Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


Well-Known Member
He might have trouble getting a ventilator, but he probably has a private hospital in his mansion that's staffed and equipped. He should be due to die soon, the survival rate from stage 4 lung cancer is non existent, it should be metastasising throughout his body and brain by now, I can't see him making it much past summer. I wonder if Donald will give him a state funeral with military honors and make an exception to bury him in Arlington, the only confederate to be buried there.
he should be DNR.


Well-Known Member
i remember that..and when they enforced the 'no shirt, no shoes, no service'..people were indignant WTF? Mom: 'make sure everyone has shoes or you can't go in' (to the store).

I also know I pretty much quit smoking cigarettes when they got banned from restaurants here in Michigan. I miss going out for a few beers and smoking.


Well-Known Member
Peanuts compared to what hospitals are making with this virus.
No, hospitals are going broke due to covid. Losses in the US will be in the Billions.



Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, maybe Trump has stocks or donations or some other funding from the healthcare industry? Most countries who have lowered the curve have universal healthcare, but in the U.S, full hospitals is more money for the people at the top in that industry. Thoughts?
revenue building via plague? private hospitals would be the ones to benefit but i don't see this as a reason, he could do better with the Market and it would benefit all his billionaire buddies.


Well-Known Member
No, hospitals are going broke due to covid. Losses in the US will be in the Billions.

Interesting. After hearing about outrageous hospital bills from survivors I figured they were getting paid more somehow.