 100 pull ups full extension is a cake walk..

If you really want to test your fitness.. load the bar up with 275lbs do a set of 5 and then do 10 burpees.. do that for 5 rounds... and keep it under 4 minutes.. the entire routine.. That is brutal and complete functional fitness..

idk 100 pull ups at once i cant even do and i bench 200 so idk if u can then damn :shock:


Well-Known Member
^^ rofl...... he must be very fit... :)

I can do 120-125 kgs now....... Im proud of that...... :hump:
how much is that in pounds i can curl with both arms 110 bench 200 leg press 400 and yeah i thought that was funny as well i can do 25 pull ups each set ive never maxed myself to see how much i can really do tho :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i do. weight lifting is my passion, i will all natural no supplement weight lift until the day i die. i've never taken a supplement and never will--i want to push my self as far as naturally possible. some day when i get a camera of my own i will post pics for all to see..


Well-Known Member
^^ rofl...... he must be very fit... :)

I can do 120-125 kgs now....... Im proud of that...... :hump:
125kg bench is around 260lbs bong. 260 1RM or is that for multiple reps? either way for a guy your size thats impressive if it is good form.. none of that ass lifted off the seat or arched back or close grip chest-touching shit.


Well-Known Member
I've lost zero flexibility.. I can nearly do the splits, back bends, hand stand pushups, tumbling all that shit... all in my quiver of moves

runnning a mile doing 100 pull ups, 200 push, ups 300 air squats, and then running another mile is par for the course.

doing a 100 pull ups full extension is a cake walk..

If you really want to test your fitness.. load the bar up with 275lbs do a set of 5 and then do 10 burpees.. do that for 5 rounds... and keep it under 4 minutes.. the entire routine.. That is brutal and complete functional fitness..

are you being sarcastic? i can't tell:bongsmilie: veteran crossfit athletes can't even do what you're saying you can..


Well-Known Member
125kg bench is around 260lbs bong. 260 1RM or is that for multiple reps? either way for a guy your size thats impressive if it is good form.. none of that ass lifted off the seat or arched back or close grip chest-touching shit.

:) Can do about 4-10..... depends, i like to do my 15kg training... arms...... and I do 50 for my shoulders.... just by pulling them up, like i dont know what your talking about.. u know how i mean ;)

and well..... I havnt been training these last 2 weeks cuz i have been having pains... :S


Well-Known Member
i think i need to start steroids guys..... bad idea good idea.... i am near to buying.. a little afraid of what you will say dont hurt me

I know that if u can keep it ok, dont over do and just have a 3 month body cure basicly... it wont do anything.. its when u go crazy with this shit..

i mean common with the amount of drugs i've done im sure steroids arn't the worst, cuz basicly all your doing is making your body work harder in building up muscles..

its like overclocking....


anyone here done it to gain a little more than he actually can.... ?????

I realy would just love to have a mix shake that makes u huge like that but i know theres nothing that can change your muscle build up other than steroids :D


Well-Known Member
Chest & Back, Abs

Muscle-confusion plyometrics

Shoulders & Arms, Abs

Advanced Yoga

Legs & Back, Abs

Cardio Kenpo

Stretch or Rest

Do this for 3 weeks, on the 4th week it is a new schedule:

Advanced Yoga

Core Syngergistics (Full-body cardio, focussing abs)

Cardio Kenpo

Advanced Stretching

Core Synergistics

Avanced Yoga

Advanced Stretching or rest

Weeks 5-7:

Chest & Shoulders & Triceps, Abs


Back & Biceps, Abs

Advanced Yoga

Legs & Back, Abs

Cardio Kenpo

Advanced stretching or rest

Chest & Back:
Standard Push ups,
Wide arm, front pull-ups,
Military Push ups,
Reverse-grip Chin ups
Wide-arm Push Ups
Closed Grip, overhand Pull-ups
Decline Push Ups
Heavy Pants (25lbs min, I do it at 55lbs)
Diamond Pushups
Lawn Mowers (just like the motion, except the lawnmower string is a 60lb dumbbell)
Dive-bomb Push ups (think going under a fence, then back up under the fence)
Back Flys

Repeat everything in reverse order, start with Wide-front pullups then do Standard pushups, etc.

Shoulders & Arms
Alternating Shoulder Presses (20lb min, I do it at 40lbs)
In & Out Bicep Curls
Deep Swimmer's Press
Full-Concentration Curls
Chair Dips
Static Arm Curls
Flip-grip Tricep Kickbacks
Crouching Curls
Lying-down Tricep Extensions

Bonus Round:
In&Out, straight-arm shoulder flys
Congdon Curls
Side-tri Rise (Lay on your left side, left arm & elbow down, and use your right arm to lift your shoulders from your mat. Repeat 25 times, or max reps.)

Repeat the workout, in reverse

Legs & Back:
Balance Lunge (25 reps each leg)
Calf-raise Squat
Reverse-grip Chinups (30 secs, or max reps)
Super Skater (25 reps per leg)
Wall Squat (90 Secs, with thighs parrallel to the floor or slightly below)
Wide-front Pullups ( Max Reps)
Step-back Lunge (15 reps per leg)
Alternating-side lunge (24 reps)
Single-leg Wall Squats (60 secs)
Deadlift Squats (20 reps per leg)
Switch-grip Pullups
Ballastic Stretch (30 secs)
Three-way Lunge with Kenpo Kick (30 reps)
Sneaky Lunge (just a lunge, except no stepping back onto your heel. STAY ON THE TOES!) (20 reps)
Reverse-grip Chinups (max reps)
Chair Saluations ('sit' in mid-air, butt flexed and down and lift your arms STRAIGHT up) (30secs, 2 times)
Toe-roll Lunge (20 reps each leg)
Wide-Front Pullup (max reps)
Groucho Walk (45 sec)
Calf Raises (75 reps. 20lb min, I do it with 100lbs w/ 2x 40lb dumbbels + 20lb vest)
Closed-grip Overhand Pullup
80/20 Speed Squat (30 reps per leg, get airborne for the last 10) (80% of weight on 1 leg, 20% of weight on the other)
Switch-Grip Pullups (Max reps)


Twist & Pivot (25 reps)
Twist & Pivot with Hook & Uppercut (25 reps)
Jabs (20 reps + 10 double-jabs, per side)
Jab/Cross (25 reps each side)
Jab/cross/Hook (25 reps per side)
Jab/Cross/Hook/Uppercut (25 Reps per side)
Cardio Break (Run in place [30sec], Jump rope [15sec], Jumping jacks [20sec/10 reps)
Step Drag/high-low punch (20 reps + 10 doubles)
Jab/cross, Switch-your-feet [20 reps]
Hook-uppercut Switch [20 Reps]
Knee Kick (20 reps + 10 at double speed, each side)
Ball Kick (30 reps per side)
Cardio Break (Same as last 1)
Side Kick (30 reps per side)
Back Kick (25 reps per side)
Three-directional Kick (72 reps / 24 per side x 3 sides)
Side-Lunge with High sword/low hammer (15 reps per side)
Step drag, claw, low-punch (15 reps + 10 double, per side)
Cardio Break (Same 1)
High Block (30 Reps)
Inward Block (30 Reps)
Outward Block (30 Reps)
Downward Block (30 Reps)
Star Block (16 Reps)
Cardio Break (Same 1)
Front shuffle w/High block & Low punch (15 reps + 10 doubles, per side)
Knee/back Kick (15 reps per side)
Front & Back Knuckles/Ball Kick/Back Kick (10 reps per side)
Hook/uppercut/low Side Kick (10 reps each side)
Elbow Series (30 reps)
Vertical Punches (100 Reps)
Cardio Break & Cooldown


Well-Known Member
Under that system, I achieved a 6-pack in 4 weeks. I'm in week 6 of 12.

P.S I only eat organic food, smoke organic weed, and only take organic supplements!!
If you can't work without a drug, than you failed at life!!

I'm only 130 pounds, but I have 5% Body fat & can lift my own weight +40lbs during Pull ups
Bulk is just bulk folks. I'm obsessed with LEAN STRONG MUSCLE


Well-Known Member
i think i need to start steroids guys..... bad idea good idea.... i am near to buying.. a little afraid of what you will say dont hurt me

I know that if u can keep it ok, dont over do and just have a 3 month body cure basicly... it wont do anything.. its when u go crazy with this shit..

i mean common with the amount of drugs i've done im sure steroids arn't the worst, cuz basicly all your doing is making your body work harder in building up muscles..

its like overclocking....


anyone here done it to gain a little more than he actually can.... ?????

I realy would just love to have a mix shake that makes u huge like that but i know theres nothing that can change your muscle build up other than steroids :D
don't do it, whether u're serious or not don't do it, i'm gonna relate this one to weed:

when u're growing a plant right the stems are it's bones the buds are the muscles, u start giving u're plant something that grows ONLY the buds and now u're plant looks buff and good but on the inside it's stressed as hell because it's bones cannot take the muscle on top of it snapping the bones and ruining all u worked for because u wanted to take a short cut

u see what i'm getting at? u will look big but u wont be as strong as u should be and u never will be because unlike weed u don't grow back stroger after that kind of abuse not to mention the blood pressure, heart and penis affects it will have

just my 0.02


Well-Known Member
sit ups with 45 plate (upper), leg raises while pressing weight(lower), put two 15 on floor alternate pickup right from left and vice versa(obliques)

just some


Well-Known Member
don't do it, whether u're serious or not don't do it, i'm gonna relate this one to weed:

when u're growing a plant right the stems are it's bones the buds are the muscles, u start giving u're plant something that grows ONLY the buds and now u're plant looks buff and good but on the inside it's stressed as hell because it's bones cannot take the muscle on top of it snapping the bones and ruining all u worked for because u wanted to take a short cut

u see what i'm getting at? u will look big but u wont be as strong as u should be and u never will be because unlike weed u don't grow back stroger after that kind of abuse not to mention the blood pressure, heart and penis affects it will have

just my 0.02
Im going to have to chime in here and say what you said is 50% true. Sure steriods do give you the chance of making bigger muscles but what most people dont understand is that your ligaments and tendons are the ones at risk when youtake steriods. They do not grow during a 3-4 month cycle. 1 cycle doesnt hurt but ive seen it a millions times. you do one and you cant stop. next thing you know your pumping yourself with multi compounds and your body really begins to take a toll. A nurse talked to me about steriods once and told me about her girlfriends husband who is a body builder. at 40 his insides are like that of a 80 year old man. Your body just cant compensate for the amount of drugs in your system and basically its like being a severe alcoholic.... death comes early with continued used

IMO steriods arent that bad if used right. I plan on doing a cycle eventually but its all about reaching your "peak". If your not a dedicated meat head at the gym then dont bother. chances are youll lose your gains after you get off the juice.

Most people dont understand growth is all about nutrition. sure you can pump yourself with 1000 mgs of test and see results but its all water and bloat UNLESS youalready know how to train and eat right.

What i mean by eat right isnt just eating more meat. im talking alot of food. for me being 6'5 i see growth at 3500 cals but really i should eat close to 5-6k a day. Ive done it before and let me tell you its very stressful eating that damn much. 8 meals a day EVERYDAY no days off with eating at all. thats the key to growth.

If your not gaining wieght or muscle dont think you need steriods. First learn how to train your muscles correctly and you have to learn how to eat eat eat. And remember you are what you eat... veggies and lean meat should be #1 on your diet. not to mention healthy fats and carbs. without carbs your body cant produce energy to burn all that healthy food you just ate.

Looks into macro nutrients if your serious about growing muscle.