Lets hope its not too hot this time!!!!

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
ive just been told i might get away with flowering it straight from its position now! yeild will be less but if its going to give me a good idea of how it will taste when grown propperly then ill do that if its half decent ill germ some more in january n do em propperly n if its rubbish ill chuck the seeds lol

Twisted Nibbz

Well-Known Member
ok guys so the bad new is she was a he lol and he is now in the biin! cant risk contaminating the grow room... ive put another 11 seeds into hatch in some paper of which one has allready started to go after being in there only 6 hours so hopefully we will get a good turnout n then im gonna do some modifying to my grow room keep all the plants on the floor this time and move the light instead so ive got a lot more airspace in the room to hopefully lower the temp a little alltho its nice and cold out now so shouldnt cause me too much probs for the time being! im also gonna aim for 7 plants so i can do a few different things with them too see what difference we have got ie. 2 x topping 2 x FIMing and 2 x LST one left as it is then hopefuly if im lucky ill get mebe 3 or 4 fem's im hopin to do one of each style see the difference! again using my last few northern lights seeds and the bagseeds i aquired... If people are interested ill post up in here my link to my new grow once its been started!