Russet Mites?

if you did alright with the same leds on a different strain then i have to guess she is just a super picky strain. Im at a loss brother. I hope to fuck the maxi crop gives her some umff. Ive had one single strain that picky my whole life and i still have it. Wont grow in veg and dont do very good in flower either. Its the best dope ive ever smoked hands down so were breeding it and all kinds of stuff to get back what she has givin us over the years besides a headache.
You prolly setup your first pc case around the time i left this site ...2010 ish. (everybody on here was doing them)
according to the light guys , your still "too cold" to grow proper. they wanna see 85. that makes zero sense in my world but it seems like they know more then me. I understand the whole leaf surface temp thing but that dont answer my question: Why can a HID grower lower temps by 8 degree and not have a problem but if a led guy is running 5 degrees low then its a HUGE problem. i dont get that at all. LST dont explain it either.

Are leds even worth the upfront cost yet? im not so sure anymore.
So leaves are starting to uncurl and pray while the green is starting to come out (It looks like it at least). It looks as if the plant has had a growth spurt. However there are some black spots on a couple of the leaf’s margins. I started a 3.5-4gal compost tea with about 1.5 cups of EWC and Compost, along with 1.5 tsp azomite. 2 tsp FAA 2/3tbsn alfalfa meal 2 tbsn kelp meal and 1.5 tbsn Blackstrapped molasses. All organic. The plant should be thirsty in 24 hrs. Temps are at 79+ when I wake up in the morning I might turn the brightness up. Anywho wish me luck.
Here’s hoping man. I’m just flabbergasted by those dark spots, they are different from the necrotic spots.

is there a chance that these were just bad seeds, that weren’t kept correctly. These are from Duke Diamond, a very reputable person, however they are “untested”
Here’s hoping man. I’m just flabbergasted by those dark spots, they are different from the necrotic spots.

is there a chance that these were just bad seeds, that weren’t kept correctly. These are from Duke Diamond, a very reputable person, however they are “untested”
No. That would be impossible. The genetics might be hard to run or even junk but its not from bad keeping of seeds.
Alright so it looks like the green is coming back, and the curling is starting to slow down, however I did t water it last night with the Tea, my moisture meter read that it was still really moist, however the humidity when down. I now realize it was because of the plant needing water. So I fed her this morning from the tea. I know it’s really looked down upon after 48hr. Even if there are dead microbes, there is still a hell of a lot of nutrients. I also did turn up the brightness all the way to achieve high leaf temperature. I believe this was a mistake. While the cabinet did get hotter. It looks like the curling increased. Also I have been reading elsewhere that the brightness shouldn’t be so high with vegging plants?

Here are my ideas: change the lights on time to be when it’s sunny outside. I can leave the AC off or at a higher temperature to keep the cabinet temperature up. Also I have put in a humidifier to up the RH. VPD (Vapor Pressure Depression) states with Temps at 82 Humidity should be at 70, which isn’t feasible. I can maybe get it up to 65, right now it’s at 55. Which brings me to my next point, I will be giving them a smaller amount of water. I read that they done need as much water as plants grown under HID. So instead of 1/2gal she got 1/4gal. I will be buying a lux Meter to see where it’s at so I can get a better idea. Also I need to email the company and see what they say. I bought these directly from HLG, so they aren’t knock offs. lastly I might trim down to where the screen is at. The stems holding the top are so thin and weak. It honestly breaks my heart. I don’t understand How the plant can get taller without strengthening its stems. I have read it’s a calcium problem. Maybe I should use cal-mag each time I water.

Or maybe I should start over with what I know and make a soil mix that is evenly balanced (I don’t like following rules and always think I know better). Lots is important lessons here. Btw this photo is from yesterday.


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she looks a FUCKTON better. obviously not what you want but still way better.
Dont get stuck in the vpd charts. Its a good thing to learn but not so important right now.
vegging plants dont "need" nearly as much light so you can raise it. I personally would. i think that will solve everything.
With the light being so strong , There are a couple ways to go about it: First would be to lower intensity , second would be to up the food. Im going to go back to growing dope 101 and go with more light= more food.
Im pretty firm in believeing them leds are stronger then hps. (except in the dead center)
Im also going to stick to full organic grows are , by far, the hardest way to grow.
So I raised it (the last 1" or so) all the way to the top and it's dimmed. It's also on another time schedule and will be on during the day, so it will heat up the cabinet. Before I dimmed it all the way it was at 81. She was thirsty today so I went ahead and fed her with the maxi crop plus Fulvex. Man i'm hoping she recovers fast. she looks a little worse than the last photo. I let her go a day too long without water and she looks a little less better. Man i feel like I can't catch a break with this plant. I emailed the company so hopefully I can get some suggestions on growing. I read in veg they need to be 24" from the light. I'm just waiting for the leaves to heal so i can switch to flowering. I think tomorrow I'm going to post on the LED section and try and get some info. I was following another grow and the temps were at 75 with the HLG and it looked magnificent. Man I'm lost. still learning though
she’s look waaaaaaaay better. I think she’s back hopefully for good. I’ll post some pics up later today. Thanks everyone for the help. This just may turn into a grow journal
i am 10000000% its the extra light needing extra food. Your microbes are just not supplying enough in my opinion. Ive had that happen many times under HID but im new to leds so i was questioning myself on your issue. not anymore. She needs more food no matter how she gets it. Thanks for updating us!
i am 10000000% its the extra light needing extra food. Your microbes are just not supplying enough in my opinion. Ive had that happen many times under HID but im new to leds so i was questioning myself on your issue. not anymore. She needs more food no matter how she gets it. Thanks for updating us!

it definitely needed more food you are right. I’m switching between the maxi grow and organic Fish Amino Acid. Like I haven’t given her plain water the past 4 waterings. Also giving less volume of water has worked very very well. I still want to give her some time before I switch the lights. It’s kind of crazy that I’m using synthetic nutes. I am Kind of a diehard organics dude. I’m going to have to start looking for synthetic bloom nutes then. I will be still intermittently be giving them organic nutrients though. next plant I grow will be 9lb hammer, which is supposed to be an easy strain to grow, then again so was C99.


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Ever considered just doing coco or another hydro medium? All this organic stuff is way more confusing for me. I can use a meter and know exactly what I'm feeding if I'm questioning it I can run more nute solution thru the coco to get me set back right where I want it. I know some people are good at organics and swear it's easier, but how could it be easier than measuring out the exact amount of solution you need and adding it to the water, then use a meter to make sure it's right.

Glad to see your doing better with your plant. I too have hard time understanding why these lights seem to be easy to use for some and hard for others. I have been growing a long time and it gave me a lot of trouble. I work with a guy who runs his hlg at 75 degrees too, but he is way under powered like 250 watts in a 4x4. I think it's when you get real high intensity the issues start showing up if everything is not just right. Still don't really understand because with hid lights if you can keep your room cool it's hard to give the plants too much light. I've had up to 70+ watts per sq ft of hid without issue.

I still think the heat thing kinda makes the most sense, if you sit out in sun long enough even on 70 degree day your back starts to heat up, HID are the same way your hand will get warm if u leave it under there long enough. I don't believe LED light is that way, I sold mine or I'd hang it and check and see. I think it throws all that light down but the little bit if heat created goes to the heat sink then is radiated upwards. If leaves don't get warm enough they don't breath as much water out thus the plant drinks less which means it's uptaking less nutes.

As soon as I get my other flower room finished out I'm gonna buy the new growers choice 720 for my 5x5 tent and see if I can't figure out these LEDs. My thinking being I could use more lights and cool them with the same AC. Otherwise I'm gonna need 2 mini splits per room if I have to add more hid lights.
i went from very very old methods in late 90's to diehard organic in mid 2000's ...... Learned a LOT but could never get them the right amounts of i use good soil , feed the soil but still use a few synthetics to get me by. FOR SURE going back to building my own mixes and full organics but not enough space for that rit now and i figure this time i will approach it with more knowledge and only do one at a time till i figure it out.
I can go grab a cut of 9lb right now but im not sure about it yet, my buddy says its fairly easy but dont like a lot of food. Take that info with a few hundred grains of salt because hes stuck in the ph world right now having issues.
Ever considered just doing coco or another hydro medium? All this organic stuff is way more confusing for me. I can use a meter and know exactly what I'm feeding if I'm questioning it I can run more nute solution thru the coco to get me set back right where I want it. I know some people are good at organics and swear it's easier, but how could it be easier than measuring out the exact amount of solution you need and adding it to the water, then use a meter to make sure it's right.
It is NOT easier at all. Sure , after you got it all figured out , it can be easier by only using non ph'ed regular water BUT getting to that point has taken me years to not get right. I could run hydro medium blindfolded.
Growing in soil just tastes way better in my opinion. The terps and smells just aint there with hydro. Now coco is kinda a wanna be soil. it tastes much better then water grown weed. IMO
Glad to see your doing better with your plant. I too have hard time understanding why these lights seem to be easy to use for some and hard for others. I have been growing a long time and it gave me a lot of trouble. I work with a guy who runs his hlg at 75 degrees too, but he is way under powered like 250 watts in a 4x4. I think it's when you get real high intensity the issues start showing up if everything is not just right. Still don't really understand because with hid lights if you can keep your room cool it's hard to give the plants too much light. I've had up to 70+ watts per sq ft of hid without issue.

I still think the heat thing kinda makes the most sense, if you sit out in sun long enough even on 70 degree day your back starts to heat up, HID are the same way your hand will get warm if u leave it under there long enough. I don't believe LED light is that way, I sold mine or I'd hang it and check and see. I think it throws all that light down but the little bit if heat created goes to the heat sink then is radiated upwards. If leaves don't get warm enough they don't breath as much water out thus the plant drinks less which means it's uptaking less nutes.
So , now im wondering if the guy with 250 in a 4x4 is getting ok yields ? im not talkin no 2-3 grams a watt...i just mean is the buds filling in and growing like they would under hps.....
All my theories are exactly what your saying.... that the amount of USABLE light going to the plant is much more then hps, meaning we would have to treat it as such....more food , co2 ect.....
If my theory is correct then the guy with 250 watts of real leds , not the junk ones, is doing ok and probably feeding 3/4 of what we would with hps. (prolly not getting super dense flowers but i bet if he knows what hes doing , its smokeable.....)
Im just thinking out loud an asking questions bongsmilie two dabs over the limit....oops.
Quality is okay little bit hairy almost looked fluffy but was dense when went to break it up, he has 4- 65 watt hlg fixtures. Said he only hits about 6-8 ounces. He scrogs one plant in that area.
That tells me what i suspected. So bottom line is 250 watts is doing a 4x4 and making buds. His ppfd numbers are probably 4 or 500. (what most hps guys think is too low)
So i think a 480 watt in a 4x4 is perfect and produces more light then a hps, thus lots of ol schools are having problems with "defs" when its really "too much light"
Now i just need to find the right strips to light up a 5x6..... im shooting for 600-750 watts tops. I may even have to dim them till i figure it out.