How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke

I get the picture in my head of half baked when reading about dude "cleaning his garbage...... ever suck some dick for marijuana? apparently if someone would risk smoking garbage moldy low quality weed, i'm sure someone would take a shot in the mouth lol jizzoint :spew:
So today I checked the weed I had put to dry, which by the way, I was drying with fans to make it quick and not get mold again, and even though it was dry, I found inside the buds it had newly growing mold :( so I trashed everything :( life sucks, water curing, peroxyde, don't work.
So today I checked the weed I had put to dry, which by the way, I was drying with fans to make it quick and not get mold again, and even though it was dry, I found inside the buds it had newly growing mold :( so I trashed everything :( life sucks, water curing, peroxyde, don't work.

Look at it this way... you've learned something. You now understand that maintaining a proper environment is crucial for all aspects of the plant's life, from seedling to product. Prevention is the best defense for things like this.

We've all learned a thing or two from the School of Hard Knocks.
So today I checked the weed I had put to dry, which by the way, I was drying with fans to make it quick and not get mold again, and even though it was dry, I found inside the buds it had newly growing mold :( so I trashed everything :( life sucks, water curing, peroxyde, don't work.
I’m sorry, it sucks. But be glad you didn’t smoke it. Better luck next time
How did the water look after the wash?

Good to hear you won't be risking health smoking it.
But good on ya for going through the effort to clean it up and gain some experience.
I'm thinking I'll wash my next go even if it's good. Or at least one branch from each girl to play it safe.
How did the water look after the wash?

Good to hear you won't be risking health smoking it.
But good on ya for going through the effort to clean it up and gain some experience.
I'm thinking I'll wash my next go even if it's good. Or at least one branch from each girl to play it safe.
Well, maybe I made a mistake. I've read that you have to keep it in the water for weeks and just keep changing the water. I only did so for 24 hours, but initially doing the H2O2 bath which by the way I did for about 2 hours instead of a few minutes. The water did not look 100% clean but almost, it was slightly yellowish.
I feel so bad because I could have told my idiot brother to just cut half of the plant. Like I said, my mind went crazy due to the corona emergency, I actually had to escape Nepal in a UK rescue flight, so my mind was very busy on more important stuff. Also, I failed to clone the damn thing, nothing worked. The only thing I haven't tried is an actual cloning kit. Would that actually improve my chances, or cloning is just a PITA? I even used clonex without results.
Yeah, lots going on, it's easy to get behind on grow maintenance.
I was thinking of the peroxide dip rinse dry process to remove foliar sprays from veg.
Plants don't wait for anything!
I find myself counting weeks/months ahead to schedule chops for off busy weeks. Like not during Christmas or during final exams.
Always keep clones or mothers to keep going for the long haul.
It's worth the effort.
Great weed once is great.
But great weed forever is well, better.
Good luck on your next round.
Hopefully seeds are available to you in your part of the world.
Is this mold or just the remnants of spider mites? I tried to keep 2 plants alive in my furnace room but they got mites. Lucky for me it warmed up and i found some ladybirds to eat the mites.IMG_20200516_004656.jpg