Russet Mites?

Ever considered just doing coco or another hydro medium? All this organic stuff is way more confusing for me. I can use a meter and know exactly what I'm feeding if I'm questioning it I can run more nute solution thru the coco to get me set back right where I want it. I know some people are good at organics and swear it's easier, but how could it be easier than measuring out the exact amount of solution you need and adding it to the water, then use a meter to make sure it's right.

Glad to see your doing better with your plant. I too have hard time understanding why these lights seem to be easy to use for some and hard for others. I have been growing a long time and it gave me a lot of trouble. I work with a guy who runs his hlg at 75 degrees too, but he is way under powered like 250 watts in a 4x4. I think it's when you get real high intensity the issues start showing up if everything is not just right. Still don't really understand because with hid lights if you can keep your room cool it's hard to give the plants too much light. I've had up to 70+ watts per sq ft of hid without issue.

I still think the heat thing kinda makes the most sense, if you sit out in sun long enough even on 70 degree day your back starts to heat up, HID are the same way your hand will get warm if u leave it under there long enough. I don't believe LED light is that way, I sold mine or I'd hang it and check and see. I think it throws all that light down but the little bit if heat created goes to the heat sink then is radiated upwards. If leaves don't get warm enough they don't breath as much water out thus the plant drinks less which means it's uptaking less nutes.

As soon as I get my other flower room finished out I'm gonna buy the new growers choice 720 for my 5x5 tent and see if I can't figure out these LEDs. My thinking being I could use more lights and cool them with the same AC. Otherwise I'm gonna need 2 mini splits per room if I have to add more hid lights.

I would just rather have “organic” buds. I think I can do it only organic and have synthetics as a back up. Now that I know what had been going wrong, I think I can understand how to garden better organically. I think I would just have to keep on top of the microbiology: teas for twice a month, using LaB and IMO’s probably a much bigger volume of soil, Kashi, and malted barley. 5gal is pushing it for me seeing as I don’t have a lot of head room and scrogging is my only way of growing in it.
Bought a lumen reader to see if the light is too bright and the tallest top is at 20-21,000 Lumens. Not bad seeing as it’s on it’s lowest setting 22 inches away. She’ll be thirsty again tomorrow morning, this time she’ll just get micros (cal-mag, earth juice). Now that I know she wants more food I don’t want to lock the soil up since I have been feeding her everytime I water. I’m giver her 1.3-5 qts of water enough not to “overwater” and dry within two days. That was a suggestion I read with quantum boards, she’s definitely been drinking a lot more that way. When I gave her 2qts she wouldn’t dry out for 7 days. I think that also added to it being hungry.
Are there any nutes y’all recommend that’s not as bad but still delivers? Something a bit more natural? I’m using salts right now for crying out loud. I’m thinking of buying the fox farms trio. What do y’all recommend?
Are there any nutes y’all recommend that’s not as bad but still delivers? Something a bit more natural? I’m using salts right now for crying out loud. I’m thinking of buying the fox farms trio. What do y’all recommend?
the plant doesn't know if nitrogen came from organic or synthetic, it just gets it's N. organic takes time forstuff to break down into usable nutes. synth is readily available. Nutes are highly over rated. if you have a lttle time. listen to this
Does nobody else see these webs on the buds!

Looks like spider mites to me.

Haven’t read the whole thread though so sorry if it’s been mentioned before 93844C86-3E5F-47A4-B217-A27B7BC5EE87.png
Hey y’all I tossed the plant out. I’m going to start fresh and strictly follow a soil recipe. I really think it’s the board, maybe I received at not so great one. I’ll be starting a grow again on an easier to grow strain.

Just to let y’all know, the plant was not rootbound, there was still quite a bit of growing room. There was not root rot or pests. Temperature and RH were in the ok parameters not the best, but definitely nothing to cause deficiencies. I’m an amateur growing but damn this is complicated, maybe too complicated
Hey y’all I tossed the plant out. I’m going to start fresh and strictly follow a soil recipe. I really think it’s the board, maybe I received at not so great one. I’ll be starting a grow again on an easier to grow strain.

Just to let y’all know, the plant was not rootbound, there was still quite a bit of growing room. There was not root rot or pests. Temperature and RH were in the ok parameters not the best, but definitely nothing to cause deficiencies. I’m an amateur growing but damn this is complicated, maybe too complicated
Did someone tell you that you didnt have russet mites? I skipped to the last page. Ive dealt with russet/broad mites alot. Those first picture very well could have been.
Lol you sound like a parent. Yes 60-120x, but if you read the whole journal, you would see that the spots went away with synthetic nutrients and as well the other symptoms. So I ruled russet mites our.
I’m an amateur growing but damn this is complicated, maybe too complicated
nah , its just the organic part. use the fox farm trio and good soil and you cant go wrong.
I know you would rather stick to organic and im with you. I say make a batch of good soil like you said and use it on one girl and try just soil and the trio on another. One thing that would help is more plants with less veg. That makes their lifetime in that pot much shorter and in turn , easier to control. I HATE trying to flower bigger plants ....its just more difficult an takes longer for the same amount or less.
nah , its just the organic part. use the fox farm trio and good soil and you cant go wrong.
I know you would rather stick to organic and im with you. I say make a batch of good soil like you said and use it on one girl and try just soil and the trio on another. One thing that would help is more plants with less veg. That makes their lifetime in that pot much shorter and in turn , easier to control. I HATE trying to flower bigger plants ....its just more difficult an takes longer for the same amount or less.

hey dude I know it’s been a few months. Since then I have grown out 5 plants unfortunately they all were male. Good news is, is that I figured what went wrong with this last grow. I switched over to equal parts: Pumice, Worm Castings/Bu’s Dynamic Compost, and Spaghnum Peat Moss. I added like Oyster Shell Meal, Crab Meal, and Bio Live. And the plants grew fine. I think the soil I was using (above) was not well aerated at all. This new recipe mix holds water, drains, and breathes excellently. Also that new recipe mix was just in 1gal pots. I just wanted a simple mix to see which were male or female, in my case all males.Had there been a female it would have gone in coots recipe mix. What also helped out this time around was tracking Lux at different stages the growth phase which also helped out quite a bit. I chalk the problems above to Too Much Light and overwatering.
Grown with organic amendments and products. They grew exceptionally well.
Below are my 9lb hammer males


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