weight lifting who here does


Well-Known Member
ive been involved with steriods for many years. I know a million people on them and a few who are body builders.... I just dont want anyone to hurt them selves with something as serious a steriods. YES STERIODS ARE VERY SERIOUS. If you dont believe me ask the guy getting a 7000 dollar gynomastia surgery becuase he has tits on top of that nicely formed chest he just spent 4 months working on.

And trust me this shit can kill you

knowledge is power my friends


Well-Known Member
just got back from doing sprint excercises, racign the neighbourhood kids, i had to show these south fla boiz what a stoner can do

(they timed me at a 10.5 with a 4.5 40yd i'm honestly shocked lol)


Well-Known Member
just got back from doing sprint excercises, racign the neighbourhood kids, i had to show these south fla boiz what a stoner can do

(they timed me at a 10.5 with a 4.5 40yd i'm honestly shocked lol)
As Darth Vader would say, "Impressive, very impressive."

Just finished the 10 jumping jacks
OK now 10 pushups


Well-Known Member
As Darth Vader would say, "Impressive, very impressive."

Just finished the 10 jumping jacks
OK now 10 pushups
lol breaks on the computer, i just lighted yup a blunt actually lol

like the movie how high: stroke smoke, stroke smoke, stroke smoke, stroke smoke, stroke smoke, stroke smoke, stroke smoke, :mrgreen::joint::hump::joint::hump::joint::hump::mrgreen:


Active Member
i work out hard core everyday between weight lifting and training, ive gain 12 lbs in 4 weeks.. but im training for UFC fighting so i need to get back into shape.


Well-Known Member
:) Can do about 4-10..... depends, i like to do my 15kg training... arms...... and I do 50 for my shoulders.... just by pulling them up, like i dont know what your talking about.. u know how i mean ;)

and well..... I havnt been training these last 2 weeks cuz i have been having pains... :S
u will get pains man i work out until its to soar to go anymore im not even sure how much i lift in a day i know its over 200 curls a day :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i think i need to start steroids guys..... bad idea good idea.... i am near to buying.. a little afraid of what you will say dont hurt me

I know that if u can keep it ok, dont over do and just have a 3 month body cure basicly... it wont do anything.. its when u go crazy with this shit..

i mean common with the amount of drugs i've done im sure steroids arn't the worst, cuz basicly all your doing is making your body work harder in building up muscles..

its like overclocking....


anyone here done it to gain a little more than he actually can.... ?????

I realy would just love to have a mix shake that makes u huge like that but i know theres nothing that can change your muscle build up other than steroids :D
yeah go for steriods if u want a small penis man that shit i hear will make ur shit shrink and thats enough to keep me away:mrgreen: and go natural shock ur muscle best way to build bulk work out with small weights and then when it starts toi burn and u can feel the oxygen rushing to ur muscle hit it with realy heavy weigh makes u riped:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Under that system, I achieved a 6-pack in 4 weeks. I'm in week 6 of 12.

P.S I only eat organic food, smoke organic weed, and only take organic supplements!!
If you can't work without a drug, than you failed at life!!

I'm only 130 pounds, but I have 5% Body fat & can lift my own weight +40lbs during Pull ups
Bulk is just bulk folks. I'm obsessed with LEAN STRONG MUSCLE
bulk is bulk but it more has to do with the memorie in ur muscle not the size and bulk muscle is normaly stronger than lean muscle just for the simple fact heaveyer weight builds bulk ur muscle gets use to that weigh witch gives u memorie in ur muscle:mrgreen: i belive i aint no scientist now:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah go for steriods if u want a small penis man that shit i hear will make ur shit shrink and thats enough to keep me away:mrgreen: and go natural shock ur muscle best way to build bulk work out with small weights and then when it starts toi burn and u can feel the oxygen rushing to ur muscle hit it with realy heavy weigh makes u riped:mrgreen:

Hmmm thinking of it, i have a realy addictive personality...... so i think i'll just leave the steroids there.......... :mrgreen:

Guess its back to eating way to much, and over training to get to the point its normal.. then over train again....... :hump:

bulk is bulk but it more has to do with the memorie in ur muscle not the size and bulk muscle is normaly stronger than lean muscle just for the simple fact heaveyer weight builds bulk ur muscle gets use to that weigh witch gives u memorie in ur muscle:mrgreen: i belive i aint no scientist now:blsmoke:

what do u mean by memorie ?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm thinking of it, i have a realy addictive personality...... so i think i'll just leave the steroids there.......... :mrgreen:

Guess its back to eating way to much, and over training to get to the point its normal.. then over train again....... :hump:

what do u mean by memorie ?
i train hard as well my arms are soar i just goit back from lifting and memorie how to put it say u where benching 250 for 3 months ur muscle will be use to that weigh so it makes a memorie of how much weight its use to lifting so if u went lighter it be to easy and if u stayed with lighter weight and went back to 250 u wont be able to do as meany as u use to cause ur muscle will build memoire for the lower weight u switched to:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Under that system, I achieved a 6-pack in 4 weeks. I'm in week 6 of 12.

P.S I only eat organic food, smoke organic weed, and only take organic supplements!!
If you can't work without a drug, than you failed at life!!

I'm only 130 pounds, but I have 5% Body fat & can lift my own weight +40lbs during Pull ups
Bulk is just bulk folks. I'm obsessed with LEAN STRONG MUSCLE
you're not 5% bf, quite your bullshit. if you're 5% bf and you're not in competition, i'm sorry but that is seriously unhealthy. being 130 and being able to do a pullup+40lbs is not bad, how many reps is that? also, the routine isn't giving you the six pack, the diet is giving you the six pack. your abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. the gym can definitely improve them, but exercise will not make them visible. low body fat will.


Well-Known Member
i think i need to start steroids guys..... bad idea good idea.... i am near to buying.. a little afraid of what you will say dont hurt me

I know that if u can keep it ok, dont over do and just have a 3 month body cure basicly... it wont do anything.. its when u go crazy with this shit..

i mean common with the amount of drugs i've done im sure steroids arn't the worst, cuz basicly all your doing is making your body work harder in building up muscles..

its like overclocking....


anyone here done it to gain a little more than he actually can.... ?????

I realy would just love to have a mix shake that makes u huge like that but i know theres nothing that can change your muscle build up other than steroids :D
only cycle if you know what the fuck you're doing. say hello to test shots in your ass/legs and raisin balls though. honestly i wouldn't recommend it. roid abs are so gross and it looks unnatural. i prefer a natural physique, to me which is 15-16'' arms, wide lats, big traps, boulder shoulders, and solid triceps/biceps. stick to being natural brah, you'll feel more accomplished.


Well-Known Member
Im going to have to chime in here and say what you said is 50% true. Sure steriods do give you the chance of making bigger muscles but what most people dont understand is that your ligaments and tendons are the ones at risk when youtake steriods. They do not grow during a 3-4 month cycle. 1 cycle doesnt hurt but ive seen it a millions times. you do one and you cant stop. next thing you know your pumping yourself with multi compounds and your body really begins to take a toll. A nurse talked to me about steriods once and told me about her girlfriends husband who is a body builder. at 40 his insides are like that of a 80 year old man. Your body just cant compensate for the amount of drugs in your system and basically its like being a severe alcoholic.... death comes early with continued used

IMO steriods arent that bad if used right. I plan on doing a cycle eventually but its all about reaching your "peak". If your not a dedicated meat head at the gym then dont bother. chances are youll lose your gains after you get off the juice.

Most people dont understand growth is all about nutrition. sure you can pump yourself with 1000 mgs of test and see results but its all water and bloat UNLESS youalready know how to train and eat right.

What i mean by eat right isnt just eating more meat. im talking alot of food. for me being 6'5 i see growth at 3500 cals but really i should eat close to 5-6k a day. Ive done it before and let me tell you its very stressful eating that damn much. 8 meals a day EVERYDAY no days off with eating at all. thats the key to growth.

If your not gaining wieght or muscle dont think you need steriods. First learn how to train your muscles correctly and you have to learn how to eat eat eat. And remember you are what you eat... veggies and lean meat should be #1 on your diet. not to mention healthy fats and carbs. without carbs your body cant produce energy to burn all that healthy food you just ate.

Looks into macro nutrients if your serious about growing muscle.
finally, another tall dude! im 6'2''. good info btw, +rep (triple post, umad?)


Well-Known Member
i train hard as well my arms are soar i just goit back from lifting and memorie how to put it say u where benching 250 for 3 months ur muscle will be use to that weigh so it makes a memorie of how much weight its use to lifting so if u went lighter it be to easy and if u stayed with lighter weight and went back to 250 u wont be able to do as meany as u use to cause ur muscle will build memoire for the lower weight u switched to:mrgreen:

Now I understand.......... :) :peace:


Well-Known Member
i work out hard core everyday between weight lifting and training, ive gain 12 lbs in 4 weeks.. but im training for UFC fighting so i need to get back into shape.
careful, unless you're a very beginning weight lifter, a majority of wat you gained is fat/water weight. 12 lbs in 4 weeks is very little bone density/muscle/tendon growth..i'd suggest easing up on your carbs a bit and focus more on a fat diet, this way you're body is ketogenic and it is more apt to use body fat as full instead of glycogen. this will allow you to gain muscle more optimally while keeping body fat at a lower level than a carb based diet would. also, do low intensity cardio, it's better for muscle growth where as high instensity interval training is better for weight loss.


Well-Known Member
only cycle if you know what the fuck you're doing. say hello to test shots in your ass/legs and raisin balls though. honestly i wouldn't recommend it. roid abs are so gross and it looks unnatural. i prefer a natural physique, to me which is 15-16'' arms, wide lats, big traps, boulder shoulders, and solid triceps/biceps. stick to being natural brah, you'll feel more accomplished.

yeah........ just aint moving anywhere lately.......

kinda pissed off........ Think i need to go back to the gym this evening and pack up some weights..........