Highly likely. The perception of quality is usually down to marketing and they have dominated that space it seems. I want accurate readings so will just do the in thing. Thanks for your answer.Just make sure you know what the three calibration points are for your PH pen and you can use any solutions. However, with the DS meter i believe you have to use there calibration solution due to the calibration set point. Personally i felt that the blue lab pens where over priced. If maintained properly you can use vivosun pens and get just as accurate results. Less than 20 bucks on amazon for both PH and DS pens.
Any brand works. I love the one i bought a month ago.
Choice.Any brand works. I love the one i bought a month ago.
Highly likely. The perception of quality is usually down to marketing and they have dominated that space it seems. I want accurate readings so will just do the in thing. Thanks for your answer.
Nice one Cinco. The amount of people saying this tipped me in that direction. Just anxious about fucking up with the maintenance and wrecking expensive equipment but it'll be fine after getting used to it. Thanks for the reply.I thought the cheap pH meters were good enough too until I bought a Bluelab combo. My pen was off, unpredictably, even after calibration. No thanks.
Bluelab meter was best growing investment I’ve made.
As mentioned you can use any ph 4 and 7 solution.