You be the judge!!


Well-Known Member
all shes doing now is, the big fans and smaller ones are just dying off 2 by 2 working there way up, and the bud sites are just swelling, i have had to support her near the top with string, as she started the sway about in the hood touching the cfls, can't wait to see how she turns out


all shes doing now is, the big fans and smaller ones are just dying off 2 by 2 working there way up, and the bud sites are just swelling, i have had to support her near the top with string, as she started the sway about in the hood touching the cfls, can't wait to see how she turns out

you are into the fun part now... and the hardest part of waiting....

on a side note, its gonna take me awhile to find the pics i was talking about... search isnt working correctly... i'll pm fdd when he gets back on to see if he remembers which thread they were in... his pics anyway... shows a perfect example of what i was talking about though...


Well-Known Member
true. I would like to see a high res picture of when to harvest. Even cooler would be a time lapse of a bud from start to mature to beyond mature. I think it would slowly grow, layer, swell to maximum potency as the plant tries to fill a nonexsistant seed with resin, then start to deflate and look burnt/shrivled, and then finally start looking dead. Thats my impression of whats supposed to happen/from what i've read and seen from pictures. Of course there is totally room for fault there, it's hard to find a comprehensive and accurate source when it comes to marijuana.

Looking foward to seeing it first hand:). I'd much prefer leaving it to "feeling." My subconsious is smarter than me anyways.


Well-Known Member
Thats another thing my plant has never smelled like weed from dat dot, even 1 of those smalle 3 let more smell of as a 2 week old seedling, is my plant growing crapy weed?


true. I would like to see a high res picture of when to harvest. Even cooler would be a time lapse of a bud from start to mature to beyond mature. I think it would slowly grow, layer, swell to maximum potency as the plant tries to fill a nonexsistant seed with resin, then start to deflate and look burnt/shrivled, and then finally start looking dead. Thats my impression of whats supposed to happen/from what i've read and seen from pictures. Of course there is totally room for fault there, it's hard to find a comprehensive and accurate source when it comes to marijuana.

Looking foward to seeing it first hand:). I'd much prefer leaving it to "feeling." My subconsious is smarter than me anyways.

thats basically what i am looking for... fdd has a post floatin around somewhere with the same bud, 3pics... its a "almost, not quite, perfect" type thing... without a visual like that it is hard for me to get anyone to understand what i am trying to say... but i did it on my last grow; and like he says in the post, it is damn near overnight the change in appearance he was talking about.... and its beautiful....

i sent him a message; and im almost positive he remembers what i am talking about as he has used it more than once on here... just be patien.. i will get it


Thats another thing my plant has never smelled like weed from dat dot, even 1 of those smalle 3 let more smell of as a 2 week old seedling, is my plant growing crapy weed?

just wait and see... some dont have much of a smell... doesnt mean anything....


Well-Known Member
your saying that the plant goes and goes and goes and then pretty much on one specific day, it fully matures all at once, and then starts to go down hill from there? So you just wait for that "magic day" where you just know the plant is done. Like, "yep, there it is, right there, no doubt."


your saying that the plant goes and goes and goes and then pretty much on one specific day, it fully matures all at once, and then starts to go down hill from there? So you just wait for that "magic day" where you just know the plant is done. Like, "yep, there it is, right there, no doubt."

thats what im saying... but i didnt say anything about downhill from there... your puttin words in my mouth there...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats what im saying... but i didnt say anything about downhill from there... your puttin words in my mouth there...:mrgreen:
No i seen it you wrote it " it all happens on one glorious day, and if u miss it, 1 second after this miriccle, your plant will internaly combust " or you said something along those lines im sure :mrgreen:

im stoned :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well, i just assume once it climaxs it starts to die and "go down hill." It at least can't get more if it is a true "climax." Though, I've heard of strains that actualy explode twice if you grow till it looks mature, then if you continue flowering for an extra few weeks, it blows up again.

I'll probably wait to pull my clone until i see such a glow. Sounds interesting. Plus, i see no point in pulling early, you'll just have to replace the plant right afterwards and start growing again, might as well get everything you can out of what you've got.


No i seen it you wrote it " it all happens on one glorious day, and if u miss it, 1 second after this miriccle, your plant will internaly combust " or you said something along those lines im sure :mrgreen:

im stoned :blsmoke:

i'll take that as sarcastic humor... but ive never seen a plant that has gone too far, never:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol no i expect its like wine, like i drink wine.. anyway prob none has let it long enough to tell lol


i'll look it up again later, i gotta go run some errands, but i believe that once he plant hits a certain point in flowering, the THC breaks down into probably cannabanoids which arn't as potent as THC, but i can't say that for sure until i find it again.

I have most of the books you can buy on marijuana on my computer, i think thats where i read it.

they do, but i guarantee you the average grower will never let a plant flower as long as that takes.... unless you really try...


Well-Known Member
hey guys i have a question. i have pistils all over and the bunching together theres so many. but at the very bottom of the plant 2 pistils are red? and from what i know when the pistils are red is when you pick the plant. but i aint got no buds is this just a deformity?


hey guys i have a question. i have pistils all over and the bunching together theres so many. but at the very bottom of the plant 2 pistils are red? and from what i know when the pistils are red is when you pick the plant. but i aint got no buds is this just a deformity?

pistils dont really mean anything... just let it flower and stop worrying as long as the plant looks fine....