I pity Joe Biden


Well-Known Member
I really do pity Joe Biden, or anyone else for that matter that has to follow in the footsteps/quagmire left in their path by Donald Trump.
Biden, just like Obama, will be left with the task of dealing with the devastation/carnage left behind by the previous Republican administration, but this time on a scale never before witnessed in the history of this country.
Ok, Biden wins in November, then what?
In January he is going to be taken over an economy in ruins, a virus that at this point seemingly is just getting started & a country at war with itself over race or even the mundane task of wearing a face mask.
I was reading this piece about the inevitable rise in homelessness as a result of COVID-19 and it really made me think about how precariously close to the edge we are as a Nation, to that actual edge of oblivion.
Too fucking close in my opinion
Anyway, this is a good song
Peace & stay safe :)
I really do pity Joe Biden, or anyone else for that matter that has to follow in the footsteps/quagmire left in their path by Donald Trump.
Biden, just like Obama, will be left with the task of dealing with the devastation/carnage left behind by the previous Republican administration, but this time on a scale never before witnessed in the history of this country.
Ok, Biden wins in November, then what?
In January he is going to be taken over an economy in ruins, a virus that at this point seemingly is just getting started & a country at war with itself over race or even the mundane task of wearing a face mask.
I was reading this piece about the inevitable rise in homelessness as a result of COVID-19 and it really made me think about how precariously close to the edge we are as a Nation, to that actual edge of oblivion.
Too fucking close in my opinion
Anyway, this is a good song
Peace & stay safe :)

We are past the edge of oblivion. There is so much distrust in the government that every single thing that happens is blamed on conspiracy. If Trump loses reelection his base is not going to let him go away without a fight and it wont be pretty.
We are past the edge of oblivion. There is so much distrust in the government that every single thing that happens is blamed on conspiracy. If Trump loses reelection his base is not going to let him go away without a fight and it wont be pretty.
At least they should be able to watch it unfold on TV.

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We are past the edge of oblivion. There is so much distrust in the government that every single thing that happens is blamed on conspiracy. If Trump loses reelection his base is not going to let him go away without a fight and it wont be pretty.
Some things are worth fighting for and they will find out the hard way. Racism is a national security threat and everybody knows it now, Trump proved it. They are gonna come down on FOX news and these other assholes like the old commies were treated, like shit, Fox news can taken off the air permanently for being a public menace and spreading disinformation that killed and maimed thousands of Americans under existing law and broadcast regulations. If they don't do it, they aren't enforcing the law. Look for election reform as Job one, next year is redistricting time and the GOP will be decimated in the state offices too. Donald is currently stabbing his base in the red states in the back and kicking them in the face when they are down, it might take another election cycle, but the republicans are toast even in Dixie. You don't kill this many people and get away with it unless the majority of the people in the country are drooling idiots.
That dude is a poorly made 1980s political robot who has too much memory issue to run the 2020_Campaign.exe
Treason much? At this point no American patriot would support Trump, only racist scumbags, even the morons figured it out. If you were wondering about Biden's health, here is what actual conservatives think about Trump.

Trolls are a great excuse to post anti trump ads, more eyeballs, trolling works both ways Cleetus.
First of all I did not claim any allegiance to either party. But you're far far left if you think Trump is executing our soliders

And further more Biden is not a suitable Democratic candadit.

I might vote for a female other than Joe. Joe is a joke
Are you seriously saying the Commander in Chief is allowing the execution of his armies? Anyone can Make a video

Just like they say Michelle Obama is a man
You support throwing kinds under the fucking bus, pathetic, Trump has a professionally assessed IQ of 78 and is a malicious psychopathic asshole and you are confused? Maybe you have an IQ lower than Trump's, which is why you are confused, or a racist and that turns you into a moron and a sucker, if you are not one already.
First of all I did not claim any allegiance to either party. But you're far far left if you think Trump is executing our soliders

And further more Biden is not a suitable Democratic candadit.

I might vote for a female other than Joe. Joe is a joke
You are full of shit Trumper sock
First of all I did not claim any allegiance to either party. But you're far far left if you think Trump is executing our soliders

And further more Biden is not a suitable Democratic candadit.

I might vote for a female other than Joe. Joe is a joke
There is no fence to sit on son, it's black and white, good versus evil, real simple shit, if you have a heart and brains enough to use it.
It's ironic how you insult the audience your trying to influence
I've come to know who is worth influencing and will listen to reason and someone who won't, it doesn't take long to tell, prove me wrong.
Trump is an unfit asshole who is responsible for the deaths of thousands through dereliction of duty. Do you agree, if not, why?
Or maybe you're just not a capitalist and more in favor of a social platform

Lay down the beers and pick up the joints man
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Trump is not unfit. He's just a stubborn asshole who doesn't listen to his advisers if it's against what he wants. But he's not unfit.