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You neeed more of these.
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This guy/gal was at a client site yesterday. They didn't want it so I took it for IPM.

Since we were able to "solve" the venom snake size things I hope that's right bull snakes eat/outcompete rattlers? I took it for the pocket gophers, field mice and voles.
Field mice are only half the problem. You gotta eradicate the desk mice also. Otherwise the Central Rodent Agency will simply ... field more operatives, and with amazing speed.
Holy price gouging! Just went to order materials for a batch of super soil from Amazon....I was shocked. Worm castings are up to $40 for a 30 pound bag, from $30. Blood meal was up to $26, from $18. This is just in the past few months, 25% + price increases. Must be lots of new growers and/or some crazy shit
Well hell, I'll be finding a new source or doing something differently....My aero setup did very well....Maybe it's time for a change....ugh!
Are you able to start a worm bin? You need only some start up equipment, the worms and you get a sustainable source of beautiful black gold.
No shake; stand by for bake.
Shaded sensor is at 97 already.
The real insult is they sent the warning at 10:47 when the quake was detected at 10:40.

The epicenter is about 100 miles from me, so anything more than a minute after the event is not only useless but like having a friend yell DUCK when you’re already wiping ballistic dessert off your face. (rhymes with duck) you.
I ran over a garter snake basking in the sun on a trail once. There were people on my ass so I couldn't avoid it without causing a pileup... and I hate snakes. Also had a chipmunk run right out in front of me while at full speed. Not sure if I hit him, but I hope I didn't.
I was carving up some corners on my motorcycle and right when I hit the apex of a tight corner a ground squirrel ran out in the road. I thought for sure I was going sliding on the asphalt (ashphalt) if I hit it with my front tire. I somehow missed it, but it took awhile to get the seat out of my ass cheeks.
I was carving up some corners on my motorcycle and right when I hit the apex of a tight corner a ground squirrel ran out in the road. I thought for sure I was going sliding on the asphalt (ashphalt) if I hit it with my front tire. I somehow missed it, but it took awhile to get the seat out of my ass cheeks.
I’ve hit two dogs, first one on a Honda 360 at about 20mph I still have some nasty scares from that. Second was on my ‘72 FLH at around midnight at about 70mph caught it’s head with the right running board and folded it like a taco and bruised my foot for a couple weeks.