Latest (Last) Version Subcool Super Soil Recipe


Well-Known Member
This version of Subcool's super soil does not seem to be widespread but I assume it is his latest revision of the recipe. I found it at:

Has anyone used this paticular super soil blend and any comments about your experience with it would be appreciated.
  • 8 1.5 cubic foot organic soil (Roots Organic preferred)
  • 33+ lbs Earth Worm Castings
  • 2.5 lbs Fish Bone Meal
  • 2.5 lbs Bone Meal
  • 5 lbs High Phosphorus Bat Guano
  • 5 lbs Blood Meal
  • 5 Cups Oyster Shell
  • 3 Cups Kelp Meal
  • 3 Cups Alfalfa Meal
  • 3/4 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 Cup Dolomite Lime
  • 2 Cup Azomite
  • 2Tbsp Powdered Humic Acid
This is the older version...does not have fish bone meal, alalfa, kelp, oyster shell. Also, no rock phosphate in the new version.

8 1.5 cu. ft. Bag Large bags of a high-quality organic potting soil with coco fiber and mycorrhizae
25 - 50 Pounds Earthworm castings
5 Pounds Steamed bone meal
5 Pounds Bloom bat guano
5 Pounds Blood meal
3 Pounds Rock phosphate
3/4 Cup Epsom salts
1/2 Cup Sweet lime (dolomite)
1/2 Cup Azomite (trace elements)
2 Tbsp Humic acid (powdered)
I have used all the ingredients but didn't want to wait for a long cook so I cut out the meals bc they burned the shit out everything. Its a big N kick, the meals I mean, but I just used another source of N...namely composted manure from Home Despot. Worked good for me.
I agree 100% with Dannyboy602 about the meals; use them sparingly. Just good ole rotten cow poop is amazing. Worm castings are probably THE best but geez they're expensive - but I still use them.
I'm running Ayahuasca Purple & Kosher Kush with this soil now. I mixed it in a forty gallon tub and stirred it daily for about 10 days and let it sit for 60 days.

I'm about at the end of 4th week of flower with slight nutrient burn and no deficiencies so far. I'll see how it goes from here.

I have other soils I'll be growing with too: Tanasi Super Soil, The Rev's Living Soil, and Coot's Mix. Hopefully, one of these will take me all of the way thru flower without deficiencies. From what I've been reading, Coot's Mix might be the winner.
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This version of Subcool's super soil does not seem to be widespread but I assume it is his latest revision of the recipe. I found it at:

Has anyone used this paticular super soil blend and any comments about your experience with it would be appreciated.
  • 8 1.5 cubic foot organic soil (Roots Organic preferred)
  • 33+ lbs Earth Worm Castings
  • 2.5 lbs Fish Bone Meal
  • 2.5 lbs Bone Meal
  • 5 lbs High Phosphorus Bat Guano
  • 5 lbs Blood Meal
  • 5 Cups Oyster Shell
  • 3 Cups Kelp Meal
  • 3 Cups Alfalfa Meal
  • 3/4 cup Epsom Salt
  • 1 Cup Dolomite Lime
  • 2 Cup Azomite
  • 2Tbsp Powdered Humic Acid
Do you have the NPK’s on those ingredients by any chance? I know dolomite, humic, oyster shells, & epsom don’t have any but I know the fish bone meal was a specific 3-16-0 npk
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Do you have the NPK’s on those ingredients by any chance? I know dolomite, humic, oyster shells, & epsom don’t have any but I know the fish bone meal was a specific 3-16-0 npk
yes, here it is: The P in the seabird guano seems pretty high. I think you should use a guano like a 7-3-1 instead. I used the one below without paying attention, but it doesn't appear to be a problem so far.

Fish Bone Meal3-16-0
Bone Meal4-12-0
Blood Meal12-0-0
Seabird Guano00-11-00
Kelp Meal1-0.5-2
Alfalfa Meal2.5-.5-2.5
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yes, here it is: The P in the seabird guano seems pretty high. I think you should use a guano like a 7-3-1 instead. I used the one below without paying attention, but it doesn't appear to be a problem so far.

Fish Bone Meal3-16-0
Bone Meal4-12-0
Blood Meal12-0-0
Seabird Guano00-11-00
Kelp Meal1-0.5-2
Alfalfa Meal2.5-.5-2.5

I use the sea bird and love it tbh
I use the sea bird and love it tbh
Old thread but I concur on the super high P guano. I use Happy Frog Cavern Culture which is 1-12-0. I mix it in my soil recipe that cooks for two months. The bottom third of my pot gets full blown hot soil, the second third gets 3:1 mixture of Fox Farms Cultivation Nation 70/30 to Hot soil, and top top third is just more 70/30 amended with Gaia Green 4-4-4. The amount of Gaia is dependent on how tough the strain is during its baby stages. If my flowers seem a little light by week 5 I top dress with the Cavern Culture at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 2 gallons of totala pot capacity. In two weeks, if they're not tip burning, I hit them at 1 TBS per gallon biweekly until ripening is complete. The get Compost tea with microbes and fungi once a week the whole run with nothing but pH'd water for the rest of the time. Steady pull 2.5 to 3 a light with the last rendition of Dave's recipe. Rest in peace nugbuckets and thank you for EVERYTHING. You were an excellent grower and a good friend. Who would have thought that when I began this journey a decade ago that you would be gone now. Thank you for being kind to me when others were not just because I was a noob. May Mizz Jill sit on bucket full of syphallitic dicks and have crotch rot for the rest of her days.