Lets hope its not too hot this time!!!!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
I think you might be right. I got the 600w whole kit tho (reflector, ballast and bulb) for £20. Offered some guy on ebay to end auction early if i collected right away and he was only 12 miles away haha. Doyo0u know if I can put a 400w bulb in it? thing is, the ballast says "600w ballast" on the label. will it work with a 400w bulb? It would def help with my heat probs.

No mate your asking for fire! however £20 is fuckin cheap! got yaself a deal there even if it dsont last long...

And ya can get a cheap fan from wickes. about a tenner. and it wires into a plug a piece of piss. It's not perfect i know, but hey us guys are on a budget and it's bought the temp down a couple degrees.

That ma friend is a very helpful piece of advice! cuz i really need one...

Your plant is looking seriously nice now tho man. Gets bigger by the day. I think you'll be ready to start flowering in another week or so don't ya think? plenty of sweet bud sites in there!

Nice one mate... ive subscribed to your thread and repped you, we will have to compare at the end see what the differences are being as our setup is fairly similar you might find that we get similar end results...yeah been thinking that myself mate but ive not long topped her so i wanna leave her to go maybe another fortnight depending on how fast she grows...

The bottom branches are really starting to push through the fan leaves now. Ive taken a picture to show it have a look ive also taken a pic to show the two new main colas starting develop too show ya what i meant with the topping... i was kinda hopin for more with the FIM but ill try that on the bagseed see if i can get it right this time lol

anyway enough jibberin heres today's pics...

01 nov.jpg01 nov 2.jpg01 nov 6.jpg01 nov 7.jpg01 nov 8.jpg01 nov 1.jpg01 nov seedling.jpg01 nov seedling 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I see what you mean about the top mate. and wanting to wait for it to come through properly again, but I reckon you should think about flowering that lil bad girl now nibbz. That middle branching looks quality, and don't they say that if your plant is like 12" tall it will almost triple in height when flowering anyway? don't quote me on that but I think that's about right. Cheers for the rep buddy. repped ya when i first read ya post mate. I've added a few more pics from yesterday and gonna add a few more later.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
I see what you mean about the top mate. and wanting to wait for it to come through properly again, but I reckon you should think about flowering that lil bad girl now nibbz. That middle branching looks quality, and don't they say that if your plant is like 12" tall it will almost triple in height when flowering anyway? don't quote me on that but I think that's about right. Cheers for the rep buddy. repped ya when i first read ya post mate. I've added a few more pics from yesterday and gonna add a few more later.
Too flower or not to flower that is the question... hahaha See i get where your comin from but i rekon one more week... i would just like to see a few more budsites a little more branching and then shes ready...

I think if i remember rightly they grow 40% more in flower but i would imagine its strain dependant and i dont want to cut my plant short of what its capable of (assuming its female of course) because im only growing this one northern lights at the mo...

I noticed ya repped me mate nice one! i had a look at your pics too mate they comin on nicely! ive taken a few more pics today im gonna put em up tomoz i think (mums up for tea) ill also take a few more tomz and im gonna re pot the bagseed too see whats what with that!got a tap root out tthe bottom now so its all go! as for your problem have a look into the humidity in your closet my mate it caused me some problems when i was growing my last plant and she looked exactly like yours as it happens.

right mate im offski for some food catch ya tomoz or summet
happy tokin!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
And heres a few from today and a few pics close up of the new growths sprouting out left right and centre.

4th Nov.jpg4th Nov 1.jpg4th Nov 2.jpg4th Nov 3.jpg

I have set her in flower mode today so we are now at the end of day 1 of flowering... Hopefully its a she not a he lol

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Last but not least the bagseed... shes not doin too bad to be honest but if the northern turns out to be a female im gonna struggle cuz i aint got another lamp... can you flower straight from seedling? i know its probably impractical just wondered if it will work



Well-Known Member
Could you not perhaps move the plant in flower into a dark spot somewhere else every 12hrs? Clear out half your wardrobe or summat. Then you could leave the light on 24hr for the seedlings. Bit impractical I know, and would require you to be there every 12 hours, but would save buying another light or sacrificing the new plants and only gettin a couple g per plant if anything.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Not really mate i dont leave it on 24 hrs anyway cuz its in the bedroom and it doesnt matter what i put in frnt of the door i get the lamp through lol so its goes off at bed time! I know its not ideal but the seedlings just get 16/8 the same as everythings else... And if they dont like it its tough shit lol

Now ive made one sucsessful grow though i will buy better soil and do 4 plants next time... maybe even a scrog... Gonna buy my nutes for flowering this month too


Well-Known Member
You know what,.. I may follow your example mate. It's worked for me so far and the light REALLY pisses me off too. It ain't in my bedroom, but the room outside. We have a courtyard and a window into our bedroom and the light is seriously blinding We just been kinda putting up with it but if yours survived on 16/8 then i may have to give it a go.

Speaking of my plants,.. THEY'RE DYING! I'm fairly certain it's the different soil I transplanted them into. That was a lil over a week ago and they are def showing signs of nute burn now (yellow leaf tips) and the leaves are all curling over and going crispy. Put them in West Advanced+ soil and there is no slow release nute balls in there, but i'm positive there's something in there that shouldn't be. We transplanted some sweetpeas from the same compost (the one the plants were growing fine in) into the West Advanced stuff at the same time and they have gone fuckin crazzzzy!! Grown almost a foot (from 3 inches each) in a week. So I'm sure there is some growth food in there that my ganja ain't liking. Got PLENTY more seeds including 10 top quality ones ordered from Sensi Seed Bank that I'm dying to set off so I'm thinking of leaving the ones I got to die and starting over. The alternative is to go get the compost I had before and try to repot the 5 existing ones back into it and hope they pick up. Gonna get ph testers today too for soil and water.

1 thing to be careful of with the nutes, if u go with the ionic stuff (can get real good deals on from KitBagShop on ebay, £6 plus p+p, delivered following morning) then make sure you ask them a question first to ensure you get the right one. The soil one. You also need to specify hard or soft water. If you ask Kitbagshop the question, which one is right for you, the burden is one them then lol.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
You know what,.. I may follow your example mate. It's worked for me so far and the light REALLY pisses me off too. It ain't in my bedroom, but the room outside. We have a courtyard and a window into our bedroom and the light is seriously blinding We just been kinda putting up with it but if yours survived on 16/8 then i may have to give it a go.

Speaking of my plants,.. THEY'RE DYING! I'm fairly certain it's the different soil I transplanted them into. That was a lil over a week ago and they are def showing signs of nute burn now (yellow leaf tips) and the leaves are all curling over and going crispy. Put them in West Advanced+ soil and there is no slow release nute balls in there, but i'm positive there's something in there that shouldn't be. We transplanted some sweetpeas from the same compost (the one the plants were growing fine in) into the West Advanced stuff at the same time and they have gone fuckin crazzzzy!! Grown almost a foot (from 3 inches each) in a week. So I'm sure there is some growth food in there that my ganja ain't liking. Got PLENTY more seeds including 10 top quality ones ordered from Sensi Seed Bank that I'm dying to set off so I'm thinking of leaving the ones I got to die and starting over. The alternative is to go get the compost I had before and try to repot the 5 existing ones back into it and hope they pick up. Gonna get ph testers today too for soil and water.

1 thing to be careful of with the nutes, if u go with the ionic stuff (can get real good deals on from KitBagShop on ebay, £6 plus p+p, delivered following morning) then make sure you ask them a question first to ensure you get the right one. The soil one. You also need to specify hard or soft water. If you ask Kitbagshop the question, which one is right for you, the burden is one them then lol.
If you can keep it on 24 hrs your gonna get a better grow but i just cant do that so i do with what i have...

nice one for the heads up on the nuts too ma friend ill bare that in mind!

Your soil problem is not defo the soil it could just be that they have grown used too the soil you where using and this new soil a little too much for them... Im by no means an expert however in your position I Would go to garden centre and get a bag of plain soil no nutes or anything just clean plain soil. then transplant them into a small amount and flush the roots through, once youve done that put them in the clean soil and water them in n just leave em a few days and see how you get on! if its the soil thats doin it they should perk up pretty much straight away.. Then start to nute them again slowly building up to the propper amount!

I might shock ya now but ive not used nutes as such on any of my plants including this one! The last one had a small amount of bonsai tree food which seemed to work wonders but i ran out and they have just plain old water! and ive never tested PH or aything like that i might find that it grows crap weed but only time will tell. I do intend on gettin nutes for this one though...

todays pics



Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, appreciate your advice. Just bought a bag of the soil we had them in first and am going to replant them back into it. Bought a cheap ph test kit (250 tests with ph up/down) for £7.85. Thing is, our area is a notorious hard water area and after a bit of research I found that the avg ph is almost 8!! So I'm gonna dry drop the ph of the tap water before i give it to them too. Fingers crossed they pick man!!! I'll keep ya posted.

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
Ive decided to do some low stress training on my bagseed and i think im gonna take your advice too im goin too use the thickest black binliner i can find and an elastic band and cover the flowering plant for the 2 hours between 8 and 10 or 11 when it normally goes off that way i get to keep two plants in the same room at different stages... gonna post it up in the other forums too see what people think


Well-Known Member
Ive decided to do some low stress training on my bagseed and i think im gonna take your advice too im goin too use the thickest black binliner i can find and an elastic band and cover the flowering plant for the 2 hours between 8 and 10 or 11 when it normally goes off that way i get to keep two plants in the same room at different stages... gonna post it up in the other forums too see what people think

Don't do that mate. Black absorbs heat and that'll warm up big time inside that liner. I imagine it might suffocate the plant too. I've started off another 3 myself. Sensi Skunk#1 from the seed bank. Haven't quite worked out what to do with the lights yet when I flower my current crop either tho. lol