Can I re pot in flower. In need of urgent help!


Well-Known Member
This is probably a common question asked in this community but I feel like I have no other choice but to re pot her. she's either root bound or over watered and yes I know that's my own stupid fault as I've had a drainage issue for the last week where I've been seeing hardly any run off water, and this morning I noticed she was drooping and this was the first time since she was a little baby in her purple baby pot she had looked bad!! So id just sparked my morning joint as its my day off and thought to my self she must need some water! . so I fed her 3 liters with her normal 3 drops of baby bio. 8 hours later and she's dropped even more she's looking like she's about to flop to her death anyways She's a purple stardawg strain and been doing amazing for this shocking UK weather we have been having I mean our highest temps in the last 2 weeks have been 21 at best..... The first few pics where taking on the 16th of July and the others from tonight. 2 days ago she was completely fine and now this! If anyone has any advice much appreciated


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Your not really "in flower" yet and could definitely still re-pot but im not sure you need to. Why dont you just cut more drain holes in that container? I would also finish filling that container with dirt.... Looks about half full?
Hi mate thank you for reply, yes she's in pre flower isn't she? I cut more holes last night no water drained, the problem is she is dry as bone!! After 3 liters of water yesterday I felt the top soil and its dry I push my finger an inch deep still dry surely she should feel damp its like she's soaking up water faster than she should be. And yeah I do need to fill it up a little I had ran out of compost, she's been re potted twice already in her early veg days and it's always perked her right back up. I'm at a 50/50 do I leave her with no water for 3-4 days pray she perks up or re pot her with pebbles and everything for better drainage
Hi mate thank you for reply, yes she's in pre flower isn't she? I cut more holes last night no water drained, the problem is she is dry as bone!! After 3 liters of water yesterday I felt the top soil and its dry I push my finger an inch deep still dry surely she should feel damp its like she's soaking up water faster than she should be. And yeah I do need to fill it up a little I had ran out of compost, she's been re potted twice already in her early veg days and it's always perked her right back up. I'm at a 50/50 do I leave her with no water for 3-4 days pray she perks up or re pot her with pebbles and everything for better drainage
Definitely need to fill the rest of the pot.
You’re probably not watering enough when you do.
Try saturating it enough to get back 10-20% water runoff.
I wouldn’t attempt another repot, you’ll end up hurting your final results.
Looks like you’re in transition to bloom. Adjust your nutrients accordingly and follow above directions and you should see an improvement. Gl
Hi guys thank you so much for the replys I've mad another 8 holes this morning the roots at the bottom coming through are fucking insane guys!! Makes me think she is becoming root bound due to her size she's 3 and half foot in a 40 liter tub... I've decided I'm going to leave her today and tomrorow no water if there's no improvement I'm going to re pot as she was only drooping a little untill I watered her 3 liters then boom! Drooping even more so it has to do with a water issue deffo not under watered. She's in pre flower right now you guys are right not fully flowering
This her today guys dropping even more really thibk that 3 liters has caused this


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This her today guys dropping even more really thibk that 3 liters has caused this

Didn’t you say she was dry after watering?? She looks like she’s thirsty. From the information you’ve given here (pot size, watering amount, plant size) I’m almost certain it’s under watered and that’s why she’s drooping.
What medium are you using? Peat based or Coco? If you are using a peat based medium and allow it to dry out too much between waterings it wil eventually lose its ability to retain water. Using a quality surfactant helps in peat.
You should be watering until there is runoff (water coming out of the bottom of the pot.)
Yes I understand that but I'm worried there's a drainage problem. So if I was to water her more than 3 liters with a drainage problem she's going to become flooded and probably die. This is where my theory stands to why she has a drainage problem. I'd watered her 2 liters the day before she was all happy and perky there was a little baby bit of run off water so I was concerned as there should be more. The Next day I wake up and she's drooping I thought ah maybe I didn't water her enough due to her having little water in her run off... So I gave her 3 liters, 6 hours later she's drooped even more! that was the first time she had 3 liters and still no water in the run off so that's 5 liters in 2 days with hardly and run off water. That's why I'm saying I feel I have a drainage problem and why I feel I need to re pot
I'm using some compost with added nutes, it was cheap but it was the only place I could get due to corona virus as she was re potted in veg and ran out of coco soil
Over watering is not caused by giving a plant too much water when it's time to water. It's caused by watering too frequently, keeping the medium totally saturated all of the time. I'm going under the assumption you are using a peat based medium.
I normally water every 2-3 days. when the pot becomes light to lift she gets watered but like I say she was watered 2 days ago 2 liters over night became droopy there was no run off water when I watered her the 2 liters so I thought ill give her 3 liters as maybe yesterday wasn't enough causing her to droop. Thought the day she became even more droopy and aftwe the 3 liters there was still no run off water making me think its a drainage issue
I normally water every 2-3 days. when the pot becomes light to lift she gets watered but like I say she was watered 2 days ago 2 liters over night became droopy there was no run off water when I watered her the 2 liters so I thought ill give her 3 liters as maybe yesterday wasn't enough causing her to droop. Thought the day she became even more droopy and aftwe the 3 liters there was still no run off water making me think its a drainage issue
I use 5 gal cloth pots with coco. In order for me to get 20% runoff i have to pour 2 gallons of water in. You may have a drainage problem but putting more holes in the bottom should take care of that. Maybe even some small ones on the sides close to the bottom.
Try using a gal pitcher to mix and pour your nutes.
Whatever your medium is could be shit too. It may not be allowing the roots any oxygen.

One more suggestion. I've noticed that some (not all) autos start to droop during transitioning. I really don't think that's the case here because they tend to perk back up.

To see if your container is rootbound, look at the bottom holes and if roots are clogging those up then yah you'll probably have to repot then. Take this as a learning experience and don't use containers that small while growing outside lol.
Thanks mate much appreciated oh and she's not auto I made some holes at the bottom and I can see loads of roots gathering I thibk I'm going to re pot tonrorow if she hasn't perked up I'll let you all know how she gets on
I normally water every 2-3 days. when the pot becomes light to lift she gets watered but like I say she was watered 2 days ago 2 liters over night became droopy there was no run off water when I watered her the 2 liters so I thought ill give her 3 liters as maybe yesterday wasn't enough causing her to droop. Thought the day she became even more droopy and aftwe the 3 liters there was still no run off water making me think its a drainage issue
I would water it until it runs out of the bottom of the pot. Wait an hour and repeat. I have a feeling you have allowed your medium to get too dry. And it has become hydroponic. Again use a surfactant. Regular, unscented Dawn dish soap, a few drops per gallon, is a readily available option.
What I use as we have it in bulk at the farm:
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Yes I understand that but I'm worried there's a drainage problem. So if I was to water her more than 3 liters with a drainage problem she's going to become flooded and probably die. This is where my theory stands to why she has a drainage problem. I'd watered her 2 liters the day before she was all happy and perky there was a little baby bit of run off water so I was concerned as there should be more. The Next day I wake up and she's drooping I thought ah maybe I didn't water her enough due to her having little water in her run off... So I gave her 3 liters, 6 hours later she's drooped even more! that was the first time she had 3 liters and still no water in the run off so that's 5 liters in 2 days with hardly and run off water. That's why I'm saying I feel I have a drainage problem and why I feel I need to re pot

You can def transplant in flower, although I’m still not sure that’s what she needs. Maybe is root-bound, but 3 1/2 ft plant in 10 gal pot? That seems unlikely. Ive had plenty of 2 ft plants in 3 gal pot, drinking 1 gal every other to third day in flower. I grow indoors, so maybe it’s really that much different.. 3L (basically a gallon) is not much water for a 40L (10.5 gal) pot. Especially outdoors in the heat right now. Some of the things you said that made me think under watered is:

“I’ve had a draining issue since the last week where I’ve been seeing hardly any runoff water. Fed 3L, no runoff.”
Sounds like she is just getting more thirsty than usual. Mature plants drink more water.

“The problem is she’s dry as bone!!”
There is no way she is overwatered if this is true.

“After 3L yesterday I pushed a finger inch deep still dry.”
Def should not be next day dry if overwatered. Soil would be moist for sure.

“It’s like she’s soaking up water faster than she should be.”
She probably is. She's insta-drinking, due to being thirsty.

“If she’s overwatered she would surely be moist.”
Yes, she surely would be.

You also referenced 5 L in 2 days being a lot. Correct me if I’m wrong but seriously isn’t enough for plant of that size in a 10 gal pot, even indoors. So outdoors I would think would drink more, due to higher temp and drying out faster?

Checking if she’s root-bound is easy enough. Check for overwater or drainage issues, when you do that. If not root-bound, increase water. If she’s bone dry, water for sure. What’s the weather like? Climate dry or humid?
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You can def transplant in flower, although I’m still not sure that’s what she needs. Maybe is root-bound, but 3 1/2 ft plant in 10 gal pot? That seems unlikely. Ive had plenty of 2 ft plants in 3 gal pot, drinking 1 gal every other to third day in flower. I grow indoors, so maybe it’s really that much different.. 3L (basically a gallon) is not much water for a 40L (10.5 gal) pot. Especially outdoors in the heat right now. Some of the things you said that made me think under watered is:

“I’ve had a draining issue since the last week where I’ve been seeing hardly any runoff water. Fed 3L, no runoff.”
Sounds like she is just getting more thirsty than usual. Mature plants drink more water.

“The problem is she’s dry as bone!!”
There is no way she is overwatered if this is true.

“After 3L yesterday I pushed a finger inch deep still dry.”
Def should not be next day dry if overwatered. Soil would be moist for sure.

“It’s like she’s soaking up water faster than she should be.”
She probably is. She's insta-drinking, due to being thirsty.

“If she’s overwatered she would surely be moist.”
Yes, she surely would be.

You also referenced 5 L in 2 days being a lot. Correct me if I’m wrong but seriously isn’t enough for plant of that size in a 10 gal pot, even indoors. So outdoors I would think would drink more, due to higher temp and drying out faster?

Checking if she’s root-bound is easy enough. Check for overwater or drainage issues, when you do that. If not root-bound, increase water. If she’s bone dry, water for sure. What’s the weather like? Climate dry or humid?
Mate that's brilliant I've took your advice massively and I think your right she wasn't over watered maybe under watered if anything.. And since making 8 new holes and giving her more water like you said she's finally fucking got run off water coning out the bottom I gave her 4 liters to see if anything would come out... By all rights I should see her perk up by tomrorow night? If she droops even more then she is root bound and needs re potting but yeah so happy to see water coming out now first time in weeks


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