Supreme Court will argue on the phone in real time about releasing Trump's taxes May 12-13.

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SCOTUS Rejects Presidential Immunity; Renders Trump Regular | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow explains that the Supreme Court's ruling in Trump v. Vance means that Donald Trump will have to make his case in New York courts as a regular citizen, without the presidential immunity he insisted was his.
The guy has 100K subscribers and this video will have hundreds of thousands of views in the coming days and weeks. It's not how many who watch and absorb these ideas that counts so much, it's who, politicians, judges, lawyers, journalists and other movers and shakers. This guy will be in the DOJ again or would make an excellent judge IMHO.
Supreme Court Rules Trump is Not Above the Law, NY State Prosecutor Cyrus Vance To Get Tax Returns

The Supreme Court rules that the president is subject to criminal subpoenas like every other citizen, affirming the principle that no person is above the law. Unfortunately, now the subpoena issue goes back to the NY court and federal district court in Washington, DC for additional litigation. Although Trump lost in today's court opinion, he will now seek additional delays as he continues to run out the clock until the November elections. How can the courts prevent Trump's weaponizing of court delays and frivolous appeals. Here's how.
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Y’all should really do research instead of repeating what you see on msnbc and cnn
By research do you mean listen to Trump and his minions lies?


You know that they keep getting proven while under oath to be liars, or are you not seeing that in your cherry picked 'sources'?

Are you an American and if so are you fine with Trump allowing the Russians to continue their attack on our citizens?
'The Hill' is just RT cat fishing as an American Journalistic source, they are not credible. They lie in their articles to create a narrative of distrust in our democratic institutions.

The Intercept is just more propaganda too but more reliably sourced, outside of them making up false message accounts to ask the question that they want asked so they don't fuck up a narrative to push people to not want to vote.