Interesting media bias chart...


Well-Known Member

Found this recently and found it really interesting! Notice how the bulk of the right wing news sources are generally more propaganda and less fact. There are some that are more fact based but you see a huge gap between them and the propaganda area whereas the left doing side still has some propaganda sites but nowhere near the right.
This sounds like Fake News! The study sure seems pretty biased to me. Did CNN sponsor that, lol.
Why because they don't only show Dear Leader approved clips of him?

Why not share some of the news sources you use? All you are really doing from what I have seen is posting dick pics and trolling for Trump. You started out seemingly being a real person but just have devolved into another in the endless line of trolls.
Why because they don't only show Dear Leader approved clips of him?

Why not share some of the news sources you use? All you are really doing from what I have seen is posting dick pics and trolling for Trump. You started out seemingly being a real person but just have devolved into another in the endless line of trolls.
[/QUO Your an ignorant troll
[/QUO Your an ignorant troll

But if you ever want to stop liking shitty posts from the real troll sock puppets and have a for real conversation like a human being, until you stop looking at the facts that I post in response to your pushing Dear Leaders lies he needs to get re-elected and cry like a Trump cultist, I am in.

I never claimed to not be a troll, but I am not a paid one. And I am an American trying to wake people up to what the shitty paid trolls are doing to our democracies, by trolling the trolls.
While all this banter is entertaining I was hoping for thoughts and discussion. It seems the ratio of truth vs propaganda is inverse along party lines. Why is the right wing so propagandized? I feel it's a huge factor in why it's so hard to have civil debate, one side is using facts while the other is using opinion based facts. It's really a tragedy and I think there should be some sort of law that prevents news organizations from "telling" the news instead of reporting it. I think anyone reporting news should be like "AP Reuters", just present the facts with no spin or bias and let the people form their own beliefs. It really is a huge problem that if fixed I think would help American society tremendously.
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While all this banter is entertaining I was hoping for thoughts and discussion. It seems the ratio of truth vs propaganda is inverse along party lines. Why is the right wing so propagandized? I feel it's a huge factor in why it's so hard to have civil debate, if one side is using facts while the other is using opinion based facts. It's really a tragedy and I think there should be some sort of law that prevents news organizations from "telling" the news instead of reporting it. I think anyone reporting news should be like "AP Reuters", just present the facts with no spin or bias and let the people form their own beliefs. It really is a huge problem that if fixed I think would help American society tremendously.
When I looked at the chart, I saw

a) no mention of propaganda, the y-axis was "reliability"
b) just as many unreliable sources on the left as the right.

Facts based news reporting is important, I agree. But it also requires a reader who can hold their bias long enough to accurately understand it. There is also nothing wrong with publishing opinion pieces. Finally, I would add that the attempt to weed out "unacceptable" sources of media is often a toxic prescription for a relatively mild disease.
While all this banter is entertaining I was hoping for thoughts and discussion. It seems the ratio of truth vs propaganda is inverse along party lines. Why is the right wing so propagandized? I feel it's a huge factor in why it's so hard to have civil debate, if one side is using facts while the other is using opinion based facts. It's really a tragedy and I think there should be some sort of law that prevents news organizations from "telling" the news instead of reporting it. I think anyone reporting news should be like "AP Reuters", just present the facts with no spin or bias and let the people form their own beliefs. It really is a huge problem that if fixed I think would help American society tremendously.

political science takes years to many do you have 'Well Known Member' who i don't know?
While all this banter is entertaining I was hoping for thoughts and discussion. It seems the ratio of truth vs propaganda is inverse along party lines. Why is the right wing so propagandized? I feel it's a huge factor in why it's so hard to have civil debate, if one side is using facts while the other is using opinion based facts. It's really a tragedy and I think there should be some sort of law that prevents news organizations from "telling" the news instead of reporting it. I think anyone reporting news should be like "AP Reuters", just present the facts with no spin or bias and let the people form their own beliefs. It really is a huge problem that if fixed I think would help American society tremendously.
I don't know who this guy is, but this blog post sums a lot of it up nicely:
1987-Reagan and Republicans allow the rise of Hate radio by having the FCC stop the fairness doctrine. Then in 1996 Fox News jumped on the air with a 24/7 news cycle of Republican slanted stories.

9/11/01 Was when the news stations really started to realize that people will stay glued to their news sources if there are disasters and the 24 hour news cycle of chaos was born.

Then as the internet started to become widely used, the right wing radicalized the evangelical and racists against 'the Democrats'. I noticed around 2006 was when the trolling was getting big, lots of conspiracies getting posted, and interest politics.

In 2008 Glenn Beck joins Fox and brings conspiracies to the TV and the rest of Fox is infected. Then Sarah Palin brought about the era of television ready political trolls masquerading as politicians in the Republican party.

Then a black man was elected as President of the United States of America and all hell broke loose in the Republican party. Giving us the Tea Party, Sinclair broadcasting purchasing cable news across the country, Koche Brothers spending millions to get political activists appointed to universities so that Republicans can bring in political trolls acting like experts to their hearings.

By 2012 internet data analysis starts to take on a life of it's own, and by 2014 the Edward Snowden landed in Russia with smuggled data files from the NSA and the Russians immediately start building fake news-looking websites to be their 'Russian Times' of American political left and right.

The major problem I think is that the news companies started getting pressure from owners to grow their advertising dollars and started chasing stories that had huge online views, not realizing that trolls were click farming and bumping the stories that they wanted to get pushed. Not realizing that they were acting as 'Useful Idiots' for the Russian attack on our democracy to get Trump elected.

Im just happy that the actual journalists and news stations are starting to understand how the attack was conducted. Finally, a decade after it started... I am hoping after Trump is no longer President and if the Democrats can win the House and Senate, the government can start to stop this continuing attack.

I would love if the news were no longer dependent on advertising dollars and that the politicians when sworn into office had to uphold a oath to not lie to the American public or be held accountable.
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When I looked at the chart, I saw

a) no mention of propaganda, the y-axis was "reliability"
b) just as many unreliable sources on the left as the right.

Facts based news reporting is important, I agree. But it also requires a reader who can hold their bias long enough to accurately understand it. There is also nothing wrong with publishing opinion pieces. Finally, I would add that the attempt to weed out "unacceptable" sources of media is often a toxic prescription for a relatively mild disease.
There is defiantly a gap in the right leaning news sources at the top of the origional fact reporting source material. But it is because of lack of audience anymore I am guessing. It is much easier for them to just cherry pick from the AP the stories that done screw up their narrative.
Screen Shot 2020-06-24 at 3.33.40 PM.png
I don't know who this guy is, but this blog post sums a lot of it up nicely:
1987-Reagan and Republicans allow the rise of Hate radio by having the FCC stop the fairness doctrine. Then in 1996 Fox News jumped on the air with a 24/7 news cycle of Republican slanted stories.

9/11/01 Was when the news stations really started to realize that people will stay glued to their news sources if there are disasters and the 24 hour news cycle of chaos was born.

Then as the internet started to become widely used, the right wing radicalized the evangelical and racists against 'the Democrats'. I noticed around 2006 was when the trolling was getting big, lots of conspiracies getting posted, and interest politics.

In 2008 Glenn Beck joins Fox and brings conspiracies to the TV and the rest of Fox is infected. Then Sarah Palin brought about the era of television ready political trolls masquerading as politicians in the Republican party.

Then a black man was elected as President of the United States of America and all hell broke loose in the Republican party. Giving us the Tea Party, Sinclair broadcasting purchasing cable news across the country, Koche Brothers spending millions to get political activists appointed to universities so that Republicans can bring in political trolls acting like experts to their hearings.

By 2012 internet data analysis starts to take on a life of it's own, and by 2014 the Edward Snowden landed in Russia with smuggled data files from the NSA and the Russians immediately start building fake news-looking websites to be their 'Russian Times' of American political left and right.

The major problem I think is that the news companies started getting pressure from owners to grow their advertising dollars and started chasing stories that had huge online views, not realizing that trolls were click farming and bumping the stories that they wanted to get pushed. Not realizing that they were acting as 'Useful Idiots' for the Russian attack on our democracy to get Trump elected.

Im just happy that the actual journalists and news stations are starting to understand how the attack was conducted. Finally, a decade after it started... I am hoping after Trump is no longer President and if the Democrats can win the House and Senate, the government can start to stop this continuing attack.

I would love if the news were no longer dependent on advertising dollars and that the politicians when sworn into office had to uphold a oath to not lie to the American public or be held accountable.

That was a pretty good article! Interesting how it has played out. While I buy into the thought of ad revenue fueling this problem with salicious bits getting the spotlight, I genuinely believe the main reason behind it was political.

After researching the fairness doctrine that the USA had in place it seems almost certain that is where everything went wrong. It looks like it was a concerted effort across the right wing to change the political discourse of the country or skew it in their favour. As a younger person I'm astonished things like this were allowed to take place. There's clearly a connection between how dysfunctional society has become when it comes to politics and the fairness act that was abolished. The hostility exhibited by both sides in regards to the other is clearly a result of the loss of the fairness act. Hopefully there comes a time when sanity will prevail and legislation will be enacted to correct that mistake.
That was a pretty good article! Interesting how it has played out. While I buy into the thought of ad revenue fueling this problem with salicious bits getting the spotlight, I genuinely believe the main reason behind it was political.

After researching the fairness doctrine that the USA had in place it seems almost certain that is where everything went wrong. It looks like it was a concerted effort across the right wing to change the political discourse of the country or skew it in their favour. As a younger person I'm astonished things like this were allowed to take place. There's clearly a connection between how dysfunctional society has become when it comes to politics and the fairness act that was abolished. The hostility exhibited by both sides in regards to the other is clearly a result of the loss of the fairness act. Hopefully there comes a time when sanity will prevail and legislation will be enacted to correct that mistake.
We didn't have internet back then, and only a few actual channels even (mostly especially in rural areas until well into the late 90's), communication was a lot slower, if that makes sense.

Imagine a time when you really only heard the President speak two or three times a year, and mostly only during the State of the Union address. People could talk about things without needing to turn it into politics.