Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

Oh. You know less about guns than i thought lmao. educate yourself a bit and we can revisit this hilarious discussion

It's cool, I didn't want to get sucked into another dumb as shit thread about something nobody in office but Trump has said they are going to take your guns.

And btw, I am not pretending to not be the idiot kid who should not have been given guns by drunk family all the time.
There is a large and growing majority of people in the US who support stricter gun regulations. If you won't participate then you'll just have to put up with whatever we non-gun owners write into law. I'd prefer that your kind help us write better laws, ones that you will find acceptable. Since you won't then you'll just have to live with what we decide to do without your input.

A super majority support stricter regulations. With that kind of support, we can change the constitution too, if that's what is needed. It's just a matter of time before we do this. You can get on board or be left crying in the dust. Your choice.
ill be grandfathered in, along with the millions of other people owning these big bad machines. There will NEVER be a scenario where all the guns are confiscated or eradicated. "My kind" are armed for this exact reason, in case the government wants to overstep its boundaries with the help of the people cowering in their houses when things go bang in the night lol.
ill be grandfathered in, along with the millions of other people owning these big bad machines. There will NEVER be a scenario where all the guns are confiscated or eradicated. "My kind" are armed for this exact reason, in case the government wants to overstep its boundaries with the help of the people cowering in their houses when things go bang in the night lol.
And you'll need those people to survive so that eventually when everything is gone you have someone to trade with. So quit complaining. I for one am happy that we have gun nuts clinging like assholes to something that hopefully they will never need to use outside of practice. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't have to get a permit to purchase a new one, and have a government buyback program that pays a reasonable amount the ones people figured out were sold way too much gun for them. And close loopholes that allow kids to get their hands on them.
And you'll need those people to survive so that eventually when everything is gone you have someone to trade with. So quit complaining. I for one am happy that we have gun nuts clinging like assholes to something that hopefully they will never need to use outside of practice. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't have to get a permit to purchase a new one, and have a government buyback program that pays a reasonable amount the ones people figured out were sold way too much gun for them. And close loopholes that allow kids to get their hands on them.
I have gone through all legal processes to acquire my firearms. FOID card, ATF background check and questionnaire, as well as a 3 day waiting period. Im not opposed to any of that. Im not opposed to more severe charges for illegal use and possession as i dont intent to ever do any of that. Optional buybacks are also a good idea. Theres room for more common sense on both sides of the issue.
I'm not sure if any of you guys watched the videos. What they said was that guns are guns are guns. They have not changed much in the last 100 years. What has changed is the way people view guns. The gun lobby has made them an extension of your manhood.

Two common sense steps to cut down on gun deaths are raising the purchase age to 21 and really tightening up on the huge domestic violence loophole.

There is no such thing as an assault rifle, so it's not possible to ban them. A Mini 14 will do everything a AR will do, but it isn't scary to look at.

And about countries that banned guns. The gun deaths are way down of course, but the murder rates are just the same. And when a knife or a hammer won't do the trick for multiple victims, there has been a sharp increase of arson deaths.

I'm all for effective gun control. But until folks in Congress, as well as the general public understand firearms, it's not going to happen.
There is a large and growing majority of people in the US who support stricter gun regulations. If you won't participate then you'll just have to put up with whatever we non-gun owners write into law. I'd prefer that your kind help us write better laws, ones that you will find acceptable. Since you won't then you'll just have to live with what we decide to do without your input.

A super majority support stricter regulations. With that kind of support, we can change the constitution too, if that's what is needed. It's just a matter of time before we do this. You can get on board or be left crying in the dust. Your choice.
You make a lot of assumptions.
I am a democrat and don't know many "non-gun owners", so there's that. :roll:

Real data would be nice, and I'm all for studying gun violence.

If the real goal is ending gun violence, then why isn't anyone talking about handguns?
That's where the real body count is afterall...
If the real goal is ending gun violence, then why isn't anyone talking about handguns?
That's where the real body count is afterall...
Winner winner, chicken dinner. The numbers for handgun deaths compared to long guns is off the chart. Of course the fact that 64% of gun deaths are self inflicted change the data a little.
The assault thing is what gun looks mean and scary. Black and lot of heat fins and shields. A pistol grip and a handle for carrying. Gun shy think they are scary, little dick gun fans like them for the same reason, they look scary. Pretty them up by stripping off the heat shields, folding stocks and slap on a pretty walnut one and both groups will settle down a little. The basic gun will be the same though. In the US it would be hard to get rid of these guns because of the fear factor. "Someone else has a bigger gun than me. I need it for protection." Or the greatest fear, "My government may turn on me."

It is a lot to do with trust. In the US from birth people are taught their government is not to be trusted, it says right in the constitution. Second amendment. On top of that is after WWII everyone was taught fear of communism, now days any social responsible program puts the fear of socialism into people. Get over, "They are going to take over." and you get rid of much of the need for rapid shot artillery.

Bolt action rifles. That is all you need, semi-auto's are for people that can't hit what they are shooting at. Not that you can't do damage with a bolt action, just takes you four times as long. That is not necessarily a bad thing.

Just thinking about it, I'll add we do need semi-auto handguns either. A revolver with six holes, no need for more than that. As much as I like my semi-autos.
The assault thing is what gun looks mean and scary. Black and lot of heat fins and shields. A pistol grip and a handle for carrying. Gun shy think they are scary, little dick gun fans like them for the same reason, they look scary. Pretty them up by stripping off the heat shields, folding stocks and slap on a pretty walnut one and both groups will settle down a little. The basic gun will be the same though. In the US it would be hard to get rid of these guns because of the fear factor. "Someone else has a bigger gun than me. I need it for protection." Or the greatest fear, "My government may turn on me."

It is a lot to do with trust. In the US from birth people are taught their government is not to be trusted, it says right in the constitution. Second amendment. On top of that is after WWII everyone was taught fear of communism, now days any social responsible program puts the fear of socialism into people. Get over, "They are going to take over." and you get rid of much of the need for rapid shot artillery.

Bolt action rifles. That is all you need, semi-auto's are for people that can't hit what they are shooting at. Not that you can't do damage with a bolt action, just takes you four times as long. That is not necessarily a bad thing.

Just thinking about it, I'll add we do need semi-auto handguns either. A revolver with six holes, no need for more than that. As much as I like my semi-autos.
Want vs need is a much deeper topic.

Nobody "needs" a ski boat -- and many people are injured while boating.

Nobody "needs" alcohol -- but we've been down the prohibition road before.
You make a lot of assumptions.
I am a democrat and don't know many "non-gun owners", so there's that. :roll:

Real data would be nice, and I'm all for studying gun violence.

If the real goal is ending gun violence, then why isn't anyone talking about handguns?
That's where the real body count is afterall...
The bill that I referenced doesn't exclude handguns. They call them firearms.
Reported for glorifying violence.

I'm glad you don't own a gun.
I'm sorry that this sentiment toward suicide by gun upsets you. It's just that gun owners are so cavalier about other people getting injured by their guns though accidents or homicides, I can't find any empathy for the most common victim of gun violence -- the depressed or mentally unstable person who offs their self.

Legislating against suicide seems ridiculous, but I'd be happy to see us study how to reduce it. What I don't understand is why so many people just leave their guns lying around so that kids can pick them up an play with them. Do we have to study locking guns in safes before we start requiring that people do?
Awww thats not very nice. I sure am glad pussies like you arent running this country hahaha. The thought of the shit hitting the fan and you quivering with your phone in your hand waiting for someone to come save you with CNN blaring in the background makes me chuckle. I almost hope things keep getting worse just to see the panic stricken faces of these sopping wet self-disarmed cunts :lol:

BTW no leader in their right mind would attempt to disarm the public, via military or otherwise. youd have lots of bodies real quick. this is a liberal fantasy thats never gonna happen lmao. keep dreaming, ill keep buying guns and well see which side gets shit done
You are good at propaganda.