Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

All the hero's Trump, his minions and some red state governors/ legislatures threw under the bus along with their own citizens. The price of all of their lives was fear of a mean Trump tweet and a fanatical racist base in his thrall. Citizens lives in Trump's America are cheap indeed, just the fear of a mean tweet is enough, a fart in the wind is more substantial.
The more I think about it, maybe Trump has stocks or donations or some other funding from the healthcare industry? Most countries who have lowered the curve have universal healthcare, but in the U.S, full hospitals is more money for the people at the top in that industry. Thoughts?
Nope, not in the cards, the democrats are gonna destroy their industry anyway, this would add fuel to a fire that will burn them out. Single payer healthcare is coming, most likely a system similar to Canada or medicare for all etc, Covid has changed everything down south.
The more I think about it, maybe Trump has stocks or donations or some other funding from the healthcare industry? Most countries who have lowered the curve have universal healthcare, but in the U.S, full hospitals is more money for the people at the top in that industry. Thoughts?
Good point. I hadn’t thought about that.

I found it peculiar that the Trump family doesn’t seem concerned about how the virus is hurting the hotel business. The Kushners made $87 million last year. Peanuts compared to what hospitals are making with this virus.

I just figured they weren’t too concerned because they have their hands deep in the stimulant cookie jar.