The people behind the violence in the American protests of George Floyd.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah disgraced lying sack of shit Robert Mueller Russian Delusion Collusion Investigation! What an embarrassment and a sham! That Bush Jr dick sucker should be in jail now! Fuck Rhino Mueller!

I don't like Trump but I agree this was a hoax! Another dumb engineered warmonger war with Russia and you were stupid enough to fall for it!
i just looked at don juniors emails and they definitely colluded and you’re delusional


Well-Known Member
Again who cares! I'm sure murderers endorse presidents too and they denounce them. Why is that Trumps fault troll?The KKK is controlled opposition anyway. They use both the BLM and KKK to divide and conquer. Their both a fucking joke!
youre the one constantly bringing up whose side the kkk was on at various points in history

Currently the kkk is in love with trump.

Esteban Segador

Active Member
So I have always wondered. This breed of "new" thought, who's believers think they are superior, demand more rights than anyone else, think certain groups of people are beneath them and are deserving of oppression, yet all the while claiming to be the victims and calling everyone who doesn't agree with them racist/misogynist etc etc. Obviously this is not a new line of thinking. It's been used before, just never with this group of people and with this exact detailing. And I think its obvious that it has been drilled into the current social climate, people have been brainwashed into thinking/believing it, a certain type of people (not race specific) which again is not a new thing. Well what I have wondered is, what the end game of this really is. Create a race war? For who to win? Because its not possible for the side who believes this propaganda to win. Too few numbers and the fact that it lacks ANY LOGIC makes it impossible. Try going to china and creating an anti Chinese campaign. Same as creating a anti white campaign in America imo. It seems like its more fitted to making regular people, who were not racist or have at least very little opinion about it, to become willing to end the people who are on the side of this pushed propaganda. As in, which powerful group of humans, who wanted to eliminate people of a certain type, mainly the type that are the current followers of this current social justice/BLM/anti white line of thinking. Who would you say was the most current group of people who had that specific goal? And wouldn't it suit that "solution" quite well if the majority of the country, the majority of the money holders, the majority of the blue collar workers, the VAST majority of the police officers/military personnel and basically any group of people within America who obviously don't prescribe to this new line of thought, became now WILLING to STOP these people with any means necessary. Ever wonder how exactly they got the German population to hate the jews? Because before they trained them into hating them, the majority of them probably didn't care about the topic too much. They probably were not willing to pull a trigger because of how much they HATED THEM, before they were TRAINED to hate them. Maybe much like we are being trained to hate now. And it's working, dont you think?

P.S I WONT be responding to anything about this because I find it all more comical than anything else and really don't give a shit about you or your thoughts. Classic privilege I guess lol. And also I am not white so there you go have fun.


Well-Known Member
So I have always wondered. This breed of "new" thought, who's believers think they are superior, demand more rights than anyone else, think certain groups of people are beneath them and are deserving of oppression, yet all the while claiming to be the victims and calling everyone who doesn't agree with them racist/misogynist etc etc. Obviously this is not a new line of thinking. It's been used before, just never with this group of people and with this exact detailing. And I think its obvious that it has been drilled into the current social climate, people have been brainwashed into thinking/believing it, a certain type of people (not race specific) which again is not a new thing. Well what I have wondered is, what the end game of this really is. Create a race war? For who to win? Because its not possible for the side who believes this propaganda to win. Too few numbers and the fact that it lacks ANY LOGIC makes it impossible. Try going to china and creating an anti Chinese campaign. Same as creating a anti white campaign in America imo. It seems like its more fitted to making regular people, who were not racist or have at least very little opinion about it, to become willing to end the people who are on the side of this pushed propaganda. As in, which powerful group of humans, who wanted to eliminate people of a certain type, mainly the type that are the current followers of this current social justice/BLM/anti white line of thinking. Who would you say was the most current group of people who had that specific goal? And wouldn't it suit that "solution" quite well if the majority of the country, the majority of the money holders, the majority of the blue collar workers, the VAST majority of the police officers/military personnel and basically any group of people within America who obviously don't prescribe to this new line of thought, became now WILLING to STOP these people with any means necessary. Ever wonder how exactly they got the German population to hate the jews? Because before they trained them into hating them, the majority of them probably didn't care about the topic too much. They probably were not willing to pull a trigger because of how much they HATED THEM, before they were TRAINED to hate them. Maybe much like we are being trained to hate now. And it's working, dont you think?

P.S I WONT be responding to anything about this because I find it all more comical than anything else and really don't give a shit about you or your thoughts. Classic privilege I guess lol. And also I am not white so there you go have fun.


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah disgraced lying sack of shit Robert Mueller Russian Delusion Collusion Investigation! What an embarrassment and a sham! That Bush Jr dick sucker should be in jail now! Fuck Rhino Mueller!

I don't like Trump but I agree this was a hoax! Another dumb engineered warmonger war with Russia and you were stupid enough to fall for it!
"I don't like Trump but"

The very words one uses when they are about to swallow a load of Republican shit.


Well-Known Member
Also George Floyd was an asshole he was a repeat offender. And the most fucked thing he did was rob a house and put a gun up to pregnant woman! Now I don't agree with the cop killing him. Im not big fan of cops either and know they do alot fucked up stuff especially being a stoner myself. But this guy was not an angel. Candace Owens is an African American woman also does not support thug Floyd! And reported about his past crimes. Theres a very large percentage of African Americans that are embarrased and don't support BLM!
You mfers love to bring candace owen's into your conversations to make it seem like your not racist because a black woman agrees with YOU, like shes a godsend and speaks for all people of color. Gtfoh she lived a sheltered ass life and never once had to face the hardships she speaks for.
Who cares if he's a repeat offender who cares if he was a bad guy. He hadn't committed a crime for 8 years and started a new life. He didn't deserve to die PERIOD.
Your probably one of those dumb ass ALL lives matter, gun toting fucktard, oooo we need more military. But could give a fuck about venessa Guillen too right?!


Well-Known Member
So I have always wondered. This breed of "new" thought, who's believers think they are superior, demand more rights than anyone else, think certain groups of people are beneath them and are deserving of oppression, yet all the while claiming to be the victims and calling everyone who doesn't agree with them racist/misogynist etc etc. Obviously this is not a new line of thinking. It's been used before, just never with this group of people and with this exact detailing. And I think its obvious that it has been drilled into the current social climate, people have been brainwashed into thinking/believing it, a certain type of people (not race specific) which again is not a new thing. Well what I have wondered is, what the end game of this really is. Create a race war? For who to win? Because its not possible for the side who believes this propaganda to win. Too few numbers and the fact that it lacks ANY LOGIC makes it impossible. Try going to china and creating an anti Chinese campaign. Same as creating a anti white campaign in America imo. It seems like its more fitted to making regular people, who were not racist or have at least very little opinion about it, to become willing to end the people who are on the side of this pushed propaganda. As in, which powerful group of humans, who wanted to eliminate people of a certain type, mainly the type that are the current followers of this current social justice/BLM/anti white line of thinking. Who would you say was the most current group of people who had that specific goal? And wouldn't it suit that "solution" quite well if the majority of the country, the majority of the money holders, the majority of the blue collar workers, the VAST majority of the police officers/military personnel and basically any group of people within America who obviously don't prescribe to this new line of thought, became now WILLING to STOP these people with any means necessary. Ever wonder how exactly they got the German population to hate the jews? Because before they trained them into hating them, the majority of them probably didn't care about the topic too much. They probably were not willing to pull a trigger because of how much they HATED THEM, before they were TRAINED to hate them. Maybe much like we are being trained to hate now. And it's working, dont you think?

P.S I WONT be responding to anything about this because I find it all more comical than anything else and really don't give a shit about you or your thoughts. Classic privilege I guess lol. And also I am not white so there you go have fun.
hello i just joined to say that BLM is a secret plot to make me hate black people. thank you and goodbye.


Active Member
You mfers love to bring candace owen's into your conversations to make it seem like your not racist because a black woman agrees with YOU, like shes a godsend and speaks for all people of color. Gtfoh she lived a sheltered ass life and never once had to face the hardships she speaks for.
Who cares if he's a repeat offender who cares if he was a bad guy. He hadn't committed a crime for 8 years and started a new life. He didn't deserve to die PERIOD.
Your probably one of those dumb ass ALL lives matter, gun toting fucktard, oooo we need more military. But could give a fuck about venessa Guillen too right?!
Yeah All Lives Do Matter if your following Martin Luther Kings dream! And if you read what I wrote above I'm very anti-war. That's why I didn't agree with this propaganda with Russia. It's just another warmonger narrative! And yes guns are important to keep these bastards in check. Your enemy is the Democratic party and the Neo Republicans not us bud. They instigate and cause division and hate! And to remind you whites were the first to become slaves. Our native people was the druids and they were the first to be mass murdered and taken out of nature and forced in this fucked up slave system. They target every native races habitat and culture just like they did with the African natives. Your fighting the wrong group of people! We need to unite and fight the REAL enemies! And to remind you theirs alot of Black patriots that believe what I believe! Our cause has nothing to do with race! Were all brothers and sisters in the human race! You got to understand the REAL racist want you to fight with the whites. They love divide and conquer tactics! Don't fall for it. And I stated I don't agree with the cop killing him but also do not agree with BLM fueling white racism!


Well-Known Member
Yeah All Lives Do Matter if your following Martin Luther Kings dream! And if you read what I wrote above I'm very anti-war. That's why I didn't agree with this propaganda with Russia. It's just another warmonger narrative! And yes guns are important to keep these bastards in check. Your enemy is the Democratic party and the Neo Republicans not us bud. They instigate and cause division and hate! And to remind you whites were the first to become slaves. Our native people was the druids and they were the first to be mass murdered and taken out of nature and forced in this fucked up slave system. They target every native races habitat and culture just like they did with the African natives. Your fighting the wrong group of people! We need to unite and fight the REAL enemies! And to remind you theirs alot of Black patriots that believe what I believe! Our cause has nothing to do with race! Were all brothers and sisters in the human race! You got to understand the REAL racist want you to fight with the whites. They love divide and conquer tactics! Don't fall for it. And I stated I don't agree with the cop killing him but also do not agree with BLM fueling white racism!
save some exclamation points for the other mentally ill tards


Active Member
All you guys are gonna fuel is the stupid controlled opposition white supremacist KKK, which will result in incident blacks getting killed. That's why I hate the KKK too because they targets innocent blacks! I like African Americans but I prefer the higher class ones that understand that the Democrat party is not helping them but only dividing them! I understand its hard getting a better education when you live in the slums. But I'm telling you there playing you guys like a fiddle. Get educated and read your history! And you need to direct your anger towards the Democrat party and the Neo Republicans NOT innocent whites!


Well-Known Member
It's about time.

Nearly 1,000 Black militia members called for the removal of a giant Confederate rock carving at Stone Mountain State Park.

On Independence Day, heavily armed Black men and women from the Not Fucking Around Coalition, or NFAC, marched through Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park.

NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay says that the group is not affiliated with the Black Lives Matter organization

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Well-Known Member
Haha yeah disgraced lying sack of shit Robert Mueller Russian Delusion Collusion Investigation!

What an embarrassment and a sham! That Bush Jr dick sucker should be in jail now! Fuck Rhino Mueller!

I don't like Trump but I agree this was a hoax! Another dumb engineered warmonger war with Russia and you were stupid enough to fall for it!

Your bullshit right wing lies are not going to stick, because they are lies. Dear Leader fucked up and got caught. Are you an American? Because it should piss you off to no end that Trump gave the Russians our voting data to use to attack us and our families.


Well-Known Member
It's about time.

Nearly 1,000 Black militia members called for the removal of a giant Confederate rock carving at Stone Mountain State Park.

On Independence Day, heavily armed Black men and women from the Not Fucking Around Coalition, or NFAC, marched through Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park.

NFAC Founder Grand Master Jay says that the group is not affiliated with the Black Lives Matter organization

no big deal

We are used to people demonstrating their first amendment and supposed second amendment rights in mass gatherings. The only remarkable thing about that gathering is the demonstrators were black, armed and their protests were not broken up by fascists.

The monument to the Confederacy is a benign place for that kind of thing compared to others. Those people on that monument represent a slave plantation system that should be defiled, not revered. Until the time comes when the monument is erased from the mountain, we should set up a paint ball concession for people to take shots at those old heads.


Well-Known Member
no big deal

We are used to people demonstrating their first amendment and supposed second amendment rights in mass gatherings. The only remarkable thing about that gathering is the demonstrators were black, armed and their protests were not broken up by fascists.

The monument to the Confederacy is a benign place for that kind of thing compared to others. Those people on that monument represent a slave plantation system that should be defiled, not revered. Until the time comes when the monument is erased from the mountain, we should set up a paint ball concession for people to take shots at those old heads.
Turn it into a gun range backdrop.


Well-Known Member
@1:14 the peaceful protestor gets shot in the face by the feds.

Trump is using the racists infiltrating these protests and causing violence as a way to scare his cult enough to use as a reason to attack peaceful protesters.


Well-Known Member
I must have missed this response at the time because it was hard to read. But it seems some thought was put into it.
So I have always wondered. This breed of "new" thought, who's believers think they are superior, demand more rights than anyone else, think certain groups of people are beneath them and are deserving of oppression, yet all the while claiming to be the victims and calling everyone who doesn't agree with them racist/misogynist etc etc.
Until you get to the last word/words you have a point, but you try to flip it like it is the people saying that racist/misogynist don't exist. The problem is that how they would be oppressing white men? How is having schools and voting locations on a proportunant scale to the populations size in communities that were subjected to redlining and other tactics such as lending practices to keep minorities in specific areas until very recently, oppressing white men?

Obviously this is not a new line of thinking. It's been used before, just never with this group of people and with this exact detailing. And I think its obvious that it has been drilled into the current social climate, people have been brainwashed into thinking/believing it, a certain type of people (not race specific) which again is not a new thing.
That is the power of data analysis and the ability to pinpoint propaganda in a way that is very impactful to people on a individual level. Whatever their vulnerable to is teased out of the data and spammed to them to like you said brainwash people.

Well what I have wondered is, what the end game of this really is. Create a race war? For who to win? Because its not possible for the side who believes this propaganda to win. Too few numbers and the fact that it lacks ANY LOGIC makes it impossible. Try going to china and creating an anti Chinese campaign. Same as creating a anti white campaign in America imo.
I think 'race war' is just the hype that is being pushed to get everyone so worked up. Because just by getting people to think that everything is burning down around them, look at what we have done to ourselves. You are right about the 'side' who believes the propaganda can't win, the problem is that both (all) sides are getting spammed with whatever it is that they think, but amplifying it to make it seem like it is so much more than it really is.

It is easier to get people to believe that there is a race war, than to actually have a race war. All it takes is amplifying the extremely rare occurrences to the right audiences.

Nobody (sane/in office) is talking about an 'anti-white' campaign in America.

It seems like its more fitted to making regular people, who were not racist or have at least very little opinion about it, to become willing to end the people who are on the side of this pushed propaganda. As in, which powerful group of humans, who wanted to eliminate people of a certain type, mainly the type that are the current followers of this current social justice/BLM/anti white line of thinking.
It is easier to just get the people to be mad about something that if it were true might be worth getting that worked up over. I am guessing you have seen many 'left-trolls' if you think there is a 'anti-white' way of thinking. Everyone is getting spammed from every side of every issue. Getting people worked up is the goal, as people become more vulnerable it is time to re-assess how to nudge them based on what traps they are falling for.

So by pushing the vulnerable people online who the Russian military have found to be willing to do violence to infiltrate the peaceful protestors and do violence, enough get triggered enough to do damage inside of our country. It is just like the telephone scam that people would pull on the elderly by calling landlines until someone picks up and tell them their behind on their water bill. But on a massive and dickish scale.

Who would you say was the most current group of people who had that specific goal? And wouldn't it suit that "solution" quite well if the majority of the country, the majority of the money holders, the majority of the blue collar workers, the VAST majority of the police officers/military personnel and basically any group of people within America who obviously don't prescribe to this new line of thought, became now WILLING to STOP these people with any means necessary.
Nobody but the racists are in power to try to pull something like that off on a governmental level. Nobody else is even talking about that stuff on any serious platform, and I am guessing if you think they are that you should check what you think you know on the AP.

Ever wonder how exactly they got the German population to hate the jews? Because before they trained them into hating them, the majority of them probably didn't care about the topic too much. They probably were not willing to pull a trigger because of how much they HATED THEM, before they were TRAINED to hate them. Maybe much like we are being trained to hate now. And it's working, dont you think?

P.S I WONT be responding to anything about this because I find it all more comical than anything else and really don't give a shit about you or your thoughts. Classic privilege I guess lol. And also I am not white so there you go have fun.
The subtle difference is this spam attack we are all under is not that antiquated. Computer programming allows every person to place themselves in a nice little box, and claim everyone not in their box as 'them'. Once you get to that point, it is pretty easy to nudge people to vote for their candidate or to not vote.

The people 'pulling the trigger' are ones with serious mental issues and are being exploited generally by people in hate groups and foreign militaries to attack their own. There is a reason the Russian military is attacking our nations children on their video games, and it is not to benefit anyone in America.
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